By the way, do you mean all the original buildings need to be demolished? It seems that it's only been built for a few years. It's very new. It's a pity. " Said the fat man.

"Yes, it's all down." Shijiang never hesitated.

I'm joking. If I don't tear it down completely, how can I stand up to Qiu Shiming's pains?

The fat man rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "OK, I called the excavator and hook machine to push the house and lay the foundation. It will be finished in half a month."

Kang Ying said: "do not rush, quality and quantity, follow the law of building materials."

There must be time for the cement to set. The fat man said that he would build the house in a month. He dares to hurry up, but Kang Ying still dares not live!

The fat man nodded, took out the big brick mobile phone, made a phone call, yelled at the phone, and soon, the motorcade came here.

Now it seems that the big brick mobile phone is the most in line with the temperament of a fat man, and when he calls, the domineering side leak and the proud look on his face perfectly explain the size and domineering of this mobile phone, which is not against the rules at all.

Kang Ying had emptied the house before, and gave all the useless things to the villagers. Of course, there was nothing good, because the village head had emptied the house when he was going to leave, leaving behind all the things that he couldn't take to the city, such as some cupboards, old wooden tables and chairs, etc.

But these things are very practical in the village. An old wooden table and chair, if solid, can last ten or eight years, and can be handed down for decades.

But the villagers are quite content. After all, they are not relatives. They are willing to give these things to you, which has taken a great advantage.

It's not difficult to demolish a house. For the fat people with modern machinery, it's just a matter of moving the hook machine.

He took more than 20 workers with him, all of whom were skilled hands. When he arrived at the scene, they were all very busy.

The roar of bulldozers and the drilling sound of hookers resounded throughout the village. The villagers were curious to gather here to watch the excitement. No one in the village has built a house so lively, and large machinery has been used. Who is not hiring a few small workers, mainly relying on manual work?

As a result, everyone was surprised to see that Kang Ying was going to overthrow the old house of the village head and rebuild it.

They had already known that Kang Ying had bought the village head's old house. They thought Kang Ying was going to live directly in it. At most, they would plaster it. After all, the village head's house has been built for less than five years and is still very new!

The location of the village head's house is good and the geomancy is good. Although everyone is greedy, they don't have so much cash on hand. Seeing that Kang Ying bought it, the villagers still secretly envy it. Unexpectedly, Kang Ying didn't even live and overthrew the big house.

After everyone gossiped, they all felt that Kang Ying seemed to have more money than they thought.

Building a new house is a lifelong dream of the villagers. Kang Ying realized it in his early 20s.

Seeing that the villagers looked envious, Kang Ying stretched out her head and looked at the excitement, and said to the villagers:

"Uncles and aunts, you can see what these demolished building materials need. Although you can take them back, I need to use new building materials to build my house here. These are useless."

The villagers are very happy to hear Kang Ying say that. These useless bricks, tiles and stones are precious to them.

In particular, the original fir beam of the big house didn't even have a wormhole, so it was possible to make furniture with it.

For a time, the debris that Kang Ying regarded as construction waste was carried clean by the villagers as soon as it was removed, and even the cleaning was saved.

People in the countryside are just like this. They are reluctant to give up anything they can use. Even if the broken bricks and tiles are piled under the eaves of their houses, they will be valuable in the future.

The captain of the fat man project, after commanding Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan, introduces himself to Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan. His surname is Tang Jiahui, and he is from the first construction company of the city. This time, the office and dormitory buildings of ningheng science and Technology Association are also undertaken by them. Therefore, they are very familiar with ningheng, and the implication makes them feel at ease.

Kang Ying said that he would sign a project contract with them. Tang Jia would wave his hand and say no, what kind of contract would he sign? wait and see.

It seems that Ning Heng wants to give them a great favor.

But Kang Ying knew Ning Heng's character and didn't want to take advantage of it. He didn't want to be vague with him

"It's better to sign it. The start date, the end date, the wages of the workers and so on. Let's discuss and have a constitution."

Tang Jia's meeting with Kang Ying was serious, so he had to go to the lonely house with them and sit down to negotiate.

When Kang Ying makes tea for him, Jiang Yuan takes out a pen and paper, hands a contract to Tang Jia and says:

"We drafted it yesterday. Can you see? If you have any suggestions, we will increase or decrease it. "

Tang Jiahui took over the contract. Although he was chubby and seemingly honest, he was naturally an old hand who could spend so long on the construction site.

On a serious look, he found that this is a very favorable contract for them. The wages of the workers are paid weekly, and the salary is twice as high as that of working in the city. If the project is completed on time, there will be rewards, but at the same time, it is not advocated to complete the project ahead of time.

Tang Jia would smile and say, "no problem, no problem. With such a high salary, everyone must be very enthusiastic. In addition, I have seen the design renderings. They are really very powerful. I heard that you asked an American designer to design them? How can the American know how to design this kind of Chinese style courtyard“ Oh, he's my classmate. He's Chinese. He just works in the United States, and now he's back home. " The river is far away“ I see. It's our own people. I think how can the foreign devils design such a good house! Ha ha, our leaders said that they would take this house for this year's Luban Award. To tell you the truth, even if you don't have such a high salary, we will keep improving and do it seriously. " Fat people are so straightforward, it is estimated that Ning Heng is the reason for their relatives“ You can build me a century old house. " Kang Ying said, "in terms of building materials, you can put forward any requirements." In the south, spring is humid and cold, which is more difficult than winter. Kang Ying also designed floor heating in this kind of house, which is similar to the earthworm in ancient imperial palace. There is no natural gas, and it mainly depends on water heated by electricity. Originally, there was a cheaper way of heating, burning anthracite. Yangxia town in Lu county is the main production area of anthracite, which is good in quality and cheap in price. However, it is afraid that burning anthracite will lead to carbon dioxide poisoning. In addition, the construction team in the South may not have much experience in guiding smoke pipes. In case of coal burning poisoning, it will not be beautiful.