Chapter 2191

The sentinel’s own brain has a problem, and it is very serious. Moonstone can see this thoroughly. At this time, the sentinel should do the most, but actually control it. Thor, at the same time, took down the man who attacked suddenly, but at this time, he chose to save Osborne.

If you are an ordinary person, I am afraid that the relationship between Osborne and the sentinel is very deep, but for Moonstone, who knows the physical condition of the sentinel and is also a psychology doctor, she can clearly see Osborne is controlling the sentry through some means, it should not be some kind of forced mind control. Osborne is not a master of Mental Power, but he has a very good understanding of human nature. Through this, Osborne The sentry was controlled tightly.

No matter what, the most important thing now is to control the situation. Moonstone, who is avoiding the impact of the explosion, is just about to rush forward. At this moment, she can’t help but froze slightly, because now, she not only sees clearly Thor, who stood up and held a storm axe in hand, also stood beside Thor and reached out to support his Barbara Morse. Just now, it was Barbara Morse who saved Thor by taking action.

For the former boss of the Interstellar Immigration Bureau, Moonstone couldn’t help but hesitate. On the one hand, Barbara Morse was once a colleague of the Interstellar Immigration Bureau, and the other party was Ling Xiao’s. The cronies, on the other hand, are also because of Barbara Morse’s current strong strength. For Osborn who secretly planned everything, he would carefully study the opponents he might face, and this thing was also sent before the war began.

Moonstone naturally has a copy. Barbara · Morse’s strength was demonstrated only in the New York High Court of Justice. Prior to this, she and Maria Hill were both powerful Renowned for her management ability, but after Ling Xiao left Earth, her strength suddenly increased explosively.

Many people are analyzing that the reason why Barbara Morse has such a change must be inseparable from Ling Xiao. Either Ling Xiao left her with a strong enough artifact before leaving, or Ling Xiao Xiao forcibly raised her strength to where she is now.

No one knows what the bottom line of Barbara Morse’s strength is, whether she is already a real S Rank Powerhouse, or is she temporarily possessing S Rank by some kind of artifact or some means Power, these are two completely different concepts.

If it is the latter, Barbara · Morse is equivalent to having the same half-step S Rank as Wolverine and Juggernaut, but if it is the former, then Barbara · Morse already has the same strength as Brian · Bra What’s more, Madame Gao has the same powerful strength, although it may not be as good as the old S Rank Powerhouse like Professor Charles and Magneto, but it is also enough for her to run wild on Earth!

And now, it is undoubtedly the time to test the true strength of Barbara · Morse, and for this, Osborne, who has just received the Barbara full strength hit, has the biggest say, because at this moment , His ears kept ringing the voice of intelligent life: “The shield energy is 33% remaining.”

“Damn it.” At this point, Osborn has fully understood what Barbara Morse can do. Before, when he was attacked by the destruction of the doctor, Osborn had sustained less than 20% of his shield energy. But now, Barbara Morse has been accumulating power for a long time. One blow, but it is terrifying his shield energy!

Osborne not at all was thrown to the ground. Before he landed, the sentry had helped him up, and at this time, Mordo sorcerer and the Red Hood were already directly facing Thor and Barbara · Morse rushed up, and at the next moment, the two of them had been smashed into the air. Thor, holding a Thunderbolt War axe, stood there majesticly, and Moonstone was even more motionless.

At this time, Osborn’s voice suddenly sounded in Moonstone’s ear: “Don’t be fooled by him, Thor has little power now…”

Before Spoon’s words were finished, Barbara Morse had directly lifted Thor up, his feet had a fiery tail, and the two of them flew straight towards the distance. Instead, they saw this scene, Osborne’s But his eyes narrowed slightly: “This is the ability of Extremis.”

As the current Thunderbolt Special Force Captain, plus Osborne himself started with the research of Super Soldier Serum, and After becoming the Captain of the Thunderbolt Special Forces, Osborne used his own rights to collect a lot of information about the US Government’s research on the Super Soldier Serum. Among them, the most successful one is Extremis, but the US Government holds Extremis are mostly imperfect and inferior products, very unstable and prone to explosion.

The real perfect Extremis is in Tony Stark’s hands. Perhaps in the future, Osborne can get Extremis from Stark’s hands by various means, but not now, at least after he takes Asgard Not before.

But now, Extremis is also found on Barbara · Morse, that’s interesting!

“Bobby, you are going to catch Thor and Barbara Morse now, the two of them can’t escape far.” Osborn finished speaking to the sentry, turned his head and looked towards Red Riding Hood and Mordo sorcerer: “You guys, please help me first. Kara and I have to go back to our front battlefield.”

“Okay!” I heard Osborne arrange this, Red Hood and Mordo Sorcerer immediately understood that Thor doesn’t have much power anymore. Even with the help of Barbara Morse, he can’t support it for long. With the help of the sentinel and the two of them, it is only a matter of time to win Thor. Spoon meant that as long as he does not occasionally return to the frontal battlefield, it is enough to cause trouble.

Now for Osborn, the most important thing is to win Asgard. As long as he can win Asgard, he will be able to negotiate with the US Government. As long as he negotiates with the US Government, Even if Thor was able to fight back in the end, he couldn’t do much. In the end, he could only accept the reality that Asgard was captured. That was the real overall situation.

Of course, if possible, Osborne hopes that Sentinel, Red Riding Hood, and Mordo sorcerer can take Thor, and it is best to kill him.

After arranging everything, Osborne turned his head and looked towards Moonstone on one side, nodded, and said: “Okay, Kara, let’s go!”

After that, Osborne Spoon had already taken the lead to fly into the sky. Moonstone looked back at the sentry, Red Riding Hood and Mordo sorcerer. Next moment she had already flown straight up.

To be honest, Mordo sorcerer does admire Osborn a bit. He is decisive enough to do things, and he can distinguish priorities at critical moments. This is a very difficult ability. If he really helps According to him, it would not be difficult to take the Time Stone back from Strange.

Now Mordo Sorcerer, he only thinks that oneself is the only orthodox heir to Kamar-Taj, whether it is Ancient One Sorcerer or Strange, their path has gone wrong and should be completely Was excluded from the sequence of sorcerer. For this idea, many people within Kamar-Taj also recognized this, which is why Mordo sorcerer can still be so free under Strange’s hunt.

But unfortunately, Strange holds the Time Stone from Kamar-Taj’s ancient inheritance, and he accepts the complete inheritance of Ancient One Sorcerer, so more people recognize Strange genius It is the real Sorcerer Supreme, not Mordo. In the final analysis, Mordo is not strong enough to defeat Strange. It is precisely because of this that after finding him in Osborne and extending the olive branch, Mordo sorcerer quickly Joined their circles.

Looking back, Mordo Sorcerer found that the sentry and the red hood had flown away one step ahead of time. He laughed lightly and didn’t care about anything, next moment, he had opened a door of dimension directly in front of him. I walked in in the blink of an eye.

Soon, a violent explosion sounded on the northwest coast of the Norwegian mainland. It was obvious that Thor and Barbara · Morse not at all completely escaped the sentries, red hoods and Mordo sorcerer. .

As for this scene in Norway, whether it is White House or Avengers overhead, they have not directly intervened, they are still waiting, waiting for the best take action time to appear, and then we can solve it together Kill Norman Osborne, Sentinel and War God Ares.