Chapter 2510

Malekith is standing in Stonehenge. His all around is an entire elite Dark Elf team. It can be said that he has brought all the elite of the Dark Elf army of thousands of people. It’s all here. In order to cover up the existence of this army, he even sacrificed other ordinary Dark Elf fighters.

At this time, Malekith, his whole body is covered with strands of black patterns, and from time to time there are sharp thorns emerging. His shoulders, elbows, back, and legs are almost always There are sharp spurs emerging from a joint, and even on the top of his head, these spurs formed a weird crown, and under this crown are the Malekiths who don’t know when they have become blood red. Eyeballs.

Not only he is like this, but all of the nearly 100 elite Dark Elf fighters present are like this. Even the black liquid that binds Carol and Brian is the same. The source of all comes from the slender blade on Malekith, and that is the prestigious God Slaughter Blade in the entire universe. The name alone is enough to make the Gods of the universe involuntarily tremble.

Although it was said that Malekith was hiding an army here, he was stabbed by Carol, but Earth knew nothing about the specific situation of the army, the number and strength of the army. Not to mention that they were also boosted by Venom Symbiote.

But at this time, Malekith does not at all care about the situation inside Stonehenge. At this time, his attention is all attracted by the outside thunderbolt.

A large swath of dark clouds appeared above the sky. The dark clouds not only appeared in the sky above London, but also appeared in the sky above the important cities of this World such as New York, Paris, Shanghai, News, etc. The sound from the east side of Atlantic Ocean always conveys the westernmost side of Atlantic Ocean, and from the easternmost side of Pacific Ocean, it always conveys the westernmost side of Pacific Ocean. Its rumbling sound overwhelms the screams of living people and overwhelms The roar of the undead.

Huge storms rolled up all around the coast of Australia, rolling madly towards the west, and hitting the southernmost point of the Cape of Good Hope.

Over all the coastal cities of the world, the same storm is surging, the same lightning and hair fall from heaven, and the same air current roars like a Viking hurricane, as if the entire world is all With thunderous cheers, we warmly welcome the arrival of the hero.

This is a storm across the border, thunderbolt dances wildly in it, it swarms the entire Midgard into its arms with its strong arms, this is a storm that rains blood and Ulu , And his battle cry is a huge thunderbolt.

Standing in Stonehenge, Malekith could even hear Thor’s roar: “Malekith, you bastard, where are you hiding?”

“My dear god of thunderbolt, you Finally showed up, the most important piece on this chessboard is finally settled!” Malekith’s slightly narrowed eyes were full of excitement, and he could even see a smug smile on his face. He has built the whole stage. Now, it’s time for the actors to come on stage!

Almost at the same time, everyone on Earth knew about Thor’s arrival. At the final moments of the final crucial battle, their most important hero appeared, and this will undoubtedly bring everyone Hope of victory.

In this world, especially at this time, there are very few people who can really see Thor. They all know that Thor is preparing for the next battle and there is no time to clone, because Malekith It is very clear that Thor is only allowed to enter the magic barrier, and anyone else tries to enter the magic barrier, he will immediately kill Carol and Brian.

And if Thor is allowed to face Malekith alone, he will be under great pressure, especially when Malekith still holds the blade of the butcher, Thor’s chances of winning will be very small, but He had to go again, Thor must now think of the most correct strategy.

In fact, now Thor is not alone. He is also with his other companions, Sorcerer Supreme Strange and Captain America.

This is an empty room. There is only one transparent glass cell in the whole room. Thor, Strange, and also Rogers are outside this glass cell. Through the bottom of the glass room, I looked towards the deadly London city under the night.

This glass cell was originally prepared for Hulk, but in the end, only Loki and Thor lived in it.

“The war is still raging in Midgard. If I don’t face Malekith alone, then my comrade-in-arms will die. This seems to be a challenge with no chance of winning.” Thor lifts the head, looked towards After Rogers and Strange, he chuckled and said, “But the flame of Yggdrasil gave me the answer.”

Hearing Thor say this, he seemed to have found a way to deal with Malekith and the current situation.

But for his this remark, Rogers couldn’t help his face, and quickly asked: “Are you looking for Yggdrasil again for the answer?”

Looking for the answer to Yggdrasil It’s not a good thing. In order to fight against Ragnarök, against Hela and Thanos, Thor had to go to Yggdrasil for the answer. For this reason, he also sacrificed his own eye. Now he goes to Yggdrasil again for the answer, who knows that he has to pay. What the price.

Seeing Rogers’ eager gaze, Thor shook the head, said with a smile: “Don’t worry, this time is not as serious as the last time. I paid some price, but it’s not important, nor It will affect the battle at this time.”

Nordic magic, the Nordic combat system, their core law is actually sacrifice, exchange, whether it is Thor or Odin, they want to become the king of rune. In the end, you have to pay the price of only one eye. Father and son are the same, there is no difference.

“Tell me about your method. You can find the two of us alone, so that this matter has something to do with the two of us.” Strange is still calm and doesn’t know that he is oneself. Guess When I arrive, I have already peeped into the future.

“Malekith once said that only Thor can enter the magic barrier.” Thor looked towards Strange, and then said with a faint smile: “Then we just need to go in Let him think so before.”

“Is this the way you came up with it?” Strange heard Thor’s words, but he was snort disdainfully on his face. Said: “We have thought about such a method. Whether it is invisibility or the ability to use Pym Particles, it is not enough to hide Malekith’s eyes.”

Invisibility is the most nonsense. With Malekith’s abilities, even the influence magic that Strange personally displayed can hardly deceive Malekith’s eyes. Malekith itself is a powerful Divine Power level. With the blessing of Venom Symbiote, his strength has been raised to Yatian. Father level, so even if they reduce themselves to quantum level through Pym Particles, they may not be able to hide it from his eyes.

Thor didn’t care at all about Strange’s rebuttal. He said with confidence, “The reason why other methods don’t work is because you can’t use that ability to the limit. But my method is different. My method is enough to ensure that you two can enter without being noticed.”

“Oh!” Rogers and Strange looked at each other, their eyes filled Surprised, is there really a way for them to enter the magic barrier with Thor without being noticed by Malekith?

In the curious eyes of Rogers and Strange, Thor said something that only the three of them heard.

Finally, Thor straightened up and looked at Rogers and Strange with surprise faces. Facial expression grave said: “The three of us have special powers, and we need all of us to fight, regardless of Do they hold the hammer?”

“This is true.” A sudden voice awakened the three of them, and the three of them immediately turned their heads back, and Strange was already pinched in his hand. hand seals, and Rogers also held the Captain America hammer in his hand. Only Thor looked at the person who appeared suddenly and whispered: “Loki.”

Yes, This person who appeared suddenly is Loki, Loki chuckled and said: “I think I have enough ability to escape Malekith to enter the energy barrier.”

Of course Loki has enough ability, in this world, not yet Several people’s illusion ability can surpass Loki, even Malekith can’t.

So Thor is nodded very satisfied with Loki’s joining and said: “Then welcome, my younger brother.”