Kang Ying doesn't know that after meeting Xu Kai in the elevator, there are so many follow-up matters.

In fact, even if Kang Ying knew it, she would only say what she deserved.

Kang Ying has never been in favor of Xu Kai, a man who does not respect women. She says that being light is frivolous, and that being heavy is sexual harassment in the workplace or in life.

Depending on his wealth and power, the other party thinks that women in the world should submit to him or be used by him, and does not respect women at all. If such a man has a chance, Kang Ying will also meet one by one.

After signing the house purchase contract with a Huang, a Huang said that his cousin Wang zetao was already going through the resignation procedures.

After finishing the business, Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan relaxed and began to play in Hong Kong.

In fact, Kang Ying is a little familiar with the streets and alleys of Hong Kong. In her previous life, she lived alone. In her spare time, she liked to be a backpacker and travel alone.

A mobile phone, a credit card, a backpack, all over the world.

At that time, she was safe, fluent in foreign languages, rich and had no family to worry about, so she always took advantage of all her spare time to relax.

In this life, she looks beautiful and has money in her hand, but there is a man who can give her safety, which is enough for her to carry a backpack all over the world.

Hong Kong, because of its unique geographical location and good shopping environment, is the first choice for Kang Ying to relax. From time to time, Hong Kong comes here to replenish cosmetics, clothes, jewelry and luggage. Who makes Hong Kong the fashion capital.

In her last life, Kang Ying went all over the streets of Hong Kong. In addition, there is a unique food culture here. She likes it very much.

Therefore, she took Shi Jiangyuan to the scenic spots she was familiar with without any trace. Of course, it was different from some places in her memory. For example, there used to be a fish and egg seller here, which was very famous on the Internet, but of course it hasn't appeared yet.

So after realizing this mistake, Kang Ying chose those places with good reputation and the title of a century old shop.

Sure enough, this move is right. Those century old stores are still there and will continue to the future.

Shi Jiangyuan was also very keen and asked Kang Ying casually, "why do you seem to be familiar with the streets and alleys here“

Also, who let Kang Ying go exactly?

With a smile, Kang Ying took out a map of Hong Kong's scenic spots and said, "haven't I seen the map? I've done my homework in advance these days. "

Shi Jiangyuan took over the map and doubled it. When he saw that it was marked in great detail with red pen, he could not help muttering:

"Who said that girls have no sense of direction and geography is not good? In my opinion, you are not that kind of person at all. You are a living map.

OK, I can rest assured that you will be responsible for the next trip to Hong Kong. "

Shi Jiangyuan is also happy to be a shopkeeper.

Kang Ying took Shi Jiangyuan to eat fish eggs and Shacha noodles. Fortunately, Shi Jiangyuan can be described as a combination of North and South genes. He is used to eating both sides of the food. He doesn't think these food tastes light, but praises them.

Kang Ying, who has a boyfriend who is also a gourmet, thinks it's also very good. They eat delicious food together and visit beautiful scenery together. It's really beautiful.

Looking back on her new arrival in the world, she lies in the hospital, hovering on the edge of life and death. The original owner died later, so she was able to take the opportunity to invade. Kang Ying sighs. Sure enough, women's fate depends on her own. Don't be influenced by others.

Through her own struggle, she successfully divorced, developed her career, found her beloved man, and walked out of a different realm in her life.

If she is the same as the original work, and after she recovers from illness, she goes back to Fu's home and continues to be a slave of their family, how can she imagine the rich and leisure life of holding hundreds of real estate in her hands and enjoying herself all over the world?

However, this is only the beginning. Kang Ying's goal is even more ambitious.

She is in charge of the future economic structure of the world. She was a successful businessman in her previous life. Even when she was exploring the economic trend at that time, she could find a way to success in chaos.

Not to mention now, we have a clear understanding of the whole world economic structure.

But Kang Ying also knows that money can't be earned. It's time to have a rest. It's best to use her life to travel all over the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Kang Ying said to Jiang Yuan, "why don't we rent a yacht to go fishing tomorrow?"

"Yes, but I can't drive a yacht." Shijiang is a bit ashamed.

"It's OK. We can rent the whole boat with the pilot. Ask ah Huang to arrange for us. He's an intermediary. He knows many people, so he must have contacts in this area. " Kang Ying said.

When Jiang Yuan felt reasonable, he and Kang Ying took a taxi to a Huang's agency.

As soon as ah Huang saw that his gold owner was coming, he didn't know how good his attitude was. Knowing their intention, he said:

"No problem. It's all up to me. Even if you want to buy a yacht, I can help you."

When Jiang Yuan said with a smile: "it's not necessary to buy a yacht. We don't come out several times a year. Isn't the yacht still in the wind and rain?"

Ah Huang said with a smile, "yes, you are right. I'll ask for your help. There was a customer who happened to be a yacht company. By the way, his father is Zhao Chuanwang. Have you ever heard of him? "“ Of course, I've heard about the reputation of Zhao Chuanwang. " Think about the cableway. He asked ah Huang to help him inquire about Xu Kai's background, but when he knew that Xu Kai and Zhao Chuanwang were going to cooperate on a project, he didn't know about calling Zhao Chuanwang. So ah Huang didn't know that he knew Zhao Chuanwang, or he wouldn't talk about Zhao Chuanwang in a conspicuous way“ Oh, the one who runs the yacht company is Zhao Er Shao, the youngest son of Zhao Chuanwang. He is excellent. Although he has a big family and a big career, he is modest and polite. Although we are just ordinary agents, he always treats us with courtesy every time he sees us. Unlike many snobbish people nowadays, he always looks down on people when he has some money. " Ah Huang is far away“ Oh, since he is the son of Zhao Chuanwang, how can he come out and start a yacht leasing company? " When Jiang Yuan asked curiously“ Ah, rich people, they are all out to practice? Zhao Er Shao just graduated from university last year. His family thought he had no work experience, so they set up another company to let him practice. So this is a rich man! In the end, ah Huang did not forget to sigh again. When Kang Ying saw Jiang Yuan chatting with him, he said with a smile, "as an intermediary, don't you want to buy two houses yourself? If you have a house, you may have a chance to turn over in the future. The price of the house will go up! "