Tian Xi said with a smile: "don't you think about it, 20 million. When can we make it? With money, isn't it the same everywhere in the United States and at home?

What's more, we've all got the green cards here. If we don't work well there, we can come back here, and we won't lose anything. It's a big deal. Let's look for a new job.

But if you go back, you will have a chance to be a boss. What if you succeed?

Now there are many opportunities to do real estate in China. I felt deeply when I went home that time. "

In fact, Tian Xi had been brainwashed by Kang Ying for a long time, and she was not very satisfied with her present life.

In the eyes of the people in China, they now have a house and a car, and they have already led an immortal life.

However, only when I lived in the United States did I know that owning a house and a car is just a standard accessory for ordinary Americans.

Houses like them are only of ordinary design in the United States, and the community is not the safest community. Occasionally, thieves break into the house and steal, which rarely happens in the rich areas.

And their cars are just two Japanese cars, unlike the American's Big Ben and BMW, or even some more expensive sports cars.

But because they have to provide housing loans, support the elderly and educate their children, they can't change their cars at present.

In the United States, with their ability, they need to struggle for more than ten years in the industry before they can get a higher salary. But that kind of salary is also a visible increase.

Now, with an annual income of 50000 US dollars, I have been struggling for more than ten years, and it is estimated that my annual income is about 100000 US dollars. Next, I will face the high tuition fees for my children to go to college, and my own pension problems

As a high-end talent who graduated from excellent universities in China, Tian Xi is certainly not satisfied with such a life.

What's more, Shi Jiangyuan didn't let them go to the remote Lu county. It was prosperous Shanghai. The living environment there was no worse than that in the United States, and even better than here.

After all, the United States has a vast land and few people. In the mouth of foreign students, it is a big country. On the contrary, it is a domestic city. It is more lively than here, which makes Chinese people who like to be lively adapt to it.

Tian Xi has a woman's intuition and is influenced by Kang Ying for a long time. He makes a faster decision than Qiu Shiming.

It has to be said that sometimes women's intuition is more accurate than men's decision.

With Tian Xi's efforts, Qiu Shiming finally made up his mind. Of course, out of self-esteem, he didn't call Shi Jiangyuan back until the next afternoon.

When Jiang Yuan received his call, he was naturally very happy, but also a little nervous, for fear of being rejected by Qiu Shiming.

After all, living in the United States is what everyone yearns for now. Everyone thinks that going abroad means going to heaven. When you go abroad, you can enjoy the superior living resources of foreigners.

His old classmate got a green card there, and he made a phone call to ask others to uproot and return home. He didn't know what the other party thought? Maybe he was too arrogant to destroy their happy life abroad.

Of course, Shi Jiangyuan is also influenced by Kang Ying. He holds the idea that today's era is the best. Only by seizing the opportunity to meet the tide of the times can he completely realize the reversal of life.

Life in foreign countries is stagnant, the class is solidified, the local people are not necessarily friendly to the alien race, and their work and life can not make waves. But in China, it is booming

Before Shi Jiangyuan could finish his words of persuasion, he heard Qiu Shiming say on the other end of the phone:

"Jiang Yuan, after careful consideration, I also discussed with Tian Xi. She expressed her willingness to support my work, and I am willing to accept your offer."

When Jiang Yuan was happy, he almost threw away his mobile phone and said, "that's great. When will you be able to return home? The sooner the better

"I have to go through the resignation procedures. It's very troublesome. It's estimated that it will take ten days and a half months." Qiu Shiming“ I'm in no hurry. After going through the procedure, I'm waiting for approval. However, I can leave during this approval period. Tian Xi is not so fast because it's still related to the transfer of her children. She will return to China next year. "

After careful discussion, Qiu Shiming and his wife made the decision that they should keep Tian Xi's job on Wall Street first, so that their children can continue to go to school here, learn more English and be influenced by the language environment here. Otherwise, when they come back to China, there will be no language environment, and children will easily forget it.

Their husband and wife have to sacrifice some to become a migrant couple, so they can advance or retreat, attack or defend. They think this is the best plan.

Of course, there must be sacrifice, that is, the life style of their husband and wife has changed completely.

However, Tian Xi's analysis said: for an old man and wife who have been married for five or six years, separation may be another mode for the spark of love to continue to burn.

The daily life of everyday life, has been unable to stimulate the waves of their emotional life, and now the thought of separation, the kind of reluctant feeling let her find the sweetness of love.

Tian Xi may have been thoroughly brainwashed by Kang Ying. She thinks it's good to go back to China to start a business, so she always chooses the right side to say that Qiu Shiming is dizzy by his wife, and agrees with her idea that parting is better than getting married. Of course, he didn't have to talk to Shi Jiangyuan about this. Shi Jiangyuan was very happy as long as he could come and said, "OK, then we'll wait for you in Shanghai." When Jiang Yuan tells Kang Ying that Qiu Shiming has agreed to be the boss, Kang Ying only feels relieved. It seems that he has done a lot of "brainwashing" work for Tian Xi in the early stage, which is still very effective... As a real estate company, of course, he has to have his own office space and recruit staff, so Kang Ying advertises in the newspaper. Because of the generous salary price, it naturally attracted many candidates. When Jiang Yuan and Kang Ying rented the conference room of the hotel as the interview office, they selected and eliminated one by one. Finally, before Qiu Shiming returned home, they settled the framework of the basic members of the company. Considering that Qiu Shiming is a married and mature man, Shi Jiangyuan specially recruited a male secretary for him. So as not to worry about Tian Xi on the other side of the ocean. When Jiang Yuan told Kang Ying about the idea, Kang Ying couldn't help laughing, but agreed with him: "it's the details of life. You think about it very well. After all, there are all kinds of possibilities and uncertain temptations for two people to separate. If we want to be the fusion agent of their love, we can't break up the happy family as the killer of their family." For the convenience of office, Shi Jiangyuan chose to rent a residential building in Pudong as the office space, and made a transition for the time being.