Chapter 2179

The vast ocean in front of them is full of scattered aircraft fragments, spreading from before their eyes to the end of their sight, and with the ups and downs of the waves, they can even be seen. The corpse floats on it, of course, or there are a few lucky survivors.

There are not many people on the island, besides Ben Ulrich and Anderson, there are also dozens of people struggling on whilst at death’s door on the island, if they were not lucky enough to meet this This is a small island, if they crash directly on land, or in a blank sea, then they will only have a dead end in the end, but they are very lucky, very very lucky, right?

At this time, it’s not just Ben Ulrich, Anderson and the people on the island who are staring at this sea area. At this time, at the headquarters of the Thunderbolt Special Forces, Norman O Spencer is in contact with the US President. Whether in the Triskelion Building or the White House, the satellite has already fed back all real-time images. With the capabilities of the US Government, they can clearly see everything.

“Mr. President, everything is clear now. It was the Asgardian who attacked. The reporter team sent to interview the new Asgard. The situation has been lost and it has taken control of Mr. Norman Osborne with grief. , Looked at President with pleading eyes and said: “Sir, now we must prepare to act on Asgard. We must control the situation.” Since the plane was attacked, there have been several Hours have passed, and all aspects of intelligence have been completely aggregated into White House. Now it is not only the countless staff of White House who are reviewing this information, but also the Chief of Defense, the President’s National Security Advisor, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Secretary of State, the Commander in charge of the military’s special forces, the CIA, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have all sent people to the White House to participate in the emergency meeting this time.

More people participated in this meeting via video. Norman Osborne’s Thunderbolt Task Force is just one of them, the commander-in-chief of America Atlantic Ocean War Zone, the USS Washington aircraft carrier formation, There are also missile launch centers in several hidden locations, and many, many Chief-In-Charge are participating in this meeting via video. Once the President and the Chief of Staff contact the chairperson of the meeting to issue an order, military operations will begin immediately.

Once a specific military operation is involved, at this time it is not the chief of the Ministry of Defense who is responsible for presiding, but the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Ministry of Defense. After all, the chief of the Ministry of Defense is just a civilian. Only officials, and only the four-star generals of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are the real Commanders of military warfare.

It can be said that these people at the scene, together with these people in the video, are enough for the US President to fight a small military war, and once he declares a state of emergency, he can Using ten times the military power to attack a country, although it may be held accountable afterwards, there is no doubt that this is the thing that can truly demonstrate the rights of the US President in addition to the nuclear bomb.

What everyone is showing now, in addition to the countless aircraft fragments scattered on the sea and a corpse, also images and videos of the murderer sent back by the instant messaging device, and This person is undoubtedly Hogan, one of Asgard’s Warriors Three.

So Osborne finished in one sentence, and in this room called the war room, almost everyone’s eyes fell on President.

As for Osborne’s proposal, the US President immediately rejected: “No, Norman, we are not fully prepared yet. The cost of dispatching is too great, and we still need to investigate the incident. Why did such a large group of journalists go to Norway at this time. They did not notify the White House and the Secretary of State, or even communicated with the Norwegian side, and went directly to the new Asgard by military plane. There are many issues that need to be investigated!”

The words of the US President made everyone present understand that things are not at all as simple as they are able to achieve their current position, which one has not experienced the plot against foul wind and bloody rain As soon as the President’s this remark came out, they immediately understood a lot of the inside story of this incident. Maybe this incident was a conspiracy devised by someone with a heart, a conspiracy to persecute the United States of America and the mighty Asgard.

For Asgard, US Military has done a thorough research. After all, it is the only existence in the entire Earth that can threaten the rule of America. They must have an in-depth understanding. As far as they know, Asgard is in addition to God of Thunder Thor, Heimdall, the guardian god and other powerful Gods and guards Legion, they also have the powerful Bifrost. It is precisely because of Bifrost that Asgardian can smoothly travel from the destroyed Asgard to Earth.

In Myths and Legends, Asgard invaded each Universe Country through the Bifrost that can travel through the universe. Therefore, they have also considered in their battle predictions that if a war starts, Asgard descended directly to the White House through Bifrost, directly to Capitol Hill, and directly to Pentagon. What should they do?

Nothing, no way, they have no way to prevent Bifrost from coming to Washington, unless they use nuclear missiles at the beginning of the war, and use nuclear missiles to destroy Bifrost directly, so as to prevent the worst from happening. .

However, if nuclear missiles are really used, it means that even the last bit of skin has been torn apart between the American government and Asgard.

Once nuclear missiles are used, whether Bifrost can be destroyed or not, even if it can be destroyed, it will also affect too many residents of Asgard. How strong is the angry God of Thunder Thor? Just by seeing that he can stand alone against Thanos, he can tell that one or two is coming. Maybe Thor’s full strength blow can destroy the US military’s aviation formation in an instant. Besides, Thor’s speed is also very amazing.

As the God who controls thunderbolt, Thor has already shown himself in the battle against Thanos. He was able to kill from Norway to America, or even directly to White House, in extreme time, and was irritated. Thor might even raze White House directly to the ground, so they must seriously consider the consequences of doing this.

Even if even a nuclear bomb cannot destroy Bifrost, then Asgardian will most likely be killed from Norway to White House in a blink of an eye, or they will move directly from Norway to other planets and leave Earth directly, no matter what That kind of result is unacceptable to White House.

White House’s position has always been clear. Their purpose is to incorporate Asgardian into the United States army, not to destroy them, and even if it is to fight Asgard, they I also hope to kill Asgardian as little as possible, because they need comrades, not enemies.

“But Mr. President, I think that the United States is now in the most critical state, and I have ordered the Thunderbolt Special Forces to be on full alert.” Norman Osborne at this time was unexpected He stared at the US President unrelentingly, and said: “Sir, as long as you give an order, then…”

“Norman, I order you to immediately lift the alert!” US President’s face in this The brief moment became ashamed, because he knew that under his connivance over the years, the Thunderbolt Special Forces had expanded into an extremely large organization, and he was originally planning to transform this organization into the SHIELD and Interstellar immigration bureaus in the future. Such an organization, once such an organization loses control, the consequences will be extremely serious.

“Sorry, sir, this is my job, and I must do the job.” Norman Osborne’s voice was calm, but his attitude remained persistent.

“Norman, I know what your job responsibilities are, I know, but I tell you…Norman…I order you…” Listening to the momentary black screen, US President is full Turning around angrily, he looked at everyone present and said: “Damn, he’s out of control!”

Whether it is the US President or everyone in the situation room, Volstagg was in the New York bar. When the murder came, apart from the excitement of doing at first, they immediately realized that this matter must have been plot against behind the scenes, but even so, they are still pushing this matter carefully, except for the people’s In addition to public opinion and Asgard’s strength, they must also guard against Avengers, after all, Thor is also a member of this alliance.

With the gradual progress of things, Norman Osborne also gradually revealed, and since he continued to participate in the situation meeting, the real people can guess that he is in this matter. Among the characters, but now, Norman Osborne has lost control, they have realized the seriousness of the matter.

Before Norman Osborne participated in the situation meeting, some people in the situation room had learned about the information and videos brought back by Elizabeth McCoy, and these were enough to prove that Asgard was innocent, plus The current incident is enough to prove that everything was planned by Osborne, and Avengers also knew this.