“Hydra used the Cambridge incident to seize control in the name of law and order and make excuses for everything. The world shouldn’t be like this.” Coulson fiercely smashed. With his left palm, he said with disapproval: “If not the mind control soap, I can figure it out a long time ago.”

“Well, wait, what are you talking about?” Skye and Simmons looked at the same time Towards Coulson, with a blank face, not knowing what he was talking about.

“Don’t you know, it’s the blue soap that everyone uses.” Coulson looked towards Skye and Simmons and explained: “Hydra is injected with chemicals that can penetrate into our blood , Planting false memories into our brains, they want us to believe that this is a magical place. But don’t worry, I’m fine, I’m using homemade soap now.”

Sitting aside Ward, could not help but raised his eyebrows, looked towards Skye aside in an unbelievable way, his eyes clearly expressed what he wanted to say: This is the reinforcement you found, this is the teasing you found Right!

Skye gave Ward a sullen look. She turned her head and looked towards Coulson and said, “No, I think you should be talking about Project TAHITI. They adjusted your consciousness, maybe it is That’s why you can remember some things…”

Skye now finally understands why both Melinda and Fitz can’t remember things in the real world, but Coulson can remember because of his memories. It has already been adjusted once, so for Radcliffe doctor again trying to do his hands and feet in his memory, he already has considerable immunity. Although not at all, it is enough to be in Radcliffe. A gap has been opened in doctor’s memory modification.

“I think maybe I can contact Fitz.” Simmons looked towards Skye expectantly.

“No.” Ward and Skye objected at the same time. Skye first turned his head and glared at Ward fiercely, then said to Simmons, “Jemma, we’ve discussed this.”

“But if you can make Coulson think of you, then I must make Fitz remember me.” Simmons demanded very stubbornly.

“Jemma!” Skye took a deep breath, looking at Simmons and said: “Fitz is different, here he is different.”

“This reality may be reversed. But Fitz is still Fitz, he is still a good person.” Simmons looked towards Skye very earnestly.

“But he is also Hydra’s No. 2 character.” Skye looked towards Simmons and said worriedly: “We can’t afford the consequences if we fail.”

“But this is the same It shows that he has enough resources, let alone the degree of understanding of the world of the framework, no one has a deeper understanding than him, we need this to leave Radcliffe’s Hydra crystal ball. “Simmons’ reasons are equally strong, as early as the pull Decliffe doctor was not found true identity. Before escaping SHIELD, he and Fitz often discussed some technical issues about the framework world. Fitz knew enough about the framework world.

“Since this is possible, we may be able to contact him in the future, but not now, at least not before we are fully prepared. We must be prepared for what may happen.” Ward I looked towards Simmons with a very firm gaze. Although it may be of great benefit to contact Fitz, it will also bring him a very big risk, especially when Skye and Simmons and the others are going to see the resistance organization tomorrow. Can’t go wrong now.

Compared with Simmons, Skye understands Ward’s subtext more clearly. It’s not impossible to contact Fitz. You must be fully prepared and be prepared for what might happen, if If there is an opportunity, Ward doesn’t mind killing Fitz directly.

Be aware that once these people die in this electronic virtual world, their bodies will also follow the death in the real world.

Skye turned his head to look at Simmons, and said with a serious face: “You are not allowed to contact Fitz, Simmons privately without my consent. In case you have any accidents, we may all I can’t go back to the real world.”

If Simmons is the only thing, then she will probably do it alone, no, she will do it.

So we have to make the matter more serious, so that it affects everyone else, so as to put an end to her fluke thoughts, also that guy…

“I Can you interrupt?” At this moment, Coulson suddenly said, “Are you talking about Holden Radcliffe doctor, the scientist? I’ve seen something before and cut it out. I… …”

Speaking, Coulson thought of the small bag he carried with him. It contained some news information he had collected deliberately or unintentionally over the years. He pulled out a news bulletin from the inside, and the picture above is exactly what Radcliffe doctor looks like holding a trophy.

“‘The famous Hydra scientist is committed to the antidote to aliens’.” Coulson held the briefing in his hand and said with a serious face: “I thought he was not right at the time. Do you know him? We? Do you know him?”

“Yes, it is him.” Skye and Simmons’ faces became serious at the same time. Skye looked at Coulson and Ward and said, “Radcliffe created the frame world with one hand. If we find him, we can find a way to leave this World, and we can even…”

Suddenly Skye stopped, and if he didn’t say the rest, she just watched Ward very carefully. At a glance, according to Ling Xiao, as the person who created this framework of the world, Radcliffe doctor should have very powerful strength, and he should have a very large protective force around him, wanting to approach him easier said than done, And to ask something out of his mouth, there must be a fierce firefight.

More importantly, the fight between the two parties is likely to cause the destruction of this World. All of them can leave and return to the real world, but Ward can’t. In the real world, he is already dead. Even if he is still alive, there is no connection between him in the real world and him in the frame world. In the final analysis, he is just a bunch of codes, unlike the others who have own awareness.

Once this World is destroyed, it is very likely that he will be destroyed with it. Of course, this is something that everyone else is very happy to see.

Skye continued: “Let’s go to Hydra headquarters tomorrow, and check where Radcliffe is?”

“No, it’s too dangerous Ward said with a solemn face, and then said: “Didn’t you say that you guys have been paid special attention to, I can check this matter, and I will send you the relevant information after I find out. “It’s not that simple. I have to go to Triskelion Headquters myself.” Skye insisted very much. She said solemnly: “I’m fast in and out, no one will find me, there will be no What’s dangerous, let alone also your cover.”

No matter who it is, it is very difficult for one person to do this, but if two people cover each other, it is much easier. .

“Well, if you insist.” Ward finally gave in. Although this time is very dangerous, as the undercover resistance organization Ward, himself believes that compared to being very much by everyone Skye, who values ​​himself, is much safer. With him secretly helping, Skye will not have any major problems.

“You two go to see Ward’s contact person, try to be careful.” Skye looked towards Coulson and Simmons, what they two want to do is not so easy.

Be aware that Simmons is still in a wanted state. If discovered by Hydra’s people and led to Ward’s contact, it is very likely to bring great danger to the resistance organization , This must be avoided.

The matter was much more serious than they thought. When Ward and Skye arrived at Triskelion Headquters at the same time, they discovered that the Hydra Agent of Triskelion Headquters was preparing for a big operation, and a small team just ready to go to capture Coulson.

With Ward’s cover, Skye entered the office area very carefully. Ward had checked it before, and a wanted arrest warrant for Skye was issued above, so Ward was really sighed in relief and he approached Skye’s desk glanced at what Skye was checking. He was shocked, and quickly lowered his voice and said, “Why are you checking Mrs. Hydra’s confidential documents? Are you crazy?”