Chapter 2358

Galactus is not one or two times dead anymore. In the tens of billions of years since the birth of the universe, planets swallowed because they could not replenish energy in time, they would always be in desperation. Being starved to death, of course, after starving to death, he will be reborn again, and everything needs to start again.

No one knows why planets swallow the energy that needs to continuously devour the universe, but for now, everything is fine, the expansion speed of the universe far exceeds the speed of Galactus swallowing planet, so to So far, even if Galactus has swallowed the planet for more than tens of billions of years, the universe is still vibrant and prosperous.

The body of this Galactus was discovered by people underground.

Yes, there are underground people in Earth, but the underground is not as convenient as above ground. The underground people that exist on all continents really have no connection, even together with the underground people on the continent, because The isolation of traffic, sometimes even not knowing each other’s existence.

The civilization of the underground people is a kind of tribal civilization. The underground resources are naturally not as abundant as the ground, especially in terms of food. The lack of food also leads to a considerable upper limit of the underground population, tens of thousands of several The tribe of hundred thousand people is already a very rare big tribe. The existence of a few hundred people and thousands of people is the rule of the bottom of the earth, but the threat of the underground people cannot be ignored.

Because of the lack of threats similar to natural disasters and wars, the civilization of the underground people has continued very smoothly, and the discovery of some special materials and relics in the underground has also allowed the technology and civilization of the underground people to move forward. Although in general, the scientific and technological civilization of the underground people is not as good as the surface people, but in some aspects, the progress made by the underground people far exceeds the imagination of the surface people.

Few people know that there have been small-scale fierce conflicts between America and the underground, which ended in the annihilation of the American soldiers.

The underground environment is not only unsuitable for the survival of people on the surface, and even simple walking is sometimes very difficult.

Underground people are very low, and they have been accustomed to bending and walking since they were young. Their actions in underground caves are much stronger than those on the surface, and underground warfare has the special characteristics of underground warfare. Attention is likely to cause the entire passage to collapse and bury all the people inside.

In fact, many people don’t know the existence of the underground people. US Military regards him as oneself’s unique secret. If it is not really impossible to conceal it, they will not let this matter to others. I know, and even at the most compelled by circumstances, they just found Fantastic Four and let them deal with things about people in the ground. Such things are more than one or two times. Mister Fantastic Richard can guarantee enough The tightness of the message.

Even US Military hoped that Mister Fantastic and the others could help them completely control the underworld, but in the end they were disappointed. Reed Richard and the underground people finally reached a peace agreement. Finally, US Military had no choice but to accept it.

As a superhero, Reed Richard is also one of the top rich men in this World. Even if he doesn’t like politics, he still maintains closeness with a considerable part of policies for various reasons. The relationship, with the addition of US Military allowing Richard to intervene, gave him full authorization, so the agreement reached by Richard is legal to a certain extent, and it is also endorsed by the President.

So about the underground people, in the end, only some people in a small area knew about it, and more people knew nothing.

As for the discovery of this Galactus body, this in itself is also a secret that the underground people want to conceal, but the underground people finally let this news be exposed due to their own internal political conflicts. Among them Some people found Mister Fantastic directly and asked him to help with this matter.

Galactus is very big, lying on the ground, his body stamina is several hundred meters long, and if it stands up, it is even the size of a hill.

This body was finally moved silently to Arctic Circle in Canada, and this body, which is unknown for tens of thousands of years, was finally transformed by Mister Fantastic Reed Richard and Stark and the others It became a base for Avengers, Avengers Mountain.

After the incident of the leader of Hydra Paragon, SHIELD was disbanded. Avengers also believed that they were no longer suitable for staying in America. At least the headquarters of Avengers should not stay in America. Who knows if something similar will happen again in the future.

Avengers has been established for several decades, but after so many years, all kinds of disputes always emerge in endlessly, the invasion of alien influence, the threat of hostile influence within Earth, and the trouble caused by accidental experiments, also The divisions caused by different self-concepts, the invasion of different-dimensional demons, and the spread of God’s wars, Earth cannot always avoid disasters again and again.

Still here, either many things are caused by Avengers themselves, or many are attacks launched by powerful enemies who regard Avengers as the primary target. Avengers Headquarters is from the center of Manhattan to New York. In the suburbs, the relocation time and time again proves that Avengers’ worries in this regard are not unreasonable. This time, they simply cleared America and moved to the deserted Canada Arctic Circle, and no one knew it.

This Galactus body has existed on Earth for tens of thousands of years. Although it looks alive on the outside, it is as solid as iron inside. I don’t know if there is any special power. As for the body of Galactus, Avengers couldn’t shake it at all.

Fortunately, although they can’t shake Galactus’s body, they can’t move part of his body, but the weapons in his hand can still be used.

The body of Galactus was holding a weapon in his hand. It was something similar to a magic staff, but at the top of the magic staff was a cylindrical object, which was already empty. According to Reed Richard’s analysis, this should be the location of Galactus’ energy disassembler. Galactus uses this magic staff to absorb energy, and then uses the energy disassembler on the top of the magic staff to disassemble the absorbed energy and then use it for self-absorption.

When Rogers came here by Quinjet, he suddenly saw Galactus’s body that had been erected. His waist was covered by thick ice and snow. He stood there, holding his left hand. The magic staff, the right hand stretched forward, as if to grasp something, and the top of his head, also left and right arms, were all covered in ice and snow, only the face, chest and abdomen could see the incomparable hardness armor.

Galactus’s body is in armor, but in the past, I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years later, this armor has no other special functions besides being extremely hard, and Avengers can use it, It is the cylindrical hollow space at the top of the magic staff in his left hand, which is almost parallel to the top of Galactus’s body, and several hundred meters above the ground, and there is the new Avengers Headquarters.

Rogers is standing at the door of the new Avengers Headquarters. At a glance, his eyes are almost full of beautiful aurora. Although it is far away from people, you have to admit that the environment here is indeed beautiful.

Rogers had just entered Avengers Headquarters, and he was shocked by everything in front of him. The inside and outside were completely two scenes.

The sun is still shining outside, and when you enter it, stars are shining, whether it’s above or below the head, in front of and behind you, as long as you can see the outside, all are stars, just like they Just like being directly in the Star Sea.

Moreover, the entire space is exceptionally high, with a height of at least 30 meters. Rogers appears to be extremely small in it.

Because of this, just entering it, I am afraid that oneself would really think that oneself came to the cosmic starry space, but a little spirit slowly recovers, they would think that all this is nothing but the light energy technology The resulting projection, everything around all is fake, just the image that’s all.

But Rogers is very clear that if they really charge ahead from here desperately, I am afraid they will really fall into the endless starry sky.

Of course, the extremely hard transparent walls in the entire space make it impossible for you to charge ahead from it. Except for the original gate here, you don’t want to have any other way to get in and out of it, here is a hard An incomparable fortress.