With a

“xiu”, a long arrow passed Stark’s ear, and when he turned around, the long arrow had been blasted in half by Stark’s palm repulsor.

“Hey, Clint, you missed it!” Stark looked at Hawkeye standing next to Scarlet Witch, and said jokingly, “Obviously, retirement is not suitable for you. Why? Have you played golf yet?”

“Yes, I took 18 shots, but I hit all 18 shots. It’s hard to hit a miss.” Hawkeye raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Stark and said, “Just Like now!”

As soon as Hawkeye’s voice fell, Stark immediately felt all kinds of wind noises behind him, and he moved quickly to the left. At this time, a car fell heavily from his body, and he Behind him, more cars were falling from the parking lot overhead.

It’s not Hawkeye that controls all of this. What he has to do is to attract Stark’s attention. Behind him, Scarlet Witch is manipulating cars and smashing towards Stark fiercely. , Stark in midair tried to dodge countless traffic. One was accidentally hit by a car, and then hit the ground with a bang. Before he stood up, more cars had already taken him. Completely submerged.

“Multiple soft tissue contusions have been detected.” Friday’s calm and sensible voice came, and Stark couldn’t help grinning at the corners of his mouth, and said uncomfortably, “I also detected this. “

When Stark pushed away the car that was pressing on him and got out from below, Falcon and Scarlet Witch had disappeared.

Returning to the tarmac, Colonel Rhodes in embarrassment also stood up and said cruelly: “Now I am really annoyed!”

Being Stark Natasha, who was pulling up, couldn’t help asking, “Is all this in the plan?” Stark said to everyone, “Well, my original plan was to treat them gently. But now it seems stronger is harder.”

Get rid of the chasers behind him, Rogers and Winter Soldier, Falcon, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, gathered together, and quickly moved towards Quinjet’s The location rushed past, and now Vision had been attracted by Quicksilver, and must seize this opportunity to grab the plane.

As for the safety of Quicksilver, Rogers is not worried. He has left a back-up with Quicksilver and his safety will not be a problem.

When everyone was only tens of meters away from Quinjet, in front of them, a yellow light beam suddenly drew down, marking a deep ravine on the concrete floor, forcing everyone to stop. Step down, looking at Vision that suddenly appeared in midair in front of you.

Suddenly, a silhouette flashed by, and it was Quicksilver. Quicksilver said to Rogers apologetically, “Sorry, Captain, he turned back suddenly, and I don’t know what happened. “

“It’s none of your business.” Rogers patted Quicksilver’s shoulder, lifts the head and looked towards Vision standing in midair.

Vision said loudly: “Captain, I know you think you are doing a right thing, but for the sake of the collective, you must surrender now.”

Vision’s Tone barely fell, Stark took Natasha, Colonel Rhodes was wearing Black Panther, Spider-Man also swung over from a distance, and the six were lined up.

And the opposite of them are Rogers, Winter Soldier, Falcon, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver. They are also lined up. Rogers looked up at Stark, gently shook the head, and said “I’m impossible to surrender. All I can do is to continue fighting.”

The atmosphere on the tarmac was instantly stiff, and the lips of the two sides moved, almost foreseeable, next moment, a battle is about to break out. .

But at this time, a voice suddenly rang: “Wow, what are you going to do, do you martial arts?”

The lazy voice came from behind Quicksilver It rang, breaking the icy atmosphere on the scene, followed by a silver sword flew out of the Quicksilver body, suspended in midair between the two sides, followed by the golden rays of light shaking, a Dao Void fantasy The silhouette of “Long Sword” emerged from the long sword. Everyone knows this person, but Ling Xiao in London, England should be here at this moment. At this time, he appeared here in this way.

“Hey, Steve, hi, Tony.” Ling Xiao first said hello to Rogers and Stark, then swept everyone present, chuckled, and said, “We are all own people. If there is something that cannot be resolved by talking, you have to do it. Do you really want to let outsiders watch jokes?”

Seeing Ling Xiao who suddenly appeared, Stark said with a tight frown: “Ling, you are not now Should it be in London?”

Stark waved his hand, and a screen appeared in front of him. Ling Xiao, who was on the screen, was talking to a few people outside the United Kingdom Parliament building, and he appeared at the same time In front of him, it was like two people suddenly appeared.

“It’s okay, you just treat me as a hologram.” Ling Xiao scanned the vigilant Vision, then laughed, and then said to Black Panther: “Hello, His Highness the Prince, I want someone You need to get to know him. Of course, you have seen him in advance.”

Ling Xiao right hand gently waved, a silhouette appeared in front of Black Panther, and Black Panther took a closer look. It was the Doctor who diagnosed Barnes at the United States Embassy in Germany that day. He couldn’t help being frowned and asked: “Who is this person?”

“Helmut Zemo Colonel “Ling Xiao pronounced a name, and then continued: “According to the information, he is from Sokovia and belongs to the Sokovia Intelligence Bureau. Zemo is responsible for leading a Sokovia assassination team called EKO Scorpio. Of course, few people know. He was really born in Germany. Perhaps Captain Rogers is familiar with him. His father is Heinrich Zemo.”

“Baron Zemo.” Rogers and Bucky cast a glance at each other, both of their eyes revealed With astonished expression, they certainly knew Heinrich Zemo very well.

During World War II, he was one of the most outstanding scientists and the celebrity in front of Hitler. Nick Fury had fought against weapons developed by Baron Zemo several times, and Rogers was even more direct. Entering Baron Zemo’s laboratory destroyed his experiments and disfigured him. Since then, Heinrich has regarded Captain Rogers as his lifelong enemy.

Baron Zemo has repeatedly attacked the Allied forces. Hitler’s achievements made Hitler even more admired. This also made the Red Skull threaten his position and ordered him to go to London to steal the Allied drone. , But at the same time secretly leaked the news to the Allies.

Captain America and Bucky went to obstruct him. Both sides fought a take action on the plane. Heinrich activated the bomb on the plane and fled, Captain America fell into the sea, and Bucky stayed in the plane until It exploded and was taken away by the Soviet Union after falling into the sea.

“As soon as Barnes was arrested, the task force called a psychologist. The United Nations dispatched Theo Brussels doctor from the Geneva office. He met Helmut in a parking lot. Zemo.” Ling Xiao waved his hand and in midair showed a picture of the parking lot. He followed up and said: “It is the intelligence investigated by the German police. The real Brussels doctor was found dead in a hotel room in Berlin. The police also found Wigs and prostheses.”

Ling Xiao turned and pointed to Winter Soldier and said: “Those wigs and prostheses, Infinity is close to the mask of James Buchanan Barnes. This is the truth of everything. The British government and the German government have prepared to apply to the United Nations to cancel his wanted by the United Nations. So, Tony, what do you say?”

For the remark mentioned by Ling Xiao, Stark immediately approved Intelligence System FRIDAY has contacted Germany. If this is the case, then he has really wronged Barnes. Even what Rogers said before is the truth.

Seeing that Stark was a little shaken, Colonel Rhodes suddenly stood up and said: “Regardless of the facts, Barnes is still wanted, and he did kill a lot of innocents yesterday. He must be taken back for trial now. If there is something wrong with him, he can appeal. As for Rogers and Wilson, Wanda, Pietro, Barton, they violated Sokovia Accords and must also be tried.”

Seeing Colonel Rhodes’s tyrannical attitude, Natasha couldn’t help being frowned, while Black Panther was staring at Stark. He didn’t want to care about anything that violated Sokovia Accords. If it really happened to Barnes, he immediately He would turn around and join Barnes and the others to capture Zemo.