Zhang Bufan didn't get angry. He said with a smile, "my daughter and Mr. Kang are about the same age. Now when I go to college, what bothers me most is that she is looking for a partner. I have only one daughter and one son. I really don't want them to go too far.

If it's too far away from home, I don't know what's going on in the other person's home. I don't know if I've been cheated. "

"Police officer Zhang has a good way to teach his son. I don't think such a thing will happen."

Zhang Bufan's words seem to mean something. Kang Ying's face slightly changed after hearing them, which did not escape Zhang Bufan's sharp eyes.

As soon as he entered the room today, Zhang Bufan already felt that the momentum of general manager Kang was not as good as before. What happened from yesterday to today?

Zhang Bufan always felt that his plan to shake the tiger had an effect. Zhang Bufan is worthy of being an old criminal policeman. He has rich associations, but he doesn't know that it's not his plan to shake the mountain and shake the tiger that works. It's just that things have made dramatic progress.

After thinking about it, Zhang Bufan decided to go straight into it. He must know why Kang Ying's attitude changed.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bufan couldn't sit still. He said with a smile to Kang Ying, "if Mr. Kang doesn't have anything to talk to me, I'll go back to handle the case first."

Kang Ying is eager for him to leave. Of course, he won't stay.

Back in the office of the Public Security Bureau, Zhang Bufan called two colleagues who were watching outside.

Although Shi Jiangyuan has cleared his suspicion of drowning Fu Xinlang from the evidence, Zhang Bufan has never given up secretly. He felt that it was the power of the upper authorities that led to the wrong direction of reconnaissance, so people are still staring at Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying.

Kang Ying's colleagues went back to the pager first.

Zhang Bufan said to him, "tell me, did anything special happen to Kang Ying yesterday?"

"No, just like before, at work, after work, at dinner." The other side is at a loss.

"Well, you can tell Kang Ying's whereabouts in detail. It's no big deal Zhang Bufan said.

"She mostly goes back and forth between the shopping mall and her home. Occasionally she goes to the farmer's market to buy some meat and eggs. She grows vegetables herself, so she doesn't buy them. It's like this every day. It's nothing unusual!"

Then, when staring at Jiang Yuan's colleagues also returned to the pager.

This man said that when he was staring at Jiang Yuan, he went to Qujiang, so he didn't find the phone to return the pager in time. I don't know what's urgent about Zhang Bufan.

Zhang Bufan asked him about Jiang Yuan's whereabouts yesterday.

"As in the past, they all went in and out together with Kang Ying, but last night they attended a banquet. What's more interesting is that the invitees of the winery were Liang Ying and Zhang Qian, who are also Liu Kun's cousins."

As soon as Zhang Bufan heard this, he immediately felt that there was something wrong with it?

He said: "go to the people who attended the banquet and ask if anything special happened at that time. You must ask clearly. I want to know everything Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan said at the banquet. "

The other party thought about it for a while and said, "it's not difficult. The people attending the banquet are all dignitaries in LV county. Some of them are still public officials. I'll just ask them about it."

Zhang Bufan feels that Fu Xinlang's case seems to have a breakthrough direction

Kang Ying always feels flustered in the office. I don't know why. Is it because Zhang Bufan always comes here to have tea with her?

Drinking tea is not a good word. In Hong Kong, it means bad luck to be called to drink tea by the ICAC.

Kang Ying rubbed her hands and rubbed them on her face for a while to boost her spirits

As a busy police officer, Zhang Bufan always comes here to test them. Besides, solving cases is his own job. Is Shi Jiangyuan really in trouble?

Did Zhang Bufan have any evidence to make him persevere and not give up?

Kang Ying feels thoughtful, but suddenly she can't sit down. She gets up and leaves the office. She feels that she needs to talk to someone.

Kang Ying came to the white lotus meat stand, white lotus is selling pork.

When Kang Ying saw that there was half a fan of pork on her stall, she said to Bai Lianhua, "I want all your meat."

"Why do you buy so much meat?" White lotus see her, look light tunnel.

"Bacon, braised pork, pot meat, anything." Kang Ying said.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Bai Lianhua directly asks Kang Ying that she is not as attentive as she appears to be. In fact, her heart is still very thin.

"Come on, find a quiet place. I have something to ask you." Kang Ying said.

White lotus stretched out her hand and said, "98 yuan."

Kang Ying didn't understand for a moment. Bai Lianhua points to the meat on the meat stand. Kang Ying quickly takes out her wallet and gives her ten pieces of ten yuan.

"OK, I'm sold out now, and I have time to talk to you." Bai Lianhua gives Kang Ying two yuan in earnest.

They went to the cafe where they had talked before and sat down.

"Come on, what do you want to ask me?" White lotus asked“ Would you like coffee or something to drink? " Kang Ying asked her first. White lotus touched her stomach and said, "give me a glass of milk." Bai Lianhua's stomach hasn't shown her mind yet. Kang Ying thinks that her baby is Fu Xinlang's, but she doesn't feel uncomfortable, so she apologizes and says, "OK." She told the waiter to bring a glass of milk to white lotus“ Why have you been interested in talking to me for so long? " White lotus does not understand the tunnel“ Well, I want to ask you, when Jiang Yuan introduced Fu Xinlang to you, did he tell you what the purpose was? "“ Isn't the purpose clear? " Bai Lianhua doesn't understand. Then she thinks, hasn't Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying made any progress? Since Kang Ying wants to know. Instead of just guessing, she said, "I want to hear from you."“ Ha, he just doesn't want Fu Xinlang to harass you. What's the problem? I told you last time Bai Lianhua won't say that Jiang Yuan likes Kang Ying and wants to chase her. It's funny that Kang Ying is still ignorant? Kang Ying sighed and said, "it's just strange. Shijiang is far from the person who can do this kind of thing." Bai Lianhua couldn't help laughing in her heart. If it was someone else, Jiang Yuan would not do such a thing, but he would do it for you. Kang Ying didn't know what fortune she had accumulated in her previous life? There are such excellent men like her, but now it seems that she does not know her fortune in fortune? Bai Lianhua turned her eyes and said, "before I married Fu Xinlang, once Fu Xinlang came to buy meat. I saw that he was blue and blue and embarrassed. When I asked him what had happened, he said that he went to the hospital to take care of his mother. When he came back at night, he was beaten on the way inexplicably. And he felt like he had no enemies. "