Chapter 2289

Watching Rogers walk out of the White House step by step, Magneto not at all holding oneself daughter personally intends to clean up Rogers, he turned his head and looked towards Selina and Emma Fir Roster, said solemnly: “You two go back with me, and bring Wanda back to you first, as for you, Pietro!”

Magneto turned around and looked towards Rogers below, coldly said: “A matter of revenge I leave it to you, I can’t just leave it like that.”

Although Chthon has expelled Wanda’s decentness now, his last look made Magneto very uneasy, always feeling It’s not that easy to end, so he needs to get Selina, who is also proficient in dark magic, and Emma Frost, who has in-depth research on Mental Power, to go back and help him restore Wanda’s body. This is the most important thing at the moment.

But even so, for Rogers, Magneto did not intend to let it go so easily. Himself does not take action, but it is the same with Quicksilver instead of taking action, plus angel Beast and secret guest, etc. The expert among a bunch of Mutants, must clean up all the Hydras present.

Quicksilver hesitated a bit, and finally nodded and agreed. With Wanda’s current state, it may not be able to wake up in a short time, even if Magneto and Selina also Emma Frost can’t solve this When something happened, they might still need to trouble Professor Charles.

So before Wanda wakes up, Quicksilver is useless even if it is anxious. Instead of staying here to help Strange and Stark and the others, anyway, get rid of Rogers. Both are the current primary missions.

When Rogers walked out of the White House, Stark hesitated a bit, but in the end everyone stopped attacking Rogers.

However, if the attack is stopped, the attack can be stopped, but in the vicinity all around, all the spaces have been locked. Ada wants to return here by teleportation, and then take Rogers away. It is already impossible. Of it.

In the case of the Helicarrier crash, only a dozen of the original hundreds of Hydra soldiers survived. Even the cloned Doctor Octopus was finally taken by Stark himself. He and Vision , Or Rogers Colonel blasted to pieces together.

At this time, in addition to Stark, Colonel Rhodes, Falcon, Vision, Strange, Carol, Mystery, Human Torch and other flying superheros in the mid-air of White House Square , Hulk, Rock-Man Ben, Hawkeye Barton, Natasha, Little Spider, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, also Jessica Jones and the others, have firmly surrounded the White House all around.

To be farther away, also more superhero are attacking all Hydra’s resistance in Washington, but there is no doubt that after Rogers has removed the soldiers who are absolutely loyal to Hydra, they will stay The miscellaneous soldiers here can’t support it for long.

Although they have now sensed the withdrawal of Hydra’s main force and have sent a certain amount of manpower to pursue them, for them, the most important thing is to reoccupy Washington, especially the White House. Only by reoccupying White House can it mean that they have retaken everything.

“You all withdraw to the White House first.” Rogers said to the Hydra soldiers who are relying on the Helicarrier fragments to resist, then looked up towards all the enemies looking towards all around, and said, “Don’t worry. , They won’t take the opportunity to attack you.”

Rogers stood there, his gaze looked straight towards Stark, who was standing in the middle of the crowd. The meaning in his words was very clear. He wanted to use Oneself exchanged for the safety of these Hydra soldiers, Stark hesitated a little, and finally nodded.

Although there is the strongest defensive fortress in the world under the White House, can that defensive fortress stop him? Can it stop Carol and Strange? And As long as the open windows inside the defensive fortress are not closed, the people inside will eventually have dead ends.

Rogers took a deep breath, lifts the head looked towards everyone, and then said: “I want you to know that I understand what you want to do, even if it makes me angry and frustrated; I also understand that you are just doing what you think is right, but you are all wrong. Look around all around to see the damage you have caused, how many lives have died because of this, but in the end it was just in vain.”

“I can safely tell you that few of us here are listening to you seriously, and if it weren’t for Hydra, all this would not happen.” Stark reached out and pressed his neck, next moment, the mask on the side of Iron Man Armor After retreating, what appeared in front of everyone was still the Stark projection formed by photon energy. He continued to say: “We know who you are, but we want to know whether the real Steve Rogers is still alive.”

“To be honest, I don’t know.” Hydra Paragon leader Rogers stood there calmly shook his head, and said, “I’m also passive in participating in this matter. If it weren’t for the Monster General, I would push it to this World. , I simply can’t predict that such a bizarre thing will happen. For the Rogers in your mouth, I have never seen or contacted him, so I don’t know how he is.”

“oh “Hydra Paragon leader Rogers said this, Natasha’s eyes suddenly lit up, she looked up at Stark, and then stepped forward and said: “I can tell you clearly, we have sent someone to you. In that world, how sure do you think we can get Rogers back?”

For Natasha’s sudden awareness, Stark was also a little puzzled, but after hearing her question, Stark has begun to realize When he got there, he stared at the Rogers in front of him.

“What can I do if I find it back? In my world, more than 70 years have passed.” The leader of Hydra Paragon, Rogers, couldn’t help shook the head. He once thought about it if oneself Did not join Hydra in the middle, if he followed the original steps of this World to become the famous Captain America, then what kind of situation would it be.

In the final analysis, Hydra originated in the Germain Empire during World War II. Although America has various problems, discrimination and differential treatment, they are better than the Germanic empire, which concentrated on killing Jews. Many.

Of course, for the benefit of oil, America turned the Middle East into a pot of porridge. I don’t know how many people died because of them. However, compared to the Germanic empire that wants to rule the world, America has the same ambitions, but it does so. It’s completely different.

For Captain America that has grown up in this environment, the leader of Hydra Paragon is somewhat envious. Although he also has two completely trustworthy people, Helmut Zemo and Mrs. Hydra Alisha, he doesn’t Knowing that it is due to the nature of Hydra, or for other reasons, whether it is Faust doctor, or Doctor Zola, or imitating master and Ada, or even sea monster Reinhardt, there is a trace of selfishness.

Although Rogers tried hard to make everything develop in a better direction during this period of time, under all kinds of interference, he really achieved his goal very rarely. Sometimes he dreamed back at midnight. Rogers always feels like oneself. He is carrying the entire Hydra empire and advancing by himself, while the people around him are constantly pulling his hind legs. Sometimes he is really tired, but he has to support it. With.

Compared to the internal intrigue in Hydra, although Avengers also have contradictions, of course these contradictions are on the surface. He doesn’t have to worry that the own people will stabb him from behind. He also wants Hydra Advanced Everyone in the council can unite like Avengers. Sometimes he really envied the life of Captain America. He really wanted to just say a word of assembly like him, and everyone would go through water and tread desperately. on fire.

So at this time, facing Stark and Natasha’s problem, he told them everything oneself knows without the slightest hesitation, even though it might be a betrayal of sea. Monster Reinhardt, but Rogers still has questions about the original scene. Even now, he still feels that a black hand is controlling everything behind his back, but he can’t find out who this person is.