Kang Ying was very moved and said, "OK, I'll go to the mountains and make an appointment with the tea farmers. Then I'll drive to the provincial capital to meet you."

On hearing this, Professor Guo quickly said, "no, no, we need to take the shuttle bus to get down. We don't have to be in any trouble. And there will be more people coming down. It will be more convenient to take the shuttle bus at that time. If it is convenient for you to meet us at the station, you can take us up the mountain. "

Professor Guo has been to Guanshan village once. He knows that the mountain road there is rugged and there is no bus. If students are allowed to walk by themselves, they can't walk for a day or a night? He made this request.

Kang Ying said: "that's OK. No problem. I'll find a minibus to meet you at the station. I'll contact you later."

"Good." Professor Guo felt that Kang Ying's work was reliable, so he put down the phone.

Between Kang Ying and Professor Guo, when Jiang Yuan had already washed the bowl, he was wiping his hands and came back. He saw Kang Ying put down the phone and said, "how about it? How was the conversation? "

"Very good, Professor Guo is still as usual. It's so pleasant to talk to her." Kang Ying said with emotion, "the more knowledgeable people are, the more they can put on airs."

Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan went to Guanshan village the next day. Because of the dual drive, the jeep is still easy to use.

Shijiangyuan skillfully drove around the mountain road, and in less than 40 minutes, he drove to the door of Xia Dashan, the Secretary of Guanshan village.

The vines of xiadashan's family have grown new vines, dense green leaves, and covered the grape trellis above the yard.

Kang Ying said with emotion: "the grapes are green again. When we came here last year, we still had fruit."

Hearing their voices, Xia Dashan came out of the room and saw that it was Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan. He quickly came up to greet them.

Kang Ying saw that Xia Da's spirit was better than that of the last time she met, and she looked bright and confident.

With the income of tea, xiadashan gained the respect of the villagers, and this branch secretary began to be very interesting.

Now that the village cadres have changed, there are still tea farmers in the village scrambling to do it, which is in sharp contrast to the situation that no one had to do it before.

As soon as he saw Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan, Xia Dashan burst into chrysanthemums with a smile: "how long have you two not come to the village? I thought you forgot about us? "

Kang Ying said with a smile: "how dare I forget you? I often call to ask about the management of your tea garden. You know more about tea production than I do. "

"Hey, I just want to report to you. Since you said that we should take good care of the tea garden and ensure the quality of the tea, the old soil in the duck shed and chicken shed in the village has been hollowed out, and all of them have been put on the mountain to fertilize the tea.

What's more, the fat in the pigsty, which is usually disliked by everyone, has also been pulled out by everyone. Did you pay attention to the tea garden when you came down just now? The tea leaves are thick and green, aren't they

Xia Dashan's face is like a tribute.

"Yes, I have noticed. With this kind of tea, this year's spring tea is of better quality than the last one. " Kang Ying praised.

"That's natural. Everyone is looking forward to a good price. It's hard to think about 30000 yuan per kilogram, but we still think that there is hope for 70 or 80 yuan per kilogram."

Xia Dashan's eyes are full of expectations.

"By the way, didn't I tell you to invite Professor Guo from the tea Department of Agricultural University to give technical guidance? I've already contacted her. She said she could come at any time, but are we tea farmers free? "

"Yes, even when we are making tea, we have time to listen to the professor's guidance while making tea. Isn't it faster to make progress?" Xia Dashan said, "you can't listen to the theories in those books. If you can get guidance while making tea, they will understand."

"Professor Guo said that it's OK to come at any time during this period of time. He also said that he would bring some students down to practice. Is there a place to live in our village?" Kang Ying asked.

Guanshan village is dozens of kilometers away from the county seat. It's impossible to take all the students back to live in the county seat every day, isn't it?

According to Professor Guo's temperament, if she stayed in a hotel in the county, she would have to pay for it herself. That would be another expense. Kang Ying wanted to save it for her.

Xia Dashan said with a smile: "how can there be no place? I can live in my home. There are also two empty classrooms in the village primary school. I'll ask someone to clean them up and make some bunks. The boys and girls live separately and let Professor Guo live here."

Xia Dashan's arrangement was clear. Kang Ying nodded and said, "OK, it's more convenient to live in the school. There's tap water, a toilet, and the bathroom where the teacher usually takes a bath, right?"

"There is a bathroom, but it is relatively simple. There is no water heater. You can only burn hot water in the kitchen and then bring water in to wash." Xiada mountain road.

In fact, it's also a common way to take a bath in the countryside, even in the city. At least 60% or 70% of people don't have a special bathroom. They take a bath after their own door is closed. It's very advanced to have a bathroom.

"I'll donate a set of water heaters." As soon as Kang Ying heard this, it was an urgent life problem.

The students in the city love to be clean. After a day's work in the mountains, what they want most is to have a nice hot bath. Kang Ying is a person who is obsessed with personal hygiene and can understand that feeling“ This is not good, right? It's going to cost you. " Xia Dashan hesitated. He would like to say that we should use village money to solve the problem. After all, we should install a water heater for the teachers. The teachers in the village originally disliked the high mountains, the remote location and the poor conditions. If we can install a water heater, we can make the teachers feel more comfortable. However, the village wealth of Guanshan village is not much. If it had not been for a tea king competition and some income, it would have been empty all the time. Now we have to take out hundreds of pieces to install a water heater, which will definitely be stopped by village cadres. Kang Ying said: "you don't have to worry about this. I pull an electric water heater from the mall. Don't burn gas. Gas is not safe. Besides, it's very difficult to carry gas here all the way."“ That's true. Last winter, there was a retired bank cadre in our village who died of gas poisoning because of burning a gas water heater. It's a pity that he only came back one year after retirement. His pension is very high. He can get more than 200 yuan a month. " Xia Dashan said with regret. In rural areas, there is no pension at all, so they don't have to do anything every month. In their eyes, a white-collar retired cadre with a salary of 200 yuan, which is higher than the normal working salary, is a mobile Treasury. Besides, if you really want to use a gas-fired water heater, once the gas is burned out, you have to go down the mountain to replace it in the county seat. The gas tank has to be tied to a motorcycle, and you have to hire someone to carry it. The cost is not small. Xia Dashan thinks it can't be burned either.