"I'm sorry, I've had enough of your bullying. If you want to exploit others in the future, I won't be your slave any more!" Kang Ying is very vocal.

"When did I exploit you? Since you married to our family, I treat you as my own daughter, short of what you eat or drink? " Meiniang looks old. She can really confuse people.

"Yes, no matter how short I eat and drink, it's all the money I earn from my own work. From me to your house, what you eat and drink is all the money I give you."

Kang Ying's sneering smile made Mei Niang feel guilty.

In a corner of the cafe, a man was waiting for someone. Unexpectedly, he saw such a lively and interesting divorce drama. There was a trace of fun in his eyes

This woman is reasonable and disciplined, and knows how to use evidence to create favorable conditions for herself. At least she is not stupid. His eyes lingered on Kang Ying's face a few times

Kang Ying's bright white skin, bright red lips and vigorous refutation immediately swept away the decadent atmosphere deliberately created by the cafe.

Two hours later, Kang Ying came out from the Bureau of civil affairs of LV County, with her divorce certificate in her hand. She was very happy.

Fu's mother and son are afraid of being criticized for their bad life style; The second is afraid that Kang Ying will report the injuries to the police, so he has to agree to divorce angrily. However, their condition is that Kang Ying will go out of the house and give them all the evidence in his hand. Kang Ying agrees to sign without hesitation.

With the divorce certificate, she was truly free. Although her rebirth made her lose more than one billion yuan of wealth accumulated in her last life, it's not a pity for her. The '90s is a golden age everywhere. She has advanced knowledge reserves. Are you afraid that she can't get on well in this age?

"Bitch, don't think that divorce will lead to death. Your mother's brother and wife are going to have a baby soon. You can't even live in a house when you go back. You are a stray dog! I'll tell you, when I got divorced, I was still a college student. I went to marry Wu Huan right away. I didn't know how happy I was. Pooh, bitch

Fu Xinlang came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau and saw Kang Ying's face relaxed. He couldn't help coming forward and swearing.

"College students, don't surrender your identity. I still have the wound photos and injury summary here. If you bark again, I'll report to the Public Security Bureau immediately!"

Kang Ying takes out a picture from her bag and shakes it in front of Fu Xinlang.

Fu Xinlang was angry and annoyed: "didn't you say you gave us all the materials? Why do you keep this? "

"Ha ha, to deal with people like you, of course, you should keep your hand. However, I can tell you clearly that as long as you don't harass me any more and see my respect in the future, I won't send these materials to the political and Educational Department of Lvxian Normal University. "

Kang Ying, holding Fu Xinlang's seven inches, saw his twisted face, but he didn't dare to break out. She couldn't help laughing and turned away.

Kang Ying certainly can't live in the guest house all the time. However, it is not easy to rent a house in a small county nowadays.

The original owner used to have a narrow social circle. Except for a handful of workers who worked as part-time workers, when he got home, he just went around the family and had to wait on Fu's mother and son. Meiniang was also a troublemaker. It took a lot of time just to take care of her. So now that he is divorced, he has no useful contacts.

Introduction of acquaintances will certainly be better. Don't be afraid to live in a strange place. It's terrible for a woman to be left alone and helpless. Kang Ying thinks for a moment that she'd better go to an intermediary to introduce her house.

Anyway, renting a house is definitely more cost-effective than living in a guest house. The guest house costs 10 yuan a night and 300 yuan a month. It's OK to live in a short time for a few days, but it's a huge burden for her to live in a guest house for a long time with only 1000 yuan.

It's more than 1600 yuan. Now, after spending, only 1318 yuan is left. Looking at the money in the eyes of ordinary people, Kang Ying is a little worried.

It's enough to do small businesses, such as wholesale clothes, set up a stall in the night market, and sell breakfast as a mobile stall. But it's far from enough to do big business.

Kang Ying has a lot of ideas in her mind. She knows the pulse of the future development of the times and what commodities the world will need most at each stage. However, she has no ability but is baffled by the most realistic problem of "money".

A penny can defeat the hero. It's about her present situation.

Kang Ying, as an entrepreneur in her last life, paid great attention to the process of national reform and development. Therefore, she was deeply impressed by the development of reform and opening up since 1978, and knew a lot about some economic events that left a mark in history.

Kang Ying plans to sort it out so as not to miss anything, so as to step on the rhythm of the times and reap wealth.

In her last life, she never met such a good opportunity to rise in a desperate situation and become a successful businessman. In this life, she has grasped the opportunity of fate and will surely achieve greater brilliance.

Kang Ying, the president who is expected to be brilliant in the future but is really down now, is hungry on the way back to the guest house.

Looking at the cheap electronic watch on hand, it's already 5:30 p.m., which is the time for people in small county town to have dinner. The body keeps the mark of the past, so it's hungry at that time.

Kang Ying casually finds a roadside stall and eats a bowl of meager rice noodles. After tasting the poor cooking skills of the roadside stall chef, Kang Ying misses her former rich and luxurious home. At home, she hired a chef to provide her with exquisite food and meals at any time. Today, she is a divorced woman in a small county town in the 1990s. She is eating rice noodles with little water. The difference between heaven and earth is also due to Kang Ying's strong heart. Otherwise, ordinary people will not be able to bear it. Kang Ying's consolation of self mockery is that we are still a teenager. Every inch of our time is worth a lot of money. How much money is it worth? She still can't afford to buy her billions of property. She still earns a lot from God. After such self consolation, Kang Ying is relieved from her depression. On the way, she stopped by the stationery store to buy a pen and notebook. She was ready to go back to the guest house to sort out her thoughts, write down the memories that could trigger business opportunities, and edit them into a genealogy according to the age, so as not to miss the business opportunities. Better a good memory than a bad pen. Kang Ying put his pen and notebook in his cloth bag and went to Limin hotel. After a fight with Fu Xinlang's mother and son, she was a little tired and wanted to have a good sleep. Back at the hotel, Kang Ying fell into bed and fell asleep. After her rebirth, she has been struggling with her heart. Now she is divorced and free. When she relaxes, she is attacked by fatigue. She sleeps until more than 8:00 p.m. When Kang Ying woke up, she found that the room was dark. She turned on the light and looked at the electronic watch in her hand, which indicated that it was 8:30 at night. In the evening, the rice noodles in clear soup had no oil and water. At this time, she was so hungry that she couldn't bear hunger. She wanted to find something to eat at any stall on the street.