Even Ling Xiao oneself did not expect that oneself would also have the opportunity to set foot on Zephyr One. The last time he took this plane, he had to go back to the Hydra incident. It feels like it has already It seems a long time has passed.

“Hello, Fitz, hello, Simmons!” Ling Xiao exchanged a few words with Fitz and Simmons, and then some curiously asked: “Why are you two here, Coulson?”


“Coulson is now in charge of handling ground affairs in Los Angeles.” Fitz said with a grim expression: “The situation is quite tense now. Several actions of SHIELD have been leaked to the media for unknown reasons. Messfait. It took a lot of energy to suppress the matter. In order not to let the matter of today leak out again, Metz asked Coulson to take the spot to coordinate and direct.”

“It turned out to be like this.” Ling Xiao nodded. Said: “Okay, I’m not talking nonsense, let’s go directly to the topic, how is the situation now?”

“Molo and the people from Aryan Brother have already withdrawn into the building, all They all withdrew in.” Fitz walked to the workbench, and while pulling out the infrared satellite star map, he explained to Ling Xiao: “According to the infrared image, there is a lot of energy gathering inside the building.”

“en!” Ling Xiao carefully stared at the somewhat chaotic energy cluster, and kept his eyes on Blink.

At this time, Ling Xiao is still just an incarnation, but it is difficult for Fitz and Simmons to see through this.

At this time, Fitz asked somewhat puzzledly: “Ling, I have been unable to figure out that the carbon fragments that appear out of thin air are a bit unreasonable. You are impossible to create something from nothing. Violation of the first law of thermodynamics. Even in the field of quantum vacuum fluctuation, there are laws. I don’t understand how he did it?”

“It’s not create something from nothing, how can there be So one thing!” Ling Xiao looked back at Fitz, then turned to stare at the star map image again, and explained: “Do you remember the dimensional gap you fell into? Eli Molo is from the dimensional The gap is absorbing energy and then releasing it on Earth. Now that there is enough energy, conversion is easy.”

To be honest, in Ling Xiao’s view, Eli Molo is nothing It’s just a relay. He absorbs energy from the dimensional gap, and then releases it through transforming matter on the Earth plane. He has a very low control over this energy. Basically, it is Eli Darkhold’s spells, as long as those spells are destroyed. The formation, the energy backlash between the space dimensions, is enough to kill him!

“dī dī drops!” Just as Ling Xiao finished speaking, a rapid siren suddenly sounded behind them, Fitz and Simmons quickly turned around, and the agents on the side quickly reported: “We read There was another wave of earthquakes, 1-Level 4.”

After withdrawing from Eli Morro’s manpower into the building, there have been faint earthquakes in Los Angeles this generation, which made The media can’t help but speculate whether these things are related to Quake, and Quake is naturally Skye.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived. At this time, the plane had flown over Los Angeles, and Skye’s voice appeared in the communication channel: “It’s not me this time.”

Skye has been Staying in Los Angeles and secretly forming the Interstellar Immigration Bureau Angeles Branch, SHIELD had guessed something, but due to Ling Xiao’s strong strength, he had to choose to pretend to be deaf.

This time SHIELD contacted Skye in advance, and then contacted Ling Xiao through her. After all, Eli Molo’s strength is too strong, even they contacted Robbie. Reyes, but without Ling Xiao’s approval, it is really hard to say whether Skye is willing to take such a big risk.

“Hello, Robbie, I haven’t seen you for a while!” Ling Xiao has left Zephyr One and came to the ground, reunited with Skye, and also saw Robbie who came here too. Reyes.

Ling Xiao participated in the action this time, on the one hand because Eli Molo is very tricky, and he used Darkhold’s spell to absorb energy from the dimensional gap, which has faintly touched the Interstellar immigration office. On the other hand, the attitude of Jeffrey Mays from Coulson can be seen. He seems to have the intention of reconciling with Interstellar immigration.

Although to some extent, the Sokovia regulatory agreement is just an alternative arms race, SHIELD is coerced to a certain extent by the US Government, but after all, it is an international organization. There are even two Helicarriers controlled by Nick Fury behind it. It can be seen that Jeffrey Metz intends to get rid of US Government control to some extent.

Although he worked in the United States State Department before, as the Director of SHIELD now, he must consider the issue from the standpoint of SHIELD.

Once it involves matters on a global scale, it is very necessary for SHIELD to reach a settlement with the Interstellar Immigration Bureau. East Asia is also that’s all. There is the traditional influence of the United States. The Interstellar Immigration Bureau wants Intervention is not easy.

On the contrary, it is Europe. The headquarters of Interstellar Immigration Bureau is in London, England. They can easily influence European Union through the British Government. The influence of SHIELD is gradually being excluded. You know, now SHIELD It is Natasha Romanoff, the head of the Special Agent Investigation Section, who is in charge of Europe affairs.

Black Widow is one of SHIELD’s former Level 8 Agents. She knows more secrets than Coulson knows. Even though the current SHIELD has undergone many reorganizations, it is imprinted on them. Some working methods are still a lot of things that can make people feel the way.

And there are rumors that the Interstellar Immigration Bureau has now contacted Nick Fury and started to help Helicarrier with some supplies of supplies. If the Helicarrier is really allowed to be penetrated by the Interstellar Immigration Bureau, then SHIELD’s The trouble is big.

So they must now release some positive reconciliation signals, not only with Interstellar immigration, but also Nick Fury and Maria Hill. After all, whether it is the current SHIELD or the Interstellar Immigration Bureau, they have a deep relationship with the SHIELD of Nick Fury.

Ling Xiao is also willing to settle with SHIELD, because in many cases, United States is the first stop for aliens on Earth. The Interstellar Immigration Bureau wants to carry out normal work for the entire United States. The mainland cannot be ignored, which is why he established the Interstellar Immigration Bureau Angeles Branch.

Not only the Angeles Branch, but also the New York Branch. Through these two branches, the Interstellar Immigration Bureau will strictly control the United States east west coast. If it does not settle with SHIELD, these two branches will They can only exist in the shadows forever. If they can reconcile, then it will be much easier for them to start things.

Standing at the back door of the building, Robbie Reyes sighed and said: “I hope I can completely resolve Eli’s matter today.”

Anyway, Eli Mo Luo is Robbie Reyes’s uncle, he still hopes to handle Eli’s affairs properly.

Similarly, Reyes also explained to Skye and Ling Xiao the reason for his presence here, and now he means not at all to join SHIELD.

Ling Xiao gently nodded expressed his understanding, and then said: “I will try my best to let Eli survive, but Robbie, you have to be mentally prepared.”

“I understand.” Robbie Reyes nodded slightly. He knew in his heart that this matter was not easy. There were more than a dozen SHIELD lives in the hands of Eli Morro, not to mention intense Under the resistance, could Ling Xiao be able to stop, even after the incident, the dozens of lives of SHIELD had to be compensated by Eli Morro, and these things were no longer something they could intervene!

“Skye!” Ling Xiao turned and looked towards Skye, and nodded to her. Skye took a step forward and stretched his hands forward. A shockwave that was not very strong had already passed from her. Both hands rushed into the passage, and it didn’t take long for a slight shockwave to bounce back.

After sea monster Sean Cassidy’s training, Skye is now able to use shockwave to conduct terrain and personnel reconnaissance. While doing this as a qualified investigator, he can also To a certain extent, she can avoid falling into the trap of others.

“There are not many people on this floor. It seems that the people of the Aryan Brothers have been distributed on each floor of this building. I don’t understand what Eli is doing?” Skye Can’t help but frown. According to reason, Eli should let these people protect himself, right?