Chapter 25: The Big Guns

Name:Dawn of the Void Author:
Chapter 25: The Big Guns

James took his seat. The vibe was different from last time, with less people both in the chairs and on the monitors. Folks were quieter, most not making eye contact, the strain and exhaustion and quiet desperation obvious.

He glanced at the monitors. No Department of Defense.

The mayor arrived late, sweeping in with an entourage that fanned out to take chairs or move to the wall as he sat at the head of the table. He looked waxen, his eyes glazed, his hair greasy, his clothing rumpled.

It was like theyd called in the mayors understudy to come play his role at four in the morning.

Hello! The mayor flashed his signature blinding smile. Here we are again. Show of hands whos tired of meetings? Or the apocalypse? The thing about the apocalypse is that its the end, but it doesnt end fast enough, am I right? Hour after hour, it just keeps on going. Well. He sat up straight, fussed with his pencil and papers. So does the New York City local government. Kudos, everyone, for not dying. Speaking of which, Mr. Kelly! Very not dead despite our first documented brush with the new Nemesis. Thoughts? And prayers? No, just thoughts for now, haha.

James didnt answer at once. He felt like an old, worn rock upon which the mayors frenetic wave had just crashed and then washed away. Looking into the mans eyes, James thought he saw fear and panic and guilt and horror. The man was barely holding on.

Time for some judicious words.

First, I want to thank the mayor for the leadership hes shown so far. Its a thankless task to be in charge when everything is going to hell, but Mayor Liu has held firm and taken the punches. Thank you, mayor.

Lets hear it for the mayor, said Liu, turning from one side to the other to encourage clapping with his own. No, but seriously, thank you James. I appreciate the kind words. I will say He paused dramatically. That its not been fun. But thats why I ran for office, right? Well, no, not in hopes of leading us through a demon apocalypse, dont quote me on that, but to - anyways. Enough about me! James. You were saying.

Nemesis 2 is serious trouble. It represents a massive escalation of Nemesis 1. With a prepared fireteam and Serenity, and with three of us augmented by Smite, we were barely able to drop them. Regular folks with regular guns are going to be toast. Which is why I accepted the office of Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Ranking Citizens under Commissioner Morgan.

Yes! Mayor Liu stood up and eagerly led the applause. Score one for the good guys! He sat down abruptly. These new powers were being gifted? Earning? Theyre obviously the only way to meet fire with fire. Dont get me wrong, Colonel - The mayor turned to one of the monitors where a grizzled man was watching impassively. I love a good .50 cal as much as the next guy, but this Smite action? Reminds me of this Holy Paladin I leveled to 50 back in the day. He turned and grinned at James. Gimme that smite, am I right? So, go on. You were telling us how fucked we are.

Only if we dont act fast. James spoke slowly, trying to ground the meeting around the mayors manic energy. As Deputy Commissioner, Id like to work with Major Hackworth and the military in helping set up new and improved clearance zones to deal with this threat. Of course I wanted to run this past you first to make sure we were on the same page.

Same page, yes. The mayor leaned back. Ive seen footage of the Fourth Wave debacle. He raised both hands and leaned forward suddenly. Not blaming anyone. Were all doing our best. But its not a good look when thousands die crushed against tanks on live TV. Just kidding. But Im serious. We need to avoid that at all costs. What are you thinking?

James glanced sidelong at Hackworth. Id like to set up a breakout session with the major to discuss exactly that, Mr. Mayor. I know there are lots of other things to discuss, but for now I think that needs to be our first priority.

Great. Love it. Breakout sessions is what I used to call my make out sessions back in high school. I was born for this job. He grinned at everyone, stood up. I think I need to go think things over. Keep me in the loop?

Several officials looked pained, opening their mouths to speak, then sat back, defeated, as the mayor swept back out of the room.

Mr. Iverness rose to his feet. Mr. Kelly, I feel that its incumbent upon me to remind you that you do not have carte blanche to do as you please.

Serenity twirled a pencil shed stolen from somewhere around her fingers. Dont the CIA deal with outside problems, like where best to set up a black camp in a third world country? Hows this your business?

Mr. Iverness glared at Serenity with cold anger. The CIA is the collecting house for all the intelligence agencies. It is our responsibility to collate the Presidents daily briefing, and with all our energies now directed inward, we are putting our considerable resources toward aiding the domestic situation. So what happens here is now very much my concern.

Thank you, Mr. Iverness. James stood, his voice carefully formal. I appreciate your oversight. Major Hackworth?

Colonel, Ill send you an invite to the breakout session, said Hackworth. Itll be just a minute.

Very well, Major. The colonel logged off.

A whole bunch of people were staring at James, clearly intent on waylaying him, but then Jessica was there, running interference with a brilliantly cutting smile, guiding him out, shutting down questions politely, promising to get people on Jamess calendar, and in moments he was out of the meeting room, hustling down another corridor, and entering a smaller chamber.

Just an oval table and monitors on one wall. Major Hackworth set his hat down and pulled out a chair next to Mancini. Another military guy was already there, his chest colorful with ribbons, his face square and jowly like a hounds. But his gaze was cool and inquiring like those of a card sharp, and when they shook James felt calluses and a deep strength that indicated this guy was no pencil pusher.

Major Castle, James Kelly, Serenity, Major Hackworth said.

Kelly. The major frowned at him for a moment, then nodded. Did the same to Serenity and sat.

The options are Dark Vision, Sacred Strike, and Deadeye.

Again, a wave of conversation arose, people turning to confer, and it took a few minutes for people to settle.

Executive Director Sanchez was busy typing and looking off screen, but she spoke with fierce focus. Deadeye is informal North American slang for an excellent marksman. That would seem to indicate a martial progression that specializes in firearms or ranged weapons, which would make Sacred Strike perhaps more focused on hand-to-hand combat, or the use of regular weapons.

A strike force is an armed force equipped to deliver a strong offensive or retaliatory blow, said Hackworth. But that would indicate a larger force, not just an individual.

Whereas our NV33s provide up to 24 hours of night vision. Makes Dark Vision less of an appealing option, said Mills.

Anything else, Kelly? demanded the colonel.

I have five unspent points. I havent yet decided how to use them but seeing as my Level 5 aura only ashed the exterior of the Nemesis 2, I might work on raising that. One other note: I used an Aeviternum point to recover from the injury the Nemesis 2 gave me, and, well, now I feel great.

Im glad to hear it, said the colonel, clearly ready to move on.

My point, sir, is that I have two more left. In about eight hours when I start to tire, I could use a second for a complete refresh. Then dawn will hit, and Ill get all my spent points back. With three points I could tap one every eight hours to never need to sleep while remaining on top of my game.

That got the colonels attention.

Outstanding, said Hackworth. That would effectively double if not triple our combat output.

And ability to plan, analyze, and react, said Sanchez. An Aeviternum point costs 5 unspent points. Is that still the case as a Supplicant?

I - actually, I havent checked. One second. James summoned his statistics and focused on the Aeviternum.

Well shit, he said. Its gotten more expensive. Now its ten.

Damn, said Hackworth. Weve not prioritized those points so far, which means well need to direct our people to buy them while theyre cheap.

Maybe, maybe, maybe, said Mills, moving back to his desk. Everything has an opportunity cost, sir. We all begin with one dot. Thats something. Well add this data to our analysis and will include it in the guidelines well be sending out soon.

Thank you, Mr. Kelly, said the colonel. Now. Lets talk about clearance zones. We need to avoid the national clusterfuck that was the Fourth Wave, and our job is made more complicated for having lost the ability to delay with the acknowledgement request. Thoughts?

Sir, said James, tone heavy as he realized how dangerous his suggestion could prove. If I may?

Go ahead, Mr. Kelly.

Given what weve learned here, Im now of the opinion now that we should opt for short term gains over possible long-term hardship. Right now its really hard to put these fuckers down without a SAW amped up by Smite. And weve got no control over when they appear. Which means come the Fourth Wave, what, hundreds of thousands will show up all at once? If we gather people into big crowds, thats just

James trailed off, trying to envision the final stand hed taken part in on the morning of the Fourth Wave, but with the ten thousand gremlins replaced by Nemesis 2s.

Executive Director Sanchez finally tore her gaze from her laptop to stare right into the camera. What are you suggesting, Mr. Kelly?

That we just let em go, then level up as many people as possible and go after them.

Sanchez took off her glasses. You realize that may be exactly what they desire? That the reason they are this dangerous and tough to kill is precisely so that we leave them alone to accomplish their goals?

Yeah. James felt a wave of heavy despair wash over him. It wasnt born of fatigue, but just a crushing sense of being the fuck out of options. Youre probably right. But we dont have the time or means to handle hundreds of thousands of these guys all at once. I think we need to figure out what it is theyre doing, where theyre going, and then call in the big guns to handle them.

For the first time Major Castle spoke, his quiet and hard. The big guns?

Yeah. Fighter jets with missiles. That kind of shit. I may be out of line here, but if hundreds of thousands of those bastards get together, well never kill them with SAWs or .50 calibers. Were gonna need to carpet bomb them back to hell.