"You are too stupid. Why can't you cooperate with him all the time? Your fingers should be put in this position to mobilize and reflect the rhythm and beauty of your body! "

"Why are you so rigid? The waist and limbs are too stiff. I can't do it. Let's do it a hundred times over again. "

Coach iron face ruthless, again and again reprimand, the students dare not slack off, cold weather, sweat again and again.

Kang Ying and Diao Chan watched for a while. After the initial running in, the coach asked them to dance a well rehearsed dance.

With the sound of music, their young limbs move with the music, neat and neat.

After watching them dance a dance, Kang Ying and Diao Chan feel that they can't find anything wrong, but the coach is very dissatisfied and points out one by one:

"Your eyes are not right, your eyes are not right, when you look at the camera, your eyes don't feel.

You know, you not only appear on the stage, far away from the audience, the audience can't see your face, do you think it's OK to coordinate your body movements?

No, no, you have to have eyes, to have an expression, to use your passion! Do you know?

Passion must be in your eyes, in your face

The coach spoke very fast in English and seemed very excited. Translation follows translation on the side.

The students nodded frequently if they understood.

Kang Ying thinks that this group will mainly appear on the TV screen in the future. It's OK to only look at the body, but if the eyes are empty and the face is expressionless, I'm afraid it can't stimulate the enthusiasm of the audience.

Kang Ying said to Diao Chan: "this coach is really powerful. It's right."

Diao Chan said with a smile: "can it not be powerful? I don't know who dug it up. I invited him from outside, but it took nine cows and two tigers. "

Kang Ying gave her a thumbs up!

OK, with Diao Chan as a good partner, she is really here for leisure when she runs this company.

After March, Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan set foot on the plane to Shanghai.

Kang Ying didn't go back to LV county. Now the operation of friendship store only needs to be stable. After an electrical appliance store is on the right track, there are not many chores left to Guan Xiao. Kang Ying's most important thing is to turn the money into cash and build a dream valley.

Along with Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan, there are also three guards in Shanghai. The three have asked for a public holiday, which is a private act.

They are all the guardians who always follow Mr. Murong. They are loyal, reliable and agile. With them, they are like an extra insurance barrier. They can rest assured.

The main reason is that the amount of money involved is too large, otherwise Shijiang yuan would not easily use his grandfather's protection.

Apart from my grandfather, no one in my family dares to use this guard force, but now they are taking a public holiday. They are private and have nothing to do with business.

With them around, the aura of their body is enough to scare off all the curfew people. Fortunately, there are no various surveillance video systems. Even if some curfew people dare to attack them, the skills of these guards are not boastful. It's nothing to do with them, and they won't leave any video information, This is why Kang Ying dared to let Shi Jiangyuan use this armed force.

The three guards, one named Zhang, one named Liu and one named Li, are common surnames. Although they are on a private trip this time, they are also shouldering important tasks. All three of them have changed their casual clothes and put on ordinary clothes. It seems that they are more capable than ordinary people, and their breath is not too different.

Five people got on the plane to Shanghai together, and they sat on either side of the plane. Kang Ying felt very down-to-earth on the plane or during the journey.

The plane arrived in Shanghai smoothly. Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan took two taxis, two of which were escorted by them. The other one took another taxi with his luggage. The two taxis went all the way to their new house in Shanghai.

The guards are obviously knowledgeable. They are not surprised that Shi Jiangyuan has a house in Shanghai. They observe the environment and say that they can buy three marching beds and put them in the living room.

Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan went to the shopping mall and bought not only a camp bed, but also a heater to ensure their comfort.

Then Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan discussed that it's better to rent a car, preferably a minivan, for the convenience of travel. Now they carry the boxes of stock certificates without attracting people's attention.

Shi Jiangyuan thought this was more secure, so he agreed. Although he has the power to use in Shanghai, Shijiang yuan doesn't want to use it because he doesn't want to attract unnecessary attention.

Once that kind of power is used, people will pay attention to his whereabouts in Shanghai, and it is easy to find out his current assets.

As a result, he had Kang Ying's ID card and paid a deposit to rent a Chang'an van for 100 yuan a day.

Kang Ying saw that the cab of the truck was very spacious. It was divided into front and back rows. It was just enough for five people. The car behind was closed. The car was also equipped with a crossbeam type heavy lock, so it would not be easily pried. It could ensure the safety of the trunk.

Kang Ying is very satisfied, so he and Shi Jiangyuan drive the truck into the community where they live, and ask the three people to make a camp bed and put up the heater so as not to be cold at night. This suite has three bedrooms. Kang Ying used to live in the master bedroom, while Shi Jiangyuan lives in another side bedroom. Another side bedroom is small and full of suitcases for stock certificates. Kang Ying originally wanted to let the master bedroom out for the guards to live in, but they resolutely refused. It was also troublesome to move the master bedroom's bed. If she didn't move it out, she couldn't put three marching beds. In the end, they put the camp bed in the living room. Anyway, it was just a sleeping space. After a few days, Kang Ying had to agree. On their first day in Shanghai, Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan took them to get familiar with the route environment, and then invited them to the hotel for dinner. These three people are relatively silent and do not speak much, which is also a habit of their long-term career, but they are very respectful to Shi Jiangyuan and all obey him. After eating, Kang Ying went to the market to buy a lot of food materials, ready to cook by herself the next day. Now they don't live in and out of the community, and the five people's goals are too big, which will inevitably attract other people's attention. The life of five people unfolds step by step. Kang Ying thinks that the most right thing she did last time was to buy this suite. Otherwise, the five people were walking in and out of the hotel and carrying boxes, which was a direct reminder to others: come and rob me!