When Jiang Yuan was infected by Zhao Shihong's tone, he was a little depressed, but when he talked with Kang Ying, he was unconsciously brought happy by her.

Look at the time, it's already 9:30, when Jiang Yuan and Kang Ying go to the shopping mall to inspect.

To their surprise, the crowd in the mall is not decreasing, and it seems to be more than yesterday.

Kang Ying estimated that some of the people didn't respond yesterday. As a result, he heard that some people came to buy, and then came back with their families. That's why this situation has come into being.

After all, it's a big deal to buy a refrigerator, TV and air conditioner at home. When the masters move things to the customers' homes, the neighbors will also see, watch and talk about them. This is virtually an advertising effect.

And people are also very strange, usually buy a soy sauce, vinegar, have to talk about a price, choosy, but buy tight large pieces, but often a hungry look, some people from the hand to really buy, not more than half an hour.

Of course, it can't be said that they just don't have rational consumption. The main reason is that some people around them buy things of the same brand and follow the crowd, which makes them feel that everyone has bought Hai brothers. It's certainly no problem. We also buy

Guan Xiaozheng is helping others on the first floor. Seeing them, he rushes forward. Seeing Guan Xiao's excitement, Kang Ying is also infected by her. She tells her that she has found someone to do the installation of household appliances. Just as she is talking about it, suddenly someone in the shopping mall screams:

"My wallet? Where's my wallet? It's gone

Kang Ying and Guan xiaoyileng rush up to have a look. It was a middle-aged woman who screamed, with a look of fear on her face. It seemed that her purse had disappeared.

Kang Ying hastens to take Guan Xiao for pretreatment.

Looking at Kang Ying's situation, the middle-aged woman asked:

"Are you from the mall? Please help me find my wallet. It was still on me just now. I just looked at the refrigerator. Unexpectedly, when I touched my pocket, my wallet was gone.

How can I do that? That's the money I've saved for years to buy a refrigerator! "

The middle-aged woman was very anxious and sweat came out of her head.

"How much money have you lost?" Kang Ying didn't ignore it. She didn't care if she saw the anxious expression on the woman's face.

"Over 4000, 4812." Middle aged women have a clear memory of how much money they have.

More than 4000 yuan may have been a meal for Kang Zong in his previous life, or even not enough. But for the common people now, it's all money dug out from their teeth, and it will take several years to get this huge sum of money. No wonder she is so anxious.

In fact, her performance is still calm, some people lost thousands of yuan, anxious to jump into the river.

Kang Ying looks around the shopping mall, but with people coming and going, how can we see who is the thief?

However, Kang Ying immediately had an idea. She said to Guan Xiao, "take this elder sister to the side and sit down. Pour her a glass of water to drink first, and then contact the police station quickly."

Guan Xiao immediately knew how to deal with the instructions from his superior. When the middle-aged woman heard that Kang Ying was in charge of the affair, she was relieved and left with tears and Guan Xiao.

Kang Ying turns around and goes to the shopping mall. Shi Jiang Yuan doesn't know what Kang Ying is going to do, so he follows her silently. But when he looks at Kang Ying, he always feels that she seems to have a plan.

When Jiang Yuan quietly accompanies her for a while, suddenly Kang Ying catches a busy salesman and asks her:

"Sister Xiu, can you recognize the pickpocket who often fish in troubled waters in the market?"

Xiujie, in her forties, looked smart and capable. After hearing Kang Ying's words, she immediately nodded and said, "of course I can recognize it."

When Jiang Yuan didn't expect that Kang Ying's unique skill was like this. When he thought about it again, he understood that these old salesmen had worked here for decades and had already developed a pair of bright eyes. He must have a bottom in his heart for the pickpockets who are always in the shopping mall. He could not help but secretly admire Kang Ying.

"Did you see it today?" Kang Ying asked.

Xiujie nodded and said, "of course, we've got a few in the past two days. While I'm working, I have to remind customers to pay attention and watch their wallets from time to time."

"Now can you help me find out how many pickpockets there are in the mall?" Kang Ying said.

Nowadays, we are not familiar with bank cards, so we take money with us. We all take cash with us, which gives pickpockets a chance to start.

Shopping malls, buses, coaches, trains, pickpockets everywhere "active work" figure.

Xiujie explained that a salesperson nearby was optimistic about her job, so she followed Kang Ying to look around in the shopping mall.

This walk really found something. Xiujie secretly pointed to a young man in a yellow T-shirt. The young man looked like an ordinary man, but his eyes turned around. After Xiujie pointed him out, Kang Ying immediately found that he was not quite right.

After another walk, Xiujie pointed to a middle-aged man in a blue coat and whispered, "so is he."

Kang Ying kept it in mind. When he looked back, Jiang Yuan followed him and said to him, "you stare at this, I'll stare at the one in yellow. When the police of the police station come, they will be arrested." It will be many years before they can be arrested if there is sufficient evidence. Now, as long as there is a suspect, the police can start first. If there is no evidence, they can be released again. Moreover, if they are pickpockets, most of them have a criminal record, and they dare not say anything to the police. When Jiang Yuan hears Kang Ying's command, he nods slightly and stares at the man in blue. As expected, he is touching around in the crowd, looking for a chance to start. Friendship Shopping Mall sells electrical appliances, and even electric rice cookers cost hundreds of yuan. Therefore, people who come to the shopping mall carry more or less money with them, which is the paradise for pickpockets. No wonder these two guys are so excited that they don't cover up. However, it is precisely because there are many pickpockets that people are very wary of their own money and usually hide it in the extremely difficult privacy. For example, some people even sew a bag on their underwear to hold money. When they have to pay, they go to the bathroom and take the money out of the underwear bag. If the money is hidden in such a place, the pickpocket will not be able to start at all. After bumping into people several times, the pickpocket's face is angry. Shijiang yuan followed him at a distance of two or three meters, but he didn't find out. On the other side, the salesperson went up to Kang Ying and said, "the police are here." When Kang Ying looks back, he sees Guan Xiao leading two strong men in plain clothes. At first glance, his temperament is the posture of patron saint of people's life and property. Kang Ying points to the yellow T-shirt and shouts: "it's him, it's him!" Plain clothes know, immediately rushed forward, knocked down the young man.