"Brother, you talk like a philosopher. I think you should go to the philosophy department."

Liang Ying was a little confused. Liang Chao patted her head with a smile and said:

"I mean, don't know the secrets you shouldn't know. It's no good knowing too much. After you go back to LV County, don't explore any more. It's unnecessary.

If we could know, mom would have told us. Just because she didn't want us to know, she didn't mention a word so far. So it's no good knowing this secret. "

"Well, it's up to you."

Liang Ying is convinced of Xueba. She doesn't like reading. Like the people around her, everyone naturally has a sense of admiration and conviction for Xueba. Therefore, what her brother says is all.

After staying at home for a week, Liang Ying couldn't wait to complete the procedures of leaving the company without pay, packed her luggage and flew back to Qujiang.

When she arrived at Qujiang airport, Zhang Qian came to meet her.

However, after a week's absence, when Liang Ying saw Zhang Qian, she was shocked and asked:

"Cousin, what's the matter with you? Head broken and bleeding, eyes also swollen? Was it a fight? Or too much wine? "

Liang Ying, you know that Zhang Qian drinks and goes to bars and other places from time to time. No matter which bar in the world is the focus of fighting accidents, otherwise Liang Ying can't figure out how Zhang Qian looks so black and blue.

Zhang Qian squeaked for a while and knew he couldn't hide it. Then he said, "I was beaten by my father."

"What? Your father beat you like this? How old are you? You're not a child. Why do you still fight like this? "

Liang Ying was startled.

Zhang Qian was driving a second-hand car borrowed from a friend. Anyway, he was bored all the way, so he told the whole story.

It turns out that after Liang Ying left, Zhang Qian left for two days. He couldn't bear to go to the local products company to have a look. Not only did he not see the decoration team, but even the last few workers who were originally on the construction site were withdrawn. The construction site was cold and quiet, and there was no sign of construction at all.

It's almost December now. If we don't go back to work, the desire to start business before the new year will become a luxury.

Zhang Qian was angry, but he paged the boss again.

When boss Bao heard this, he not only didn't have good words, but also scolded him, saying that he was going to pay for the project, but now he hasn't paid for the project either. He can't work for Zhang Jia in vain. Of course, he withdrew the people.

Zhang Qian was so silly that he knew that his father said that he was going to get the project money back soon and let boss Bao come in for decoration. All the words were false.

So Zhang Qian went to ask his father, who knows that recently his father always goes out early and comes back late and never sees him.

The day before yesterday, he finally caught his father and asked about it, probably because he had been with Liang Ying for a long time. Zhang Qian was not so afraid of his father's authority as he used to be. If he had asked about his father before, he would not have dared to ask more.

But this time, seeing the business of the opposite Friendship Shopping Mall booming, he had a chance to pull back the city, but because of the delay in the renovation, Zhang Qian couldn't help asking.

As a result, under his son's continuous questioning, Zhang Qingsheng couldn't explain where the 50000 yuan loan went, so he suddenly got into a big fire and beat him hard, saying that he should see what the authority of parents is.

Zhang Qian couldn't beat his father with his backhand, so he had to swallow his anger and was beaten by his father, so he was beaten like a black faced pig.

Zhang Qian said that this was good. If he came yesterday, he would not be able to see people. His eyes were so swollen that he could not see the road clearly. He could not pick up Liang Ying at all.

Liang Ying was angry and asked, "what's the matter? How do I think uncle's attitude is not normal? If you have something to say, why do you fight like this? How old are you? You'll be married soon. "

Zhang Qian was Liang Ying said, also feel very embarrassed, in the heart of his father more resentment a bit.

When Wu Qiaohua saw that he was beaten like this, he not only didn't comfort him, but also blamed him for not talking back to his father and making him angry.

Is it a question of whether he makes his father angry? It's clearly because of the dispute over entrepreneurship.

Wu Qiaohua not only didn't comfort him, but also scolded him for being useless. He scolded him for half an hour, which made Zhang Qian more depressed.

At this time, Liang Ying seemed to sympathize with him. When he spoke from his point of view, his heart was immediately comforted. He said angrily:

"As I am now, I have nothing. I have to be beaten by him for giving some advice. He doesn't care about me at all. He can't treat me as an adult. He beats me like he did when he was a child. What daughter-in-law can I marry? Even if you marry a daughter-in-law, you will be looked down upon by the daughter-in-law. It's better not to marry. "

Hearing Zhang Qian's angry words, Liang Ying laughed and said, "I didn't expect that you have a lot of brains. It seems that your ego has begun to wake up."

"Self awakening?" Zhang Qian didn't know what he meant. He said, "sure enough, people from the capital are different. They are all literate and can't understand."

Liang Ying said: "this is what my brother said. He said that the relationship between people and their parents is in the reincarnation period of constant exchange of control all their lives. When we were young, our parents controlled us. When we were young, we rebelled against our parents and wanted to regain control, but they could not accept our growth and refused to delegate power. If the two sides reach a compromise and find a comfortable way to get along with each other, they can get along with each other equally. But if there is no compromise and the parents blindly want to control their children, there will be two results in the end: either the children will be controlled by them all their lives, honest and honest, and become the chess pieces that they say they have no choice but to go east rather than West; Or the children break away from them and produce self-consciousness, which is not controlled by them, but by themselves to control their own life, and the relationship with their parents also drops to the freezing point. Of course, the results of these three struggles have a great impact on children and parents. The best result, of course, is the first one, where both sides can be equal. I, Liang Chao and our parents are of this type. I'm afraid you and your father can't reach a reconciliation. Either you will be controlled by your father forever in your life, or you will take the opportunity to break with him completely, have the sovereignty of yourself and take charge of your own life. " Hearing this, Zhang Qian sighed: "you are just like a university teacher, but with your explanation, I understand better. My cousin is worthy of being a bully of Tsinghua University. In a few words, I analyzed the relationship between my father and me clearly. But it's easier said than done. You see, I didn't go to college. I've been working in my father's shop since I came out of society. I have to rely on him for everything. It's ok if I'm a shop assistant, and I can get 40 or 50 yuan a month. But my father regards me as a free laborer, and doesn't talk about the salary. I need money to ask him for it. If he's in a good mood, he will give me more. If he's in a bad mood, he'll scold me, saying how can I spend money so recklessly. Of course, I didn't ask him for a fixed salary, but he said, what salary do you want? I don't own all my shops. Do you think they work for me? Work for yourself, too! So I don't need some independent money? I want to make friends, go out to eat and drink with friends, talk about girlfriends, and give girlfriends gifts. Originally, if I had a salary, I could spend all of these on my own. Now it's OK. In this shop, the boss is not like the boss, and the workers are not like the workers. It's more difficult to spend money than anything else. " Zhang Qian poured bitter water on Liang Ying. In recent years, it seems that under Zhang Qingsheng's leadership, he has been very frustrated.