Ruoyue bit her lower lip and said, "even if that woman wants to, shishao likes her. She has to get the consent of Shijia people, doesn't she? This woman is still a stranger. It's still a question whether her registered permanent residence can enter the capital

"That's what I'm saying. With the ability of the Shi family, as long as she marries the girl, she's afraid that her registered permanent residence won't be able to enter the capital?" The thin girl said mercilessly.

If the moon's expression withered, but still mouth hard way: "that also depends on who smile to the last? What's more, you are just guessing. No one can say whether that woman is qualified to marry into the family or not! "

See if month has been hard, people also guess she to river far moved heart, on the contrary not good say what, a few people hey hey a smile scattered.

When Jiang Yuan and Kang Ying did not know that after they left, there was another one in the hotel.

It's no wonder that ruoyue and Xiao are far away from each other, because in this age, girls have a stable formal job, which is very respectable.

Although he is a waiter, in ruoyue's opinion, he is also an upright employee of state-owned enterprises, no worse than anyone outside. Moreover, she is not ugly. She is a native of Beijing. She can barely match a shijiangyuan.

If Yue falls into a deep meditation after people leave, she remembers that Kang Ying lives in room 1208. It's a very large double room, which is divided into master bedroom and side bedroom. It's clear that Kang Ying is the only one who lives alone. Why don't she open such a big room?

In the morning, little help Kang Ying didn't come out after she came into the house. What did they do when they were in there for so long

In fact, she didn't know that Shi Jiangyuan was used to taking care of Kang Ying. Every time he went out, he would take delicious food as his primary goal. Wangjing hotel is very familiar with him, so he knew that only such a side bedroom room could face the street. The scenery was better, so he opened such a room.

When Jiang Yuan and Kang Ying arrive at the entrance of the Hutong where they live, Jiang Yuan begins to introduce his life to Kang Ying.

For example, the primary school he went to was the place where he went to primary school, and the middle school he went to was two stops away from here. There is a Chinese toon tree at the entrance of the hutongkou. Every spring, they would go up and rub the Chinese toon to eat

Kang Ying listened with great interest and outlined in her mind the various situations of Shijiang yuan's life when she was a child.

When two people enter the lane, Kang Ying sees that the lane is spacious and clean. It seems that there is a special person taking care of it. It is different from some ordinary lanes. There are no idle people going in and out here.

Occasionally, there are passers-by, as if they all know Shijiang yuan, and they all greet each other.

Those people are also curious about Kang Ying and look at her with great interest, but their eyes will turn away when they stay on her for two seconds at most, showing their high quality.

Kang Ying also vaguely sees that there seems to be some other hidden security forces in this alley. There are monitoring probes on trees and power poles that can't be seen from outside

Shi Jiangyuan didn't specially introduce Kang Ying to the people who lived in the Hutong. Their family was in the middle of the Hutong, and their appearance was quite ordinary.

But when you enter the yard, Kang Ying knows that Shi's family is really not an ordinary family. The whole courtyard is not big, but there is something else in it. Shi Jiangyuan introduces that there are three ways to enter the yard. He lives with his parents and grandfather.

Because of the snow yesterday, the first into the yard, the trees are hung with ice, the sun, it looks bright, especially good-looking.

The water surface of a rockery pool in the yard was frozen to pieces. A middle-aged woman who looked like a nanny was smashing the ice with a shovel.

When Jiang Yuan saw it, he asked, "Aunt Zhang, what are you doing?"

"Well, the tortoise didn't know when to hide under the rockery yesterday. It's so good. It's frozen under the water. I have to break a hole to let it come out!"

Aunt Zhang, the nanny, said calmly.

"Shall I help you?" Asked Shijiang yuan.

"No, no, it'll be ready in a minute." Aunt Zhang raised her eyes when she saw Kang Ying, and asked Shi Jiangyuan with a smile, "is this the girl that Dr. Cui said she would come to eat at home? How handsome you are

"Hello, Aunt Zhang!" Kang Ying quickly and politely said hello.

Looking at the attitude of Shi Jiangyuan and Aunt Zhang, we can see that the nanny should have been working in Shi's home for many years.

"Hello, Hello, come in. It's cold outside." Aunt Zhang was very kind to Kang Ying.

Shi Jiangyuan thinks that Aunt Zhang has changed her mind in front of Kang Ying today. When he strolls around the house, Aunt Zhang has been watching him with vigilance, for fear that he might damage something at home, which makes him very depressed.

Kang Ying and Shi Jiang Yuan go into the house. Sure enough, a stream of heat comes to her face. Kang Ying feels much more comfortable. It's the body of the southerner who likes the warm temperature.

Cui Huixian had already heard the news. She came out of the kitchen in a hurry and said, "Kang Ying, you are here. I just heard Jiang Yuan talk about last night. It's really frightening. How can you not take good care of you, this smelly boy?"

Kang Ying immediately waved her hand and said, "aunt Cui, don't say that. I'm so grown-up. I didn't pay attention. I have to thank Jiang Yuan and Shihong for saving me."

"Oh, you are so generous. I said, "Jiang Yuan, don't go to such trouble making places in the future!" Cui Huixian again used her eyes to gouge out Shi Jiangyuan. When Jiang Yuan felt that the sweat on his forehead was about to burst out, he quickly said, "I won't go. I won't go any more. I'm sure I won't go!" Seeing her son's sincere attitude, Cui Huixian let her go. The main reason is that she has to save face for her son in front of Kang Ying. Otherwise, her son will be too weak. Cui Huixian quickly asked Kang Ying to sit down, then took out seasonal fruit snacks, such as winter dates, persimmons and peanuts, and enthusiastically let Kang Ying eat them. Then she turned on the TV and said, "sit and chat for a while. I'll go to the kitchen quickly. The soup is boiling and I'm going to cut." When Kang Ying heard that Cui Huixian was cooking herself again, she was a little uneasy and said, "let me help you."“ No, no, you're the guest today. You're welcome. " Cui Huixian said, "you went through that again last night. You're still in shock. You'd better sit down, eat some fruit, watch TV and relax." Seeing Cui Huixian's resolute attitude, Kang Ying did not insist. After Cui Huixian left, she looked at the layout of the living room. I found that the whole living room was made of mahogany furniture, and all the chairs were padded and cushioned. It was warm and comfortable to sit on. The room exuded a faint fragrance of superior wood, which made people relaxed and happy. Because of the heating and not feeling cold, Shi Jiangyuan asked Kang Ying to take off her coat and put it on the hanger. After Cui Huixian went to the kitchen, Shi Jiangyuan boiled water to make tea, and then asked Kang Ying to eat fruit. At this time, Kang Ying's mobile phone rang. She picked it up and heard that it was Diao Chan.