Liang Ying secretly made up her mind to observe carefully and free Shi Jiangyuan from Kang Ying's trap.

For Shi Jiangyuan, a man with a bright future, if he falls into Kang Ying's gentle hometown, his ending will be worse than her father's.

Shi Jiangyuan, I'm here to save you!

Liang Ying said in her heart, full of the sense of justice of salvation.

"You have a rest first. Tomorrow, Jiang Yuan will be at home with you and take you to play. I can't stay at home. I have to go to work. Recently, our mall has just opened. There are many things. I'm sorry." Kang Ying said.

Liang Ying noticed that Kang Ying was talking about "our" shopping malls, but she also thought that Shi Jiangyuan was talking about shopping malls invested in cooperation with others.

Is Kang Ying the investor and partner?

Her heart sank, if these two people really co invest in shopping malls, then the entanglement between Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan has just begun.

I didn't expect that this woman's method was so clever, and she tied yuange tightly in such a way.

Liang Ying blinked her eyes and asked, "did you invest in the shopping mall with yuange?"

Kang Ying thought about it and said, "when the store was founded, it got a lot of help from Shijiang yuan. If it wasn't for his help, it couldn't run so smoothly."

Kang Ying's words are vague. She doesn't say whether it was shijiangyuan's investment or not. Because Liang Ying came suddenly, she hasn't asked shijiangyuan whether he is happy to expose his investment.

At a glance, she saw that Zhao Shihong was the best friend of Shijiang yuan, and Liang Ying could only say that it was incidental. Now the two of them have just met each other, and they have said everything, but they have not spared making friends with each other, so they vaguely pass by.

Liang Ying seems thoughtful. Kang Ying left politely.

For Kang Ying, it's just an ordinary night. For Liang Ying, it's a night when she can't sleep.

Compared with the capital city, it's much cooler here. There's no need to turn on the fan or sweat.

It's cool outside. Liang Ying's window is open. The window is facing the barren mountains. He doesn't worry about being seen inside.

Although the room is cool, Liang Ying is like flipping a pancake. She can't sleep in bed. She has too many worries

Shi Jiangyuan and Zhao Shihong haven't seen each other for such a long time. Naturally, there are so many topics. Zhao Shihong is a chatter again. Shi Jiangyuan goes to the refrigerator and drinks a few cans of beer with Zhao Shihong.

Kang Ying arranged for Liang Ying to go back to the room to sleep, but when she came, she saw them drinking with a can of beer. The table was full of leftovers and almost finished eating. She didn't even have any wine or food

"I'll cook two more dishes for you to get out of the bar?"

"Great. Please Zhao Shihong is very happy and thinks Kang Ying is really understanding.

Kang Ying went to the refrigerator to have a look and see if there was anything that could be used for the food and wine.

Fortunately, there is still stock in the refrigerator. Kang Ying finds a bag of sausages and a bag of raw peanuts. So she fried a fragrant peanuts, sliced the sausage and fried it. These two things are just right for drinking.

When he put the two new dishes and drinks on the table, he put a peanut in his mouth with his chopsticks and chewed it delicious. He immediately felt satisfied.

When Zhao Shihong saw Jiang Yuan's expression on the side, he couldn't help but feel stunned. Also, when did brother yuan eat peanuts and be so satisfied? It's really rare and interesting.

Zhao Shihong regards Shi Jiangyuan's expression as a drink and dish. He turns to Kang Ying and says:

"Big beauty, you also come to drink together."

Kang Ying knows that Zhao Shihong is a benefactor of his family. Ever since he came in, he always wanted to express his gratitude, but Liang Ying was inconvenient, so he came happily.

Shi Jiangyuan touches a can of beer which has been put away for a long time and is not so cold. When Kang Ying takes it, she only feels that it is slightly cool and not too cold. Then she knows that Shi Jiangyuan intends to take care of her. She once said that she doesn't want to drink something too cold, but Shi Jiangyuan actually remembers it.

Shijiangyuan is different. In summer, he likes the beer that is just taken out of the refrigerator and his tongue is numb.

What Kang Ying appreciates most about Jiang Yuan is that he seeks common ground while reserving differences. He will not force others to be like himself just because of his own preferences.

Kang Ying lifted the beer lid and said to Zhao Shihong, "brother Zhao, here's to you. Thank you for opening our friendship store."

Zhao Shihong quickly and modestly waved his hand and said, "you're welcome. It's a matter of lifting hands. Besides, what's the relationship between me and yuange? Yuange's business is mine."

Shijiang yuan raised his eyebrows and said to Kang Ying with a smile, "he also has shares in our shopping mall."

"Oh?" Kang Ying heard about it for the first time. Shi Jiangyuan didn't tell him about Zhao Shihong's involvement in stocks before.

This is also normal. For example, the company's shares are divided into ten shares, one million each. Each of the ten shareholders raises one million each. When all the shares are paid, they will live together. No one asks him where the one million came from.

Shi Jiangyuan said with a smile: "his orchids were sold in time according to your words. He not only made a stop loss, but also made a profit. I let him invest that money and become a shareholder."“ Yes, yes, I sold it for 15 thousand yuan. Yuange said that I would invest in a shopping mall. So you don't have to thank me. To help you is to help yourself. " Zhao Shihong is very happy. Kang Ying suddenly realized this, picked up the beer can and Zhao Shihong touched again, said with a smile: "shareholders, happy cooperation." Zhao Shihong cheerfully raised his head to drink most of the can, but he didn't force Kang Ying to drink. Seeing Kang Ying take a sip and put down the beer can, Zhao Shihong said: "now we know each other, we will be our own people in the future."“ Of course Kang Ying is also very satisfied with Zhao Shihong's gentlemanly manner. In previous social life, when men saw that she would drink, they wanted to drink more. It was full of some kind of male chauvinism. So for men who don't force others to drink, Kang Ying gives extra points first. In the moonlight, the three people chatted with peanuts and beer. Zhao Shihong had a good drink. One person drank seven cans of beer, while Shi Jiangyuan drank two. Kang Ying didn't finish that one. The remaining half was taken by Shi Jiangyuan to drink, saying that he couldn't waste it. Kang Ying was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Zhao Shihong was a little drunk at the end of the drink. He didn't notice that Jiang Yuan took Kang Ying's remaining half can of beer and drank it quietly. Kang Ying saw when Jiang Yuan picked up the beer she had drunk and brought it to her mouth. She almost stopped him. There was her saliva on the beer can. Didn't Jiang Yuan wipe it? Or pour the beer into the glass? If Kang Ying suddenly shouts, it seems even worse. So Kang Ying didn't shout out. She just watched Shi Jiang Yuan bring the beer can to her mouth and drink it at the place she had just drunk.