Luo Mu Xin turns to see Kang Ying and smiles at her faintly. It seems that there is no embarrassing thing happened in the jewelry store before. Of course, Kang Ying smiles politely.

Kang Ying thought it was enough to laugh, but Luo Muxin said, "Hello, I didn't expect to see you again today."

This is Mr. Murong's birthday party, which is also Kang Ying's home. Mr. Murong specially invited her to attend this birthday party to rectify her name.

From the eyes that Luo Muxin cares about Shijiang yuan, Kang Ying of course knows Luo Muxin's mind.

Kang Ying noticed that Luo Muxin was wearing a low-key green jade necklace around her neck today. The pendant on it was plump. It seems that Luo's family is also of great wealth.

But Kang Ying immediately thought of what Murong had said. He said that he wanted Shi Jiangyuan to find a suitable one. Otherwise, if he wanted money and power, what kind of daughter couldn't be found? Kang Ying felt confident.

Although she is not arrogant, she doesn't need to be humble and polite in the face of such a woman who is eyeing her boyfriend

"My grandfather Murong invited me."

After listening to Kang Ying's words, Luo Muxin's sense of superiority did not continue in front of her, and even seemed to be lost.

What does Mr. Murong tell Kang Ying to attend his birthday party? It shows that Mr. Murong has admitted that Kang Ying is shijiangyuan's girlfriend.

At that time, the family respected Mr. Murong. With the approval of Mr. Murong himself, there would be nothing wrong with outsiders. Luo Muxin is not a fool. When he heard Kang Ying's words, he tasted the endless meaning behind, and his face turned pale.

"Moxin? It's you. When did you come back from America? "

Just then, Cui Huixian's voice sounded behind them.

Looking at Cui Huixian, Luo Muxin put on a friendly smile and said, "aunt Cui, I came back not long ago!"

"Ah, you are so filial. You come back to visit your relatives every year." Cui Huixian boasted.

"Ha ha, I'm not going to visit my relatives this time. I plan to settle down in China in the future, so I won't go out." Romo's heart is the same.

"Ah? Don't your parents want you to stay in America? Do you really want to come back? " Cui Huixian was surprised.

Luo Mu Xin can't help but resent her parents. Before things are settled, she tells the world that she wants to live in the United States.

In fact, her life in the United States is not smooth. Of course, language and culture are not a problem. It's just that Luo Mu Xin has a slight habit of cleanliness and hates the hairiness of foreigners and their different body odor from Chinese people.

Maybe it's because foreigners eat more meat, so they have a thick body smell, which she can't stand.

Back home, nothing else, she just felt that there was a fresh fragrance all around her, which was much more comfortable than that she often had to hold her breath and endure the peculiar smell when she was abroad.

And now in her view, the domestic market is full of waste, which is a good time to start a business, so she has a strong idea of returning home.

It has to be said that Luo Muxin has his own unique insight and vision in this aspect after foreign experience, otherwise Jiang Yuan would not have been able to talk with her at the beginning.

Seeing Cui Huixian and Luo Muxin chatting, Kang Ying smiles and politely listens to their conversation.

When Cui Huixian was hot, she extended the topic and took the initiative to introduce: "Muxin, have you seen Xiaokang? She's Jiang Yuan's girlfriend. "

"Oh, we've met each other. We met by chance outside before. It's really fate."

Luo Muxin takes the initiative to be generous.

Because she felt that if she didn't say it, Kang Ying would say it. It's better for her to say it first and win the initiative.

But in fact, Kang Ying did not mention it to Cui Huixian, so Cui Huixian saw that they had already dealt with each other before. She didn't know what was going on and thought it was a gathering of friends, so she said happily:

"That's very good. Kang Ying doesn't have any friends in Beijing. She just knows a few more people so that she can take care of each other in the future."

Luo Mu Xin smiles and estimates that he really can't make real friends with Kang Ying. Who can make them have a common love for a man?

But Luo Muxin knows that Shi Jiangyuan is always very careful about choosing his girlfriend. If he doesn't really like her, he won't take a girl home and call her his girlfriend.

Now it seems that Shi Jiangyuan is really interested in Kang Ying, and the whole family recognizes Kang Ying.

Luo Muxin can't help feeling a little bitter. She feels that she lost a lot of important things when she went abroad. The most important thing is Shi Jiangyuan.

"Oh, Huixian, how lively you are

Just then, another person joined their chat.

Kang Ying is very familiar with this voice, but Ding Qing is surprised to find that this person is actually Wu Xin, Liang Ying's mother.

The reason why Kang Ying knows Wu Xin is that last time Wu Xin's mother was lost, Kang Ying happened to meet her. She took her home for dinner and sent her to the police station. They met a family eager to find the old lady at the police station, and Wu Xin was among them.

At that time, because she was Liang Ying's mother, Wu Xin left a deep impression on Kang Ying. It is said that Wu Xin has taken over the position of second uncle Zhao Shihong. For a woman, to be able to sit in this position is also a successful career woman. Wu Xin's face was not arrogant, but still kept the peace and kindness she had seen in LV county. At the thought that Wu Xin is from Lu County, Kang Ying immediately understands that Cui Huixian is also from Lu County, and the two must have some common ground. Therefore, such a big event as Murong's birthday party must invite Wu Xin to attend. No wonder he will meet her. Every time she sees Wu Xin, Kang Ying always feels that Liang Ying is wrongly held? Because there is little resemblance between her and Wu Xin, no matter in appearance, character and character. Kang Ying feels that Wu Xin seems to be hoodwinked by her daughter. Maybe in front of Wu Xin, Liang Ying is a very good girl. She volunteered to go back to LV county to take care of her sick grandmother. She also knows how to start a business and manage a big shopping mall. But as far as Kang Ying knows, the financial situation of Huanyu where Liang Ying is now in is very bad, and Liang Ying is struggling to repay the loan almost every month. In fact, Liang Ying is not good at management, and her staff are rebellious and alienated. There are many employees who work hard and say strange things, and many of them just talk but don't work hard. These are all reported to Kang Ying by Guan Xiao after hearing about them. Of course, Liang Ying is to blame. Kang Ying doesn't have to tell Wu Xin about these. They are not familiar with each other. Besides, any mother will believe that her children are in the majority, and will not believe an outsider who rashly speaks ill of her daughter after meeting her twice.