Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying stayed in the capital for a few days. Under the operation of Shi Jiangyuan, the bank loans were approved, and several people passed smoothly.

On the same day, sister Mao simply told them to go to the bank to sign the contract, and everyone went to the bank to sign the loan contract.

Although the real estate certificate is now in the bank and can only be released after the loan is paid off, Zhao Shihong and Diao Chan still have a sense of insecurity with a tangible asset in their hands.

Zhao Shihong greedily looked at the copy of the loan contract in his hand and said, "when these loans are paid off, I wish the house was mine."

"Although the house is not yours, now that you have the right to use it, you should find a way to contact the decorator, decorate it well, and rent it back to foreigners to relieve your pressure." Kang Ying reminds him.

"OK, that's OK. I'll do it in a hurry."

As for Zhao Shihong, it's no problem to find a decoration team. But this time, they followed Kang Ying's advice and adopted the simple style of Europe and America. The decoration is not expensive, but also comfortable and warm.

Sure enough, after the house was decorated, Zhao Shihong posted a few small advertisements in the area where foreigners gathered, and then he was rented out. One month's rent was 500 yuan, which made Zhao Shihong overjoyed.

After some consideration, Kang Ying knows that she has no time to delay in the capital. Later, she gives Zhao Shihong several of her own houses along the way for decoration.

When Jiang Yuan listens to Kang Ying's idea, he does the same and gives his house to Zhao Shihong. Finally, Diao Chan joins the camp.

The most important thing is that Diao Chan doesn't want her mother to know that she has a large loan. Although she firmly believes in Kang Ying, her mother he Gang doesn't know her. At that time, if her mother nags and blames her, she will feel uncomfortable.

To tell you the truth, Zhao Shihong can't do anything else, but he is very clever in doing these piecemeal jobs.

Zhao Shihong, an idle man, has saved more than ten houses for decoration. Of course, Shi Jiangyuan won't treat him badly. He offered him 50 yuan a day as a subsidy for his help in decoration.

Anyway, Zhao Shihong now has no money in his pocket, and he has become an undertaker, so he brazenly takes Shi Jiangyuan's money.

Of course, no matter whether he has money or not, he will do his best to work for his family.

Zhao Shihong is not good at doing business. He's very good at doing these miscellaneous things. He listened to Kang Ying's words, bought some fashionable magazines, found the foreign home style in the magazines, and thought about it again. Then he communicated with the decorator about his intention. The effect of the first house decoration was very good, Even the decorator was full of praise for his idea.

Zhao Shihong has confidence, and he has a lot of houses on hand. He simply studies the past one by one, and each of them has developed a different style: Nordic style, pastoral style and sweet style.

It's not easy to decorate a house. In nearly three or four months of decoration, Zhao Shihong's skill in this aspect has made great progress, not only in purchasing decoration materials, looking for construction teams, but also in designing the style of the house.

He had a friend who was just about to get married, bought a house and wanted to decorate it. Seeing that Zhao Shihong was always looking through the decoration magazines during this period, he casually asked him what good decoration style he could use for reference.

As soon as Zhao Shihong heard this, he was full of energy. Now he has grown up all over his body. He has no place to vent his anger. When he saw a friend for consultation, he had to say it.

He is not only theoretical, but also has more than a dozen well decorated model houses. He told his colleagues that if he was free, he could take him to visit.

Not to mention, the dozens of model houses happened to be in the same community, so his friends really looked at them one by one, and they were blind, but they appreciated them very much. They said that each one felt good. Why did they feel that they wanted each one? Unfortunately, there are too few houses to own.

Zhao Shihong said to his colleagues, "if you want to decorate, you can't be greedy for freshness. If you want to live for a long time, you should pay attention to comfort and convenience, and you and your sister-in-law both like it. You should first discuss whether you want the pastoral style, or what kind of comfortable style, warm style and sweet style. Then you can give me your ideas and I'll help you design one."

When my colleagues heard this, they thought that Zhao Shihong was pointing to a bright road, so they went back to talk with his wife. Of course, his wife likes sweet wind, but considering the use of home furnishings, she finally chose a warm style.

After the couple's opinions fused with each other, they went to talk to Zhao Shijiang. Of course, Zhao Shihong can't accurately design the proportion, but he has decorated so many houses and has some practical experience.

So, he went to the house that his colleagues bought to work on the spot, how to decorate the living room, how to decorate the kitchen, how to make it dirty resistant and high-end, and how to make the bedroom look

Under some guidance, colleagues suddenly enlightened.

But when colleagues to do their own decoration, but the brain has become a paste, completely blind.

After all, the process of decoration is very complicated. He thinks that he has a big head, so he simply said to Zhao Shihong, "Shihong, you have decorated so many houses, or you can help me with this one? I'll contract it all to you. You can quote me a price. If I can accept it, I'll accept it. How about that? "

When Zhao Shihong heard this, he was reminded. Right, isn't it a way to make money? Now he is clear about the decoration, where are the materials of high quality and low price? Where the screw is good and cheap, which decoration team is the most reliable? The decoration team likes to cheat, he is almost clear, anyway, decorated more than a dozen houses, nothing happened, he can deal with one by one. Zhao Shihong had no confidence in other things, but he felt comfortable with the decoration. He even felt that he was a genius who had been delayed in this aspect, so he patted his chest and agreed. Finally, the budget should be carefully listed. The total cost is 80000 yuan. My colleagues are also very satisfied. Although the price is very expensive, if we can decorate the style that he sees, he also thinks it's worth it. Marriage, once in a lifetime, of course, the house should be decorated more advanced. After a busy trip, the house was decorated, and the result was surprisingly good. The couple were very excited. They took photos with their cameras and said to each other how their new house was. I didn't expect that this wave of publicity really attracted a lot of business to Zhao Shihong. They were all peers. Now they are almost all married and buying houses. Before he knew it, his reputation of knowing decoration design opened.