Diao Chan and Zhao Shihong thought over and over again in their hearts. They couldn't ask a word, so they just shut up.

In fact, it's better for the two of them to solve this kind of problem by themselves. The more outsiders get involved, the more chaotic they become.

Finally Diao Chan said, "I'm going to make up a piece of news. Please send me to the TV station."

This place is not far from the TV station, so Shijiang yuan drove to the gate of the TV station.

When she got out of the car, Diao Chan almost ran away. In fact, she didn't have any news to make up. Since she was on leave today, there was nothing about her on the stage.

But the atmosphere in the car was too depressing. She knew that she had to give Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying a space to be alone, so she found an excuse to leave first.

Zhao Shihong saw Diao Chan run away. He was more embarrassed by himself, so he said, "I have to go to work. Brother yuan, please send me to work."

When Jiang Yuan was driving, he sent Zhao Shihong to his work place.

Zhao Shihong also fled.

Only Shijiang yuan and Kang Ying are left in the car.

What Kang Ying wanted to say, for a moment, he didn't know where to start.

When she looked at Jiang Yuan's face, she seemed still angry? She is not angry. What is Shijiang yuan angry about?

"Come on, I'll take you shopping." It took Shijiang a long time to open his mouth, and he drove to Yansha department store.

Kang Ying knows that this is the most advanced department store in Beijing. A piece of clothing costs tens of thousands of yuan, but it's not easy to brush his mind

"Haven't we bought it before? I've bought a lot. It's enough. Don't buy any more. "

But Shi Jiangyuan didn't listen to him and went into Yansha department store. This time, Shi Jiangyuan was just buying like crazy.

In addition, Kang Ying is tall and slim. She is a walking hanger, so no matter what clothes she wears, she looks good.

Shi Jiangyuan was not polite. He asked the salesperson to pack it up. Finally, he swiped the card and saw that it cost 58000 yuan.

Kang Ying felt that she had bought too much, but Shi Jiangyuan didn't care about it. He said, "just look good on you!"

Kang Ying can't help laughing. Is that how he dotes on his girlfriend? Or an apology to her?

Seeing Shi Jiangyuan's serious attitude, she can't laugh. Kang Ying is inexplicably angry. Although she has bought so many things for her, she doesn't feel happy at all.

Because she doesn't need Shijiang yuan to express her guilt in this way of impulse shopping. She needs him to say it.

When Jiang foresight, she suddenly look a little sad, then know her heart is not happy. Finally, I couldn't help asking her:

"Why aren't you happy?"

Kang Ying said, "I'm not happy because you bought so many things for me for no reason."

"I, I, I don't want to make you happy?" Shi Jiangyuan explained in embarrassment.

Kang Ying now understood that Shijiang yuan wanted to make up for her grievance over Lao Hu.

Kang Ying shook his head and said, "it's not necessary. I didn't feel wronged about boss Hu.

Boss Hu's own vision is not broad enough and his knowledge is too shallow. That's his personal reason. Don't pay for his personal reason. It's really unnecessary for you to do so. "

Shi Jiangyuan drooped his head, then went to the car and opened the door. He didn't know where he found a box of cigarettes and a lighter.

He took a cigarette out of his cigarette box and lit it with a lighter. Then, a man quietly went to the curb, sat down and smoked.

This is the first time Kang Ying sees him smoking in front of him. He looks depressed and unhappy.

Kang Ying's heart softened. Her psychological age was much older than that of Shi Jiang. Was she bullying him just now?

"My words make you unhappy?" Kang Ying sat down beside him and asked in a soft voice.

"No, I'm not good enough. Let me have a cigarette and calm down!"

Kang Ying thought about it and respected his decision. She just reached out and smoked a cigarette from his cigarette box. Then she grabbed his lighter and silently accompanied him to smoke by the side of the road.

However, when Kang Ying just took a puff, he still couldn't help it. He took the cigarette out of his mouth, threw it on the ground and stamped it out with his feet.

Kang Ying said, "don't you want to smoke and calm down? Why don't you smoke again? "

Shijiang yuan was embarrassed and said, "I don't want you to smoke secondhand cigarettes with me!"

Kang Ying can't help laughing. This is where Shi Jiangyuan is a gentleman. Even if he is angry, he still cares about Kang Ying's feelings.

"It's OK to smoke a second-hand cigarette once in a while. There's nothing we can't talk about. " Kang Ying said, "just like you asked Lao Hu to help us introduce the house, it's also a kind intention. Who knows that Lao Hu brought in his own experience and judgment and gave us a bad experience. Do you blame him? I'm sure I won't blame you. If I blame you, I'm too naive! "

When Jiang Yuan embarrassed way: "see you wronged, I am angry with myself."“ You've come to this problem again. I don't feel aggrieved. In the future, there will be more such things in the shopping mall. Everything in the shopping mall is nothing more than profit maximization. As long as it doesn't hurt us and doesn't take him seriously, besides, this building has been bought. " Kang Ying said. At this time, Shijiang yuan also realized that even if the love relationship was confirmed, the sweetness of love would be filled with sand. The sweeter it is, the more painful it is when the sand touches people. He introduced Lao Hu's starting point. Although it was all for Kang Ying's good, the effect was not satisfactory, and Kang Ying was wronged in vain. But after being comforted by Kang Ying, Shi Jiangyuan's face becomes clear. Kang Ying knows that he wants to be open. Kang Ying said to Shijiang yuan, "didn't you say you were going to Beidaihe to see your grandfather?" Shi Jiangyuan nodded and said, "yes, let's go tomorrow morning." Kang Ying agreed. When Shi Jiangyuan came home, he and his family said that they would go to Beidaihe with Kang Ying to see their grandfather. Cui Huixian raised her hands and said, "your grandfather has long said that he wanted you to see him, but in the past, he wanted you to see him, and he felt very shameless, because all the guys who live with him are full of children and grandchildren. What about you? You're a big or small guy who doesn't even have a girlfriend. If you go to other people and ask, how shameless he is. Now that you have a girlfriend, he wants you to go and see him quickly so as to show off. " Shi Jiang couldn't help wiping the sweat on his forehead. He didn't know it. It turned out that he hadn't found a girlfriend for so many years, which caused so much trouble to his family, even his grandfather. This is really... He doesn't understand the old man's mind at all. However, it's no use even if he knows about it. If he doesn't meet the right person, he won't hurt himself in order to make his grandfather happy.