Blue light shone on the mother and daughter pair's faces as the holographic sphere continued to operate. Their expressions were just as astonished as mine. Today had been their boring 'home ground'. What were these unexpected guests' goals?

But no one had the time to care about this diligent holographic sphere. The old movie just happened to be playing a slow string soundtrack, as if it was the prelude to the upcoming storm.

No one said anything, no one seemed to know where to start.

But in the end, the Miss Jiang still appeared to be rather anxious, "Everyone … There were also Mr Eloi s, Master Number Six s. Other than Latimer and the people from the DreamNet who do not know what happened … "

But Mr Eloi and Master Number Six didn't seem to care about what Jiang Xiaowei said. Mr Eloi might be far away, but I could see his extremely serious expression on the real-time holographic feed. In normal times, he would always appear to be very amiable. What's more, how could he not know that I was doing a live broadcast, and what made him want to appear even if he had to damage his public image?

"Number six!" The Mr Eloi's voice rose in decibels, "You know that I will definitely notice your movements, but you still used your authorization code."

"Yes, I did."

"And you don't regret it?"

"I don't regret it."

"You are willing to help Moloch Company?" His decibel level continued to rise.

"I don't have a definite tendency."

"But what you did …"

"What did I do?" Master Number Six's voice also became louder, "If saving lives is a bad thing, I can't think of any good deeds in this world."

"Life? Do robots count as life? "

"All things have a spirit, but people with uneasiness can't feel it."

"Hehe, looks like your level of meditation is quite high." The Mr Eloi ridiculed, "Where are the others from the Meditation Group? I really want to see him as well. After all, you've all been gone for three years. "

"This is a simple matter. There is no need for all the master psychologists to step in." His tone was calm again.

Meditation Group? Of course I have heard of this name. Could it be that this Master Number Six is the main character in the Meditation Group?

The Meditation Group began to become active around ten or so years ago, and in recent years it had faded from people's field of vision. This organization was actually a branch of Eloi Company. More than ten years ago, Eloi Company had developed a complete virtual world access plan, but the first batch of humans who entered the virtual world all felt different degrees of brain fatigue, and physiological symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, memory loss, and so on. Although Eloi immediately adjusted the access steps and equipment, these adverse reactions still existed.

In order to dispel people's doubts — I remember that at that time, the Eloi had always declared to the public: Experiment shows that accessing the virtual world does not have any real negative effects on the human body, this is just a psychological reaction of people's inner fear — Eloi organizes the Meditation Group, its duty is to guide people in their meditation, through this act of meditation, to regulate people's inner annoyance, to reduce the impact of modern technology on people — although this kind of influence is more due to psychological hints.

People were always fearful of new things. A virtual world that did not exist at all? For those who lived more than a decade ago, it was hard for them to imagine people spending nearly half their waking time these days. While people played, studied, and experienced in the virtual world, the huge real world fell into poverty. This caused people to entrust the real world to three different departments: Eloi, Moloch, and Castari — — if you did not count the already small, balanced and harmonious bureau.

The effects of meditation were quite obvious. I didn't know if it could really change these seemingly physiological symptoms, or if it was still a reverse psychological suggestion … After nearly ten years of hard work in the Meditation Group, people now regarded access as an ordinary matter.

I remember that there are a few so-called masters with a lot of influence within the Meditation Group, and what I mean about their influence is their charisma. It was as if they were standing at the podium, guiding everyone into a meditative state, and all the troubles that had befallen them had vanished into thin air.

They were just like the "deities" sent out by the Eloi virtual world, they emitted a sacred light and guided everyone through meditation to enter a better, richer and more worry-free world.

This was the real god of the virtual world!

If I remember correctly, there are a total of seven masters in Meditation Group, so this Number Six must be one of them. Compared to the Mr Eloi, he was much calmer and quieter, standing there like a statue. However, it did not seem lifeless. Rather, it seemed to contain an invisible force that could endure patiently.

It could be said that the past contribution of Meditation Group was one of the most important reasons why Eloi could become a super enterprise. It was no wonder the Mr Eloi would admit that even the Great Master of Meditation was a "companion of the Eloi Company" with him for such a difficult mission.

How are the partners now? Could it be as he said, that he was currently serving Moloch?

This is truly … I had a premonition that all the Access Rate would flow into our little show.

"Then how can I make peace of mind?"

"Return to the original state of peace of mind."

"Well said, but how can I do it?"

"I see a lot of people with their minds in disarray and want."

"You mean they don't know what they want and they don't refuse?"


"So what exactly do people need?"

"It can't be Eloi, and it can't be Moloch." The Master Number Six did not answer directly, "But the two sides should join hands to resolve the conflicts between these humans."

"With just you?"


"So you're here to lobby me on behalf of Moloch?"

"I don't represent anyone. I represent myself."

"Meditation Group has already ceased to exist. During these three years, you seven brothers have not contacted me."

"In this sense, it no longer exists, because Meditation Group is a service to the Eloi."

"But perhaps I am too naive," Mr Eloi's eyes showed her sympathy, "I still have your authorization codes on the server, I hope that you will come back one day."

"I can't believe it's in this kind of situation?" Master Number Six still did not move, as if his words did not affect him in the slightest, "I had no choice but to use my authority, because you had rejected my request."

"This is an internal matter of Moloch, it has nothing to do with us."

"You never thought that these two companies would one day work hand in hand?"

"What are we doing together? To preach your teachings? Let people stay away from the virtual world, stay away from the Bionic Human, sit down and meditate, and eventually starve themselves to death? "

"Meditation isn't like what you said," Master Number Six retorted, still maintaining his composure. "People can gain spiritual energy through meditation, the reality of this world doesn't exist, and Eloi World is just another virtual world within a virtual world."

"What evidence do you have to say that?"

"If you were in meditation, you could experience it too."

"How do you know this experience doesn't come from another virtual world in this virtual world?"

The two sides faced off fiercely. Mr Eloi was like a clap of thunder, but the Master Number Six was like a pool of deep water.

Just when neither one of them could convince the other, and even until now I am not sure why they came here, Jiang Xiaowei sneakily pulled me to the side.

I saw the worry on her face. "Can Mr Latimer say something?"

"Me?" I was still waiting for Director Andy's instructions, "Miss Jiang, we are still broadcasting live, you know, everything you say …"

However, she did not seem to mind. "If these two masters continue arguing like this, there won't be a conclusion …"

"It seems so." Just as I finished speaking, I heard Andy's instructions, telling me not to talk too much. After all, our big boss is here, if I say something bad about it, it would be difficult.

"Something's happened here."

"You mean your live broadcast program?"

"Mn, Miss Tomoko …" But she hesitated to tell me.

"What happened to Miss Tomoko? I went to the Robot Theater before... " But I immediately shut my mouth. How could I let the audience know that the Daydream Theater's live broadcast was actually secretly watching other programs?

"This master soul has helped us, but what we need more is …" She looked at me with her watery eyes, "We need more from Mr Latimer!"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Even a Spirit Master can't help you, but I can?"

"Of course," she said as she subconsciously looked at the black box I was carrying. "Even if it's live broadcast right now, it doesn't matter. I can tell you everything."

Just then, I received further instructions from the director: "Latimer, listen to what this manager Jiang will say. I am currently preparing a new program and will be online in a while."

What? A new program? I had no idea what was going on. "Hey, what do you mean? What about the mother and daughter? "

"Don't bother about them, I just received the instructions from the Mr Eloi. Everyone is busy editing it right now. First, you try to trick the Miss Jiang. Latimer, the Access Rate for the program is getting higher and higher. "

Although I didn't know what had happened, I was happy to see this result. "Alright, Miss Jiang, it seems like you are very anxious. Why don't you tell me about it?"

"You know, you know …" She seemed a little embarrassed. "We actually got a lot of inspiration from your program."

"Hur hur, of course." I laughed.

"These two stages of the Robot Theater have produced pretty good Access Rate."

"Not only that, everyone in the world is watching your live broadcast."

"Too much praise, too much praise …"

"So what happened? How is Miss Tomoko doing? "

"A lot of things have happened, but this is an emergency... Mr Latimer, Mr Latimer! " She took my arm, but it tore a sensor from my body, and I felt a faint current of electricity.

"Ah, Miss Jiang, don't do anything!" I was about to say something embarrassing to her, to avenge my humiliation that day, but I felt another hand grab my other arm.

"Mr Latimer!" There was doubt and confusion in his tone. "Is this also part of the arrangement?"

It turned out to be Miss White, whom I had stopped paying attention to a long time ago.

"So …" The live broadcast of my mother and me... Do we continue? "

"Go on, go on. The main characters of this episode were originally you guys!" But I'm afraid no one in the audience wants to go back to watching those somnolent movies anymore, and no one wants to see any more of these fake motherhood affairs.

Thus, while being completely confused, the current camp has been split into three groups: the Mr Eloi and the Master Number Six who were at loggerheads with each other, I who was entangled by the Miss Jiang, and the 'protagonists' who seemed to have been quietly sitting by the side, forgotten.

Just as the three parties were at a stalemate, I finally heard the director's cute words. "Latimer, we are all ready. Next up will be some screenshots of the 'Robotics Theatre Accident'. Please continue. "

Ah, did something happen over there? How is Miss Tomoko now?

Even though it was in front of Big Boss, as a qualified host, I had to return to the center of the stage to guide this special program: "Dear audience at the 'Daydream Theater', I'm sure you all have seen that the plot has reached its climax. What kind of conspiracy did the big bosses who appeared out of nowhere have? What exactly were the intentions of the Miss Jiang from Moloch? Next, we'll broadcast a review of a bizarre and alarming incident in the Robotics Theatre. During the broadcast, the live broadcast will continue. Please get ready and let us join in the broadcast, which may affect the fate of our entire era! "

When I just finished speaking, I saw Miss White staring at me fixedly. I'm really sorry, I actually completely forgot about the reason for this live broadcast.

Although I don't know exactly what happened, but I know what's on everyone's mind, so I added, "And... What happened to Miss Moro Tomoko? "