By the light of the lamp, I could see the Chairman waving up at me, as if to signal me to come back. But I'm down on the ground now, a meter or so above the stadium.

I looked down. To my surprise, there weren't any steps at the bottom of the arena. I didn't fall down from the stairs, but …

I gaped in shock: I saw the huge stadium I had been staying in floating above the ground like a cloud! That's right, there was a gap of about a meter between the ground and the whole thing. I think of the metaphor of clouds because I can see images of the clear skies outside the window being shown.

What? Could it be that the entire stadium was suspended above the ground? What in the world was this? Why deceive us to enter this place, to close doors and windows, and to create the illusion that the outside is an ordinary town? The most important thing is, where am I right now? Did this seemingly simple and honest chairman of the station alliance actually know about this matter? No, no, he must have known that, though he looked terrified, he did not hurry and beckoned me to climb up. He obviously knew where this place was, and everything here had been arranged by him!

What terrifying purpose did he have?

In a split-second, a dazzling light shone onto his aged face, causing it to become distorted and hideous. He kept waving, even reaching out to help me up.

No! I managed to get away from the camouflage, so how could I pretend that nothing had happened? From my point of view, the chairman was probably controlled by someone. It was even possible that he had lost his mind and was even replaced by someone!

That's right! He must have been replaced by a bad person! The Chairman is not a man who is good at tricks, and he certainly would not deceive us by doing so. The only possibility is that the chairman is not the chairman himself. The person in front of me who looks ferocious is actually a disguise user!

Who knew what kind of vicious heart was beneath that old face! It must have been malicious of him to try to trick us into this disguised, closed, floating place. Could it be that he wanted to dismember us all to satisfy his murderous nature?

Even though these kind of things rarely happen in reality, I've watched a few episodes of the Robot Theater and witnessed many scenes of bloodshed, so …

I can't think about it anymore!

I immediately turned around, wanting to escape from the scene, from this unreal arena.

But the moment I turned around, my face seemed to have hit something, and it hurt.

I fell to the ground again, wondering if there were any of the bogus chairman's men out there. I looked up and saw a man I didn't recognize wearing sunglasses. He didn't look like a fiend, and he was even smiling at me.

But who knew if it was a perverted smile? Perhaps he was thinking that he would be cutting me in the near future anyway, so he should be pleasant for a while?

Unknowingly, I pretended to not move at all as the Chairman's voice sounded from behind me, "Mr. David, please listen to my explanation …"

What reasonable explanation could there be for such a strange matter?

The man I bumped into also said, "Please listen to my explanation …"

This was ridiculous! The evil villain actually wanted to explain the crime to the good person who had mistakenly entered the place! This is probably to make him mock me more in the future!

Gritting my teeth, I jumped up and ran away from the man.

After running for a long time, I looked back. The Chairman was still looking out the door, and the man was looking at me, but he didn't move a muscle. There seemed to be a beautiful woman standing beside that man, but I was too far away to see her clearly.

Who would have thought that there would be such a beautiful girl among these people!

I'm sorry. While I was observing, I saw the man helping the chairman out of the floating stadium. The woman lifted her long hair and walked straight towards me.

"Oh my god!" They're coming for me. " My heart thumped, and I ran on.

I didn't know where this was, but there seemed to be plenty of room, because there were echoes of my running everywhere.

After running for five or six minutes, he still couldn't see the exit. When I looked back, the three men were nowhere to be seen, so I slowed my pace and breathed heavily.

I looked up and saw that apart from the bright lights at the top, there were only gray walls. However, there seemed to be many lines drawn on the ground, forming a rectangular shape. I didn't know what exactly this was for.

I knew that in some dark religious rituals, there would be shapes on the ground, such as five-pointed stars or hexagonal stars, which seemed to symbolize demons.

Are the rectangles the same here? I saw them superimposing on each other, covering the entire ground! It was really too strange. In front of these strange patterns, I was like an ant that could be trampled to death by a demon at any time.

I shivered and walked on.

After about five or six minutes, I still didn't see the exit. However, there was an elevator in front of them. Only buttons were flashing on it, as if to let people see clearly in the dark.

Where does this elevator go? But I couldn't help thinking, because I could already hear the woman's footsteps behind me — she was probably the only one wearing high heels.

I took a deep breath and pressed the button. The elevator door opened in an instant.

I hurried in and pressed the close button.

When the door was completely closed, I saw that the buttons inside the door were only open and close, leaving only the "ground" and "ground" options. And I was underground, of course, so I pressed Ground.

There should be an exit above, right?

What exactly is this place? Why is there a floating room underground? Who were those people? Had the station head really become some bad guy I didn't know?

I can't explain that this is all too unexpected. But I didn't expect this to be the beginning of my adventure today.

It didn't take long before the elevator door opened and I scrambled out, terrified that the two men behind me would catch up.

The ground was still dark, as if no one was there.

I looked around, but it looked exactly like the ground, except full of echoes of my footsteps.

In the dim light from nowhere, I squatted down to examine the floor. There were no mysterious rectangular lines here. It seemed that the Devil's Ceremony could only be carried out underground. Perhaps it was because the underground was closer to the Infernal Realm!

Thinking about this, I couldn't help but shiver.

I started to regret it a little now. If I wasn't so determined to see the outside of the stadium, I might still be inside preparing for the match!

Who would have thought that compared to the harmonious atmosphere inside the library, the outside of the library was truly dark and cold!

But I couldn't hesitate any longer. The elevator light went on behind me, and it seemed that the couple, even the bogus chairman, was about to catch up. I kept running, without direction.

This place was like a maze, connected from all directions. After running for a while, I saw a faint light at the end of the corridor in front of me, and I followed it.

I want to see any exit, or even a living person.

But don't be like those underground people, they must be chasing after me right now.

However, at the end of the corridor, there was a room with a lit room. The door was ajar, and light shone through the crack in the door.

Although I didn't dare risk going in, this was the end of the corridor. If I were to turn back, I might run into the demonic worshippers who were chasing me!

I don't want to be caught by them as a sacrifice to the Devil's Rites.

In that case, perhaps the whole thing was for the devil to offer sacrifice to the living? The president has been replaced by the Devil's Church, and then he has secretly transported us here, stuffed us into a floating room, and at last there will be a massacre, offering us living people to the Devil!

As I thought this, I pushed open the door to the room.

The room was brightly lit. I, who was used to the darkness, couldn't keep my eyes open.

However, even though I couldn't open my eyes, my ears could still hear many terrifying sounds.

I couldn't tell what it was, but there was a noise.

It was like a dying cry for help, or the screams of a prisoner in torture.

Of course, this association came from the Robot Theater. Moloch was always keen on producing such an exciting and terrifying program to satisfy people's curiosity and curiosity.

However … What would happen if something like this happened in reality?

I slowly opened my eyes, and then I saw something even more appalling than before: the whole room was much larger than I had imagined, like a huge, bottomless cave, filled with countless iron cages, one in each cage. I don't know how to describe a half-human half-beast creature!

Yes! The screams I heard were coming from these creatures!

Around them were countless small white robots, holding all sorts of terrifying weapons and needles. Some are injecting some kind of liquid into these creatures, while others are extracting some kind of fluid from them.

How should one describe the creatures that were half-human and half-beast?

I moved slowly, and the little white people seemed to have no interest in me, and let me wander through the cave. It was as if I were a visitor to hell, and Whitey was still conducting its gruesome experiments.

My mouth dropped open and I shivered. Were they conducting a biological experiment? They continued to inject liquids into organisms, and they continued to extract their experiences. Or was this a biochemical modification experiment?

I've seen stories like this one about perverted scientists who built their biology labs in unknown places, trying to use witchcraft and heresy to transform the bodies of living things. Grafting all sorts of living things together, or transforming them into new species.

I really didn't dare to observe those modified creatures. I was afraid that I would see... Yes, could it be that we are the objects of transformation? Had the bogus chairman lured us here to carry out this experiment for the demons?

In fact, as soon as we put in some kind of chemical smoke, we would completely lose consciousness and let the fake chairman deal with us. The bogus chairman, of course, is a perverted scientist who is trying to bioremediate us, to link us humans and animals, or to mix our genes with those of animals, and to create a whole new species of terror!

As for the smiling man and the beautiful woman, they were obviously the fake chairman's assistants!

As I thought about this, tears welled up in my eyes, and I fell powerlessly to my knees.

However, the screams of those ugly creatures still reverberated in my ears, surrounding me.

What a scene from hell! I'm afraid that in a short while, those noobs will come over and inject me with a drug that can mutate my genes!

Hehe, and even saying that it's to prevent contestants from using stimulants, so the final goal is to inject us with these demonic substances that would distort our very nature!

I collapsed to the ground, thinking I was going to die.

Then, from behind me, came the voices of the couple.

"Latimer, did he go in?" Yes, it was the witch's voice.

"I don't know, but it's the only place that hasn't been checked." This must be the voice of the wizard who mocked me.

"You have to explain to me what's going on."

"I …"

"And who is that person?"

"I will explain it to you …"

"And that car is way too big."

What, a car?

"Don't worry about that. No matter how big the car is, it can still be parked in the parking lot."

"Then why did you transform it into a house?"

"This …"

"Forget it, let's find him first." Your friend is following us. "

"My friend?"

"Of course, don't think I can't see it."

"You noticed it long ago?"

"Nothing you do can escape my eyes. You intentionally enlarged the range of the Time Field, so that it would cover the entire car, right? "

"Ugh …"

"Also, you are deliberately stalling for time …"

"Alright. "But you're not going to send this out, are you?"

"Are you sure?"

"This part is not fun! And it will also damage our program's reputation! "

What, the program?

"I don't know. But I'll listen to your explanation. "

Their voices were getting closer, but I seemed to be completely out of strength, unable to get up from the ground.

"Aha!" The man patted my shoulder, "I heard the Chairman call you David. Mr. David, you... "

I opened my eyes, looked into his face, screamed, and backed away.

"Let me do it." The long-haired woman approached me bit by bit. Her appearance was extremely beautiful, but … But perhaps this wasn't her real body, because since the devil could change into the shape of a chairman, then it would be easy to change into a beauty! But... She looked familiar.

"Mr. David, how do you feel?" The words came out in a warm tone.

But I was still nervous, and I thought it was just a demon's trick. "Don't, don't kill me! I... "I don't know anything. I didn't see anything. I didn't see anything …"

"Oh? Kill you? Then you … What did you see? "

I froze, wondering why they hadn't dealt with me yet, because I'd already seen their secret.

The man pretended not to understand and asked, "Yeah, what did you see?"

At this point, I wished that I could die more bravely, so I trembled and sneered: "Hehe, please don't pretend to be stupid. I have seen all of you and that fake chairman conducting horrifying biological experiments here! "

"The biological experiments were right." "It's just that it's not scary at all!"

What, not terrifying?

"Bah!" "Of course I know what you guys want to do, put the genes of humans and animals together, and breed that weird half-human half-beast!"

The woman looked surprised, "Half man, half beast! Latimer, do you think so? "

The man smiled and shook his head at me. "Seems like Mr. David has seen too much of the 'Robot Theater'. Please take a good look at this place. What kind of 'half-human, half-beast' creatures are actually here? "

He reached over and tried to pull me to my feet, but I backed away in terror.

I don't want to be tainted by these filthy, dark devil disciples.

But before I could react, the woman put her hand under my armpit — as if her hand had been under my armpit all along — and when I lifted it, I was forced to my feet.

She really had a lot of strength! I felt pain in my armpits, and my arms felt as if they were about to be removed.

"Ah, Mr. David, I am really sorry I did not control my strength well." She was still apologizing. "But look carefully, what kind of monsters are here?"

The man showed the same kind of amiable smile as when he saw me for the first time: "Please allow me to introduce this lady who helped you up, she is the host of the 'Robot Theatre' — Miss Moro Tomoko."

What, Tomoko?

I narrowed my eyes and carefully examined her beautiful face … Hmm, maybe he was right, this person really does resemble the Miss Tomoko. However … Those whimpering voices still lingered in my ears... Since the demons could imitate the President's looks, then they should be able to do the same to the Miss Tomoko!

"What? You don't believe me?" The man acted like there was nothing he could do. "This matter is indeed bizarre. Please listen to my explanation …"