These big reporters also can't offend, director Zeng quickly said: "that won't leave you a share."

Shi Jiangyuan had a salty meal at noon and was thirsty. After drinking tea, he said to Kang Ying, "people say that a cigarette after a meal is like a living immortal. I think a cup of tea after a meal is like a living immortal."

Kang Ying smile, no answer.

Of course, she would not say frankly that a cup of tea after a meal is unscientific. Theophylline will interfere with the absorption of protein in food and lead to malnutrition. When Jiang Yuan is in the mood, it's useless to say more, and it's not too late to tell him later.

If you want to drink tea, you'd better drink it an hour after dinner. Of course, as long as it's not everyday, you don't pay so much attention to it.

Just as some people said before, crabs and persimmons can't be eaten together. Both crabs and persimmons are cold, which can cause pain and diarrhea after eating together;

Beef and brown sugar eat together, will swell to death;

Seafood with lemon or other foods containing vitamin C is equivalent to arsenic, because shrimp and other soft shell foods contain high concentration of pentapotassium arsenic compounds, which react with reducing agent vitamin C and turn into toxic trivalent arsenic, which is commonly known as arsenic.

As a matter of fact, the arsenic content in seafood is very low, less than 0.1 mg per kilogram of seafood, and arsenic intake up to tens of Mg in order to be poisoned. In this way, the amount of seafood intake each time must reach several or even dozens of kg, and eat enough fruits and vegetables, and 100% reaction in the human body, in order to produce arsenic.

So let's listen to these theories.

At 3:30 p.m., looking at the fact that the evaluation team had not yet appeared, Xia Dashan came over anxiously and said to Kang Ying:

"Well off, up to now, the tea king has not been appraised. Is there any problem?"

"Don't worry. I think there are too many tea samples. There won't be any problem. After a while, the tea king competition is over. I'll introduce a professor to you. I've discussed with her about the industry university research base, and she supports it. " Kang Ying then remembered to tell Xia Dashan about it.

"Oh, really? Can you really bring the professor to our tea farmer's house? " Xia Dashan's expression at this time seemed to be more happy than the king who took the tea. He said, "you don't know. These years, tea farmers have suffered a lot without technology.

Tea making technology is not as good as those top brands in the village, and we don't envy them. After all, people's experience is not in vain. It's several generations who have worked out it. But as a branch secretary of the village, I'm worried. As the leader said, one person is not rich, everyone is rich together. There are only a few people who master the technology and make the tea well. When they are rich, I am not envious, but I want to take other people in the village to get rich together. "

Seeing that Xia Dashan is so emotional, Kang Ying also admires the ideal person most. Xia Dashan is just a villager in a village. She can still have such an awareness

"The professor of tea academy knows the principle of tea making best. Don't worry. With her advice, everyone's tea making technology will get a qualitative leap."

"Yes, you must help us keep the professor." Xiada mountain road.

"No problem, Professor Guo is a very upright person. As long as everyone has the enthusiasm to learn, she will be moved." Kang Ying also said.

As soon as she spoke, she saw the experts of the evaluation team come out of the evaluation room. The evaluation team was led by Professor Guo. As soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted people's attention.

Tea house has been sitting on the edge, waiting for the results of the review, are about to doze off. Journalists from all walks of life are similar.

At this time, see the review team, immediately cheer up, round the Professor Guo surrounded.

Professor Guo has classes for hundreds of students every day in the University. Therefore, in the face of the lively scenes of reporters chasing and blocking, she is not timid and generous

"This time, the first tea king competition in LV county has been carefully evaluated by seven members of our expert group, and the evaluation results have come out.

We have selected two gold awards, five silver awards, ten bronze awards and one tea king, and successfully completed the selection work. "

When the tea farmers heard that the results of the selection were about to be announced, they gathered around one after another. Director Zeng quickly gave a command on the side

"Let's be quiet and listen to Professor Guo to announce the award results."

Professor Guo stood on the stage, took the microphone from director Zeng and began to speak.

However, before the announcement of the list, she made a summary speech. It seems that Professor Guo also knows that once the award results are announced, everyone will not have the patience to listen to her concluding remarks, so she puts her concluding remarks before the award results.

Sure enough, everyone held back and waited patiently.

Professor Guo said:

"The tea making process in Lvxian county is a traditional practice. Our traditional practice is that the leaves are black, green and hard, and the strength of shaking green is not heavy. There will be the phenomenon of green leaves and red rims. The brewing of finished tea presents the fragrance of flowers and fruits. To be able to make such tea is our selection goal.

I'm glad to tell you that we have found many tea making experts this time. It's very gratifying to keep such a traditional level of tea making technology.

However, in this selection, we also found that some tea farmers, in order to cater to the market, have changed the traditional process, with outstanding sour flavor and green tea color, which seems to give consumers a better impression.

It's hard to say whether traditional or modern technology has its advantages or disadvantages. We can only say that it depends on the taste of consumers and each takes what he needs. So this time, we're shortlisted for tea made by modern technology. Among the 30 tea samples, there are 10 tea samples made by modern technology. But in 100 tea samples, we also found that the overall level of tea production is still low, which may be related to the long-term depression of the tea market. When we made tea, we didn't feel awed and made it shoddy. Some tea was not fertilized at the right time, and the tea still had a strong medicinal flavor; There are also some teas that have been baked for a long time, and the finished teas have the smell of charcoal fire. Such teas with miscellaneous flavor can also be sent for evaluation, indicating that the overall tea making level of tea farmers in LV county still needs to be improved. So to sum up, Lu county now has top tea makers, but only a small part of them. Most of the tea growers are only at the middle level. I hope that through this competition, we can communicate with each other, promote growth together, and improve the overall tea making level of tea farmers. " Professor Guo's words were very pertinent, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages, and the tea farmers were very convinced. Next, she began to announce the winners. From the beginning of the Bronze Award, the 10 tea farmers who were shortlisted for the bronze award were very happy to hear their names. They didn't expect to get a better place. The shortlisted tea farmers in Guanshan village were all members of the tea association. The five winners of the silver award are more like you Rongyan, and two of them are tea farmers in Guanshan village.