As soon as Kang Ying heard that both of them were senior intellectuals with high literacy and did not dare to neglect them, she quickly introduced herself and said:

"My name is Kang Ying. I'm a native of Lu county. Now I'm running a shopping mall. I'm very honored to meet you."

Kang Ying's speech is neither humble nor overbearing, decent and generous, and she is so beautiful that it is easy to win everyone's favor.

After a long flight, Qiu Shiming's parents are in good health and in good spirits. Seeing Shi Jiangyuan, they happily say that they haven't seen him for many years. The younger he is, the more handsome he is. They also congratulate Shi Jiangyuan on finding such a beautiful girlfriend as Kang Ying.

In terms of appearance, Kang Ying is indeed impeccable, but in terms of identity and occupation, Qiu Shiming and his family feel that Kang Ying is not worthy of Shi Jiangyuan.

However, Qiu Shiming lives abroad after all. Although he cares about his family background, he is still open-minded. Moreover, his relationship with Shi Jiangyuan makes it impossible for him to show this kind of emotion.

Although Qiu Shiming's son Qiu Liangliang is only three years old, he is lively and lovely. When he sees Kang Ying, his eyes brighten and he calls beautiful aunt. Then he runs up to hold Kang Ying.

Kang Ying lowered himself and let him hug him.

Qiu Liangliang is chubby, soft and cute, with snow-white skin. He was hugged by Kang Ying and said happily:

"Beautiful aunt, you smell so good. I like you so much!"

The innocent words made everyone laugh.

Kang Ying said, "Auntie likes you too. You are so cute."

"Come on, let's get in the car." The river is far away.

Because there were seven people, Xu Shiming and his parents finally took Shi Jiangyuan's car. Tian Xi and Qiu Liangliang took Kang Ying's car. Because Qiu Liangliang especially liked Kang Ying and insisted on taking the same car with him, the adult had to fulfill his wish.

After driving away, Kang Ying finds that Tian Xi is not a special introvert or extrovert. He has questions and answers.

Kang Ying estimates that this has something to do with her professional habits. Even if she knows her identity, she will not miss the opportunity to consult her.

Along the way, Kang Ying asked about the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ growth enterprise market.

Tian Xi is a little surprised that Kang Ying, a girl from a small county, can understand these things. In the process of talking with Kang Ying, she can't help changing her view of Kang Ying.

She originally thought that Shi Jiangyuan took a fancy to Kang Ying because of her beautiful skin. Now she finds that Kang Ying has a knowledgeable heart.

No wonder Shi Jiangyuan falls in love with Kang Ying. Such a girl with connotation and appearance is rare in China. I don't know how many people will flock to her. Shi Jiangyuan really finds treasure.

Tian Xi doesn't have any privacy. She shares with Kang Ying all the latest developments in the international market she knows.

Kang Ying's dream is broader. She asks Tian Xi what kind of procedures he should go through if he wants to register an overseas company?

Tian Xi knows something about this, because there are often some big customers who use this method to legally avoid taxes.

After Kang Ying learned about it, she felt that the procedure she had learned about in her previous life was similar, so she nodded. In the future, she would like to get a lot of technical support from the international community and break the technical barriers and blockades abroad. It is better to register a company abroad to facilitate the purchase.

The two had a good talk. Kang Ying had a lot of information about the international financial industry, and the journey was boring. Before she knew it, she came to LV county.

Shi Jiangyuan told Qiu Shiming that they should be arranged in their own courtyard and their rooms have been cleaned up. If they are not used to living, it doesn't matter. Send them to the hotel.

Whether at home or abroad, inviting friends to stay at home is a sign of intimacy, indicating the closeness of their relationship.

As soon as Qiu Shiming saw that his solitary home was clean and elegant, he was very happy

"We come here just to forget our love for the mountains and rivers. Why do we stay in a hotel? How nice to live here? "

Other people in the family also said they like it here. When Xu Liangliang heard that he could live with his beautiful aunt, he clapped his hands happily.

Seeing that they were willing to stay, Jiang Yuan began to unload all the luggage from the car and put them in their respective rooms.

When he entered the room that Jiang Yuan arranged for him, Xu Mingliang saw that although there was only one bed, one table and one chair in the room, it was very simple, but it was clean, simple and practical.

After setting up the luggage, Kang Ying first made tea for them under the osmanthus tree, and then began to prepare dinner.

Although it was only 3:00 p.m., the stewed duck had to be cooked in advance.

Kang Ying opened the refrigerator and saw the ingredients prepared by Aunt Zhang, so she thought of the menu for tonight, that is, stir fried chicken with ginger, stewed duck soup and cooked salty rice.

Kang Ying considered that they came from big cities and would not be short of life. If they came from the countryside, they would have to go with a large pot of braised pork.

But for Qiu Shiming's family, it's too greasy to eat braised pork at night, so it's easy to eat one dish, one soup and one meal.

Kang Ying asks Qiu Shiming if his family has a diet to avoid. Qiu Shiming said casually, there is no taboo, Kang Ying just concentrate on busy. Seeing Kang Ying washing her hands to make soup with her apron on, Qiu Shiming can't help admiring him. He tells Shi Jiangyuan that he has found a good wife and mother. Shi Jiangyuan said with a smile that Kang Ying has run a large shopping mall in the county and is planning to build an industrial park here. After hearing Shi Jiangyuan's introduction, Qiu Shiming's only feeling is that Shi Jiangyuan really loves Kang Ying. He and Shi Jiangyuan have been friends for a long time. When he knows that Shi Jiangyuan is not a boaster, there is no need to show off. However, when Shi Jiangyuan talks about Kang Ying at this time, his eyebrows do show off. Qiu Shiming can see that Shi Jiang is far from showing off his girlfriend's abilities and assets, but is proud that she is his girlfriend. Qiu Shiming couldn't help laughing to himself. It turned out that when the young master was talking about love, he was also so sentimental. Many of their classmates are worried that Shijiang yuan is cold-blooded, whether he can't find a partner in his life. I didn't expect that their worries were superfluous. It was just that Shijiang yuan hadn't met the right person before. Qiu Shiming can't help thinking of his classmate Mu Xin in New York. When he was in college, Mu Xin pursued Shi Jiangyuan wholeheartedly, but after four years, he didn't succeed. So Qiu Shiming said casually, "before I came back from New York, I saw moxin at the art exhibition. Now moxin has held an independent art exhibition and has become a star in the art world of New York. Some critics are optimistic about her." When Jiang Yuan heard the name of Mu Xin, his face was still light, and he didn't feel it at all. It was quite different from mentioning Kang Ying.