Chapter 644

Name:Dark King Author:
Chapter 644 – Chapter 643: Chaos Begins [ First Update ]

Barton’s tax reduction treaty after becoming the pope caused the outer wall to sink into a sea of cheers. In this era where the class system was clear, the tax burden far exceeded the imagination of ordinary people, at this moment, no one would protest against the fact that the new pope had succeeded to the throne. However, places like the military and the Knight’s Hall were excluded.

“What does the Holy See want to do this time? Reduce taxes? They want to use such a method to gather the People’s hearts?”

In the conference room of the military headquarters, many generals and chief of staff, led by the three commanders-in-chief, were sitting in the hall. Some looked worried, some looked deep, and some were deep in thought.

“According to the latest intelligence, I have found the identity of the new pope. If I tell you, you will think that I am joking.”A five-star general with a full beard looked around the crowd, there was a trace of mockery and coldness on his face.

“Don’t keep me in suspense. Just tell me directly!”

“What identity?”

The general with a full beard said calmly, “This kid named Barton is not a noble at all, nor has he been crowned with a Knight Medal. In fact, he is just an orphan kid from the slums! “I have found the orphanage where he came from and verified his identity.”

“What? !”

“What are you talking about?”

“He’s from the slums? !”

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at the bearded general in disbelief.

This reaction was completely within the bearded general’s expectations. When he first received the news, his reaction was exactly the same as theirs. However, at this moment, he only felt a trace of ridicule in his heart. It wasn’t because he felt that his peers were laughable.., it was because he felt that the actions of the radiant church were laughable. They actually allowed a lowly commoner to sit on the position of Pope. No one would believe it even if it was said!

“He is an orphan from the slums. How can he join the Radiant Church?”A heroic female general said with a frown.

The bearded general shrugged slightly, “Didn’t the radiant church change the recruitment rules a few years ago? As long as one comes from a noble background, they can avoid the assessment and enter the probation stage. Before he entered the radiant church, he was adopted by a lonely noble. As for why this poor noble would adopt such a lowly person, no one knows.”

“Didn’t you get it out?”

“I can’t ask the mouth of a dead person.”

“They died?”

“When my people investigated, they had already been dead for a long time. Their entire family was killed, and even their children were not spared. Not a single one survived, including their distant relatives who came to visit them. Unfortunately, they also suffered!”The bearded general said indifferently.

The other general, who was as tall as a bear, had a gloomy face, he said in a muffled voice, “In other words, they were silenced. It seems that all of this was meticulously planned. When the time comes, what kind of conspiracy is the church planning? Why would Richelieu support a commoner from the slums to succeed the throne? Isn’t he afraid of blasphemy by doing this?”?

“The Church of light has been blaspheming the gods for a long time. Using the name of God to educate the commoners and extort their money, it’s extremely despicable!”The female general from before said coldly.

“I don’t agree with your words.”The other blonde and white-skinned general looked unhappy, “Although the Holy See has gone overboard in some areas, if it wasn’t for the Holy See’s ability to spread justice for so many years, the outer wall region wouldn’t be so peaceful. The plague and poverty would bring about riots. The Holy See has calmed the emotions of the commoners. This is something that we soldiers will never be able to do. We Can’t point our weapons and spears at everyone and tell them not to fight or cause trouble. Otherwise, they will be punished, right?”

The female general sneered and said, “Are you sure that the person who spreads the power of justice is the person of Justice?”? “We didn’t use weapons to intimidate the civilians, but they have already done so. If the Knights of light didn’t patrol around, how many riots would there be?”

“You’re making nonsense!”The blonde general said angrily, “Who said that the person who spreads the power of justice must be the person of Justice? “Even if the pope’s goal is to benefit, at least the impact of what he does is good. That’s Enough!”

“Enough.”A commander in his eighties raised his hand slightly to stop the two from arguing, he said, “The contribution of the Holy See is undeniable. However, after so many years, the Holy See has become more and more unscrupulous. Behind any power is the word ‘benefit’. The Holy See is no exception. We have suffered losses in the hands of the Holy See these years. Everyone should know that if we allow the Holy See to continue expanding, when all the nobles and civilians are on their side, as the ones who maintain the security of the outer wall, we can only look up to the Holy See.”

“Your words are too serious.”A similarly aged white-haired old man beside him smiled faintly. “What use can the commoners be? Even if they all become believers of the Holy See, what can they do? Do they still dare to overturn the heavens?”

“Why not? I feel that the power of the commoners can not be underestimated. Although they are weak, their numbers are great. If they gather together, they might be able to shake our power!”The eighty-year-old man from before said in a deep voice.

“You are worrying too much.”The white-haired old man chuckled. “Let’s not talk about the fact that these commoners do not dare to do so. Even if they listen to the words of the Holy See and oppose us, they will only be seeking their own destruction. There is only one path to death. Do you think that the Iron Lion Crusade under us is afraid of these unarmed commoners?”

“If we underestimate the commoners, we will suffer a great loss sooner or later!”The eighty-year-old man said angrily.

“I agree,”a general echoed.

The white-haired old man glanced at him, he said indifferently, “Rather than caring about these lowly commoners, why don’t we talk about the Holy See? This time, they have elected a new pope to succeed them. They must be planning to do something big. What I’m most worried about is the inner wall behind the Holy See… if they are guided by the inner wall, this matter will be troublesome.”

Hearing his words, everyone looked at each other, their expressions ugly.

“Commander, if the Holy See has the inner wall interfering, should we apply to the defense army of the inner wall and ask them to send reinforcements?”The female general from before immediately asked.

The white-haired old man sneered and said, “Nothing has happened. It’s just a guess, and they have invited the inner wall over. Are you trying to start a war in the inner wall?”

The eighty-year-old man sitting next to him did not say anything. He did not agree or reject.

When the female general heard his words, a trace of disappointment flashed across her eyes. She sighed in her heart. She knew that the military region had always been against requesting reinforcements from the inner wall. Even though the last time the barbarians invaded the territory and broke through the fortress.., the military region had also waited until the very end before requesting reinforcements from the inner wall. The reason for this was that many of the generals present were against requesting reinforcements because once the inner wall sent people over.., they would all face the possibility of being reshuffled, especially the three commanders-in-chief. They would also face the possibility of being governed, and would no longer be supreme!

“I think it’s better to use our spies to investigate the details and see what the Holy See is planning to do.”The bearded general from before spoke, breaking the deadlock.

Someone immediately agreed.

While the military region was having a meeting, an angry voice shook the meeting hall of the hall of knights, “Bori! Are You a spy sent by the Holy See? Who allowed you to act on your own accord and support the Holy See on behalf of the entire hall of Knights? Do you want to drag the hall of knights into this mess? !”

The one who spoke was an old man with white hair and beard. He was also the Hall Master of the Hall of Knights, Vic Jones!

Everyone stared coldly at a thin old man, waiting for his explanation.

Boray smiled bitterly. When he was praising the new pope as a legendary knight, he knew that he would face this scene. He silently chose his words, he said, “Temple Master, I’m not representing the entire hall of knights. I’m just representing myself. I’ve seen the resume of this new pope. I think this person is very good. He will be an outstanding pope in the future. That’s why I’m praising him.”

“Personally?”? ! Vic Jones said angrily, “Will the people outside think that you’re representing yourself? Will the military region think so? Will the Court of Justice Think So? Let me tell you, the succession of the Pope of the Holy See has always been controlled by the inner wall region! The sudden change of the Pope of the Holy See this time must be because the inner wall region suddenly had some sort of plan. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be so sudden! You dragged us into this mess to destroy us!”