Above the night, the bright moon hangs high, and the earth is brightly illuminated. Even in the Black Sea, one can see a full moon traversing between the two tensely confronting fleets. , And on a reef not far away, a Quinjet was parked on an abrupt ice layer, and at the other end, a group of six people were sitting by the fire, having a barbecue while drinking and talking.

Even in such an environment, Wolverine is unwilling to be wronged by oneself, sipping a cigar, sipping whiskey, and occasionally eating barbecue, if you don’t consider the two fleets within sight , I thought they were having a leisurely dinner together.

At this time under the Black Sea, a seabed of several hundred meters, a submarine lying quietly on the seabed, and in this submarine, Sebastian Shaw is leading the red Demon, Sabertooth and Angel are closely watching everything above.

Yes, the girl with a pair of Insect wings is nicknamed Angel, Angel Salvador. With this pair of Insect wings, she can fly and spit out explosive-like saliva. , This kind of saliva covers a very wide range, and the speed is also very fast.

The entire group of theirs came here a few days ago. This is exactly the boundary line of the territorial waters of Remyya. Once the US and European troops rush into the territorial waters of Remyya, war will inevitably be impossible. Avoid, and at the same time, this is also the defensive bottom line of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. They do not allow anyone, any fleet of any country, to step into the territorial waters of Remyya.

Although the Remy Peninsula was a part of Ukraine before, in fact, from the very beginning, the Remy Peninsula is an independent autonomous republic, which joined Ukraine as a Level 1 independent government. When the relations between Russia and Ukraine were not tense, Remyya had its own President and the prime minister. However, after the relations between Russia and Ukraine became ill, Ukraine forcibly banned the constitution of Remyya, cancelled the President system, and forcibly took over the government.

However, for Ukraine’s hegemonic cultivation, the people of Remyya do not recognize it, so for a long time, the government of Remyya Autonomous Republic and the regional government of Ukraine Kremyya existed on the Remy peninsula. The conflicts between the two regimes have become increasingly fierce.

Now the Republic of Croatia is holding a referendum. The government of the Republic of Croatia is presiding over the referendum. As an independent autonomous country, it naturally owns its own territory and territorial waters, and now its territory and territorial waters, All have entered the war, facing a critical moment of outbreak.

“Is there no movement of those people on the surface of the sea?” Sitting on the chair in the center of the submarine, Sebastian Shaw’s face was very solemn.

“No, Magneto doesn’t know if he is here yet?” Red Demon turned around, shook the head, and said with the same solemn expression: “Only those people from X-Men are now Block in the middle of the two fleets.”

“They are not a problem. Once a war breaks out, it is not the ability of their people to stop it.” Sebastian Shaw slightly shook the head, said: “The key is Rick. Only he has the ability to prevent the outbreak of war.” In this world, Sebastian Shaw has only two wariness people, one is Professor Charles and the other It’s Magneto.

These two younger generations, whether it is their talent or aptitude, are absolutely brilliant, and they are also very intelligent. For so many years, the aptitude talent is not inferior to the two of them. There are many Mutants, but the only ones who can break through to S-level are the two of them.

Phoenix Girl, Shockwave, Red Demon, White Queen, these all are recognized to have breakthrough but s-level potential, but for so many years, no one can break through to s-level, Phoenix Girl and The White Queen has even disappeared, without knowing her life or death.

Among these people, Red Demon is the oldest, and his strength is also very strong. However, even with the accumulation of countless years, he still failed to make his breakthrough, which is a pity.

This is also the reason why Red Demon wants to join the Hellfire club. He hopes that his own strength can have a breakthrough.

Speaking of Magneto, Sebastian Shaw’s expression is very complicated. The super powerhouse cultivated by oneself has become the strongest enemy that oneself has to face, oneself’s entire plan Implement the most stubborn obstacles.

Know that, even if things go as he expected, the two sides fired a salvo of missiles, but Magneto has enough ability to shoot all these missiles down by one person, regardless of Sebastian Shaw. In the face of Magneto’s powerful strength, the planning of the company is not worth mentioning.

And what needs to be judged now is Magneto’s purpose, which is also the reason why Bastian Shaw was lucky. To a certain extent, Magneto is the same as him, and they are working hard for the benefit of Mutants, but compared to Magneto’s selflessness, Sebastian Shaw is very selfish, and he hopes Become the leader of thousands of Mutants and use this to compete against Magneto and Professor Charles.

“Guess what Rick is doing now?” Sebastian Shaw stretched out his hand and took the black golden helmet set aside, asking playfully.

This black golden helmet, this is something Sebastian Shaw deliberately asked someone to make to prevent others’ mental invasion.

In addition to Magneto, for the Professor Charles who can grasp the mentality of anyone on Earth at any time, Sebastian Shaw is also full of vigilance. This black helmet Sebastian Shaw is In order to prevent the creation of Professor Charles, especially after the disappearance of the White Queen.

“Magneto should also be looking for our whereabouts now, just like the group of people above.” Red Demon looked up at the top, lightly shook the head, he knew that the group above seemed to be relaxing. But in fact, as long as they show a tiny bit of weak spot, they will find a trace immediately.

“Yes, I just don’t know where Rick is hiding now?” Sebastian Shaw couldn’t help but exhales one breath saying, the reason why they can often stay in seabed without being discovered , Because they had been lurking on the seabed several days before the incident.

This is an extremely advanced submarine. When they cut off all external communication, they only choose to open communication for a few minutes to receive external information at specific times. It is this kind of caution that allows them to avoid Kai was discovered by the outside world.

I knew that now in the Black Sea, there are more than a dozen ships of various types on the surface of the sea turning on various radars to confront tensely, and below the sea surface, the submarines of the two sides have already begun a silent confrontation, tracking With anti-tracking, surveillance and anti-monitoring, locking and anti-locking, the battle under the sea is even more thrilling.

That is to say, their submarine has advanced performance and a good hiding place, so as to avoid being detected by countless radars on both sides.

Time flies quickly, especially when everyone is very nervous, Qingming time has come.

Ling Xiao walked out of the plane, glanced at Wolverine and Shockwave Werner who were sitting there to watch the night, and walked over and said: “Okay, it’s dawn, it’s also two hours before the 8 o’clock referendum result is announced. You two, go back to sleep for a while.”

Under the tense atmosphere, everyone knows that war may break out at any time, but everyone also knows that before the results of the Remy Asian referendum are announced, war is impossible. Was triggered.

Compared with the soldiers who stayed up all night on the two fleets, whether it is Ling Xiao group of people or Sebastian Xiao’s group, they are very wise to take turns to watch the night, because They all know that compared to yesterday’s referendum, today is the most stressful time.

“No need.” Wolverine slightly shook the head, looked towards the two fleets on the distant sea, and said softly: “The more this time, the more likely to go wrong, as long as you can pass today peacefully , Then the war will hardly break out again.”

“And we slept for four hours last night, which is enough.” Werner stood up directly and said to Ling Xiao: “You want I’ll have something to eat and I’ll prepare breakfast.”

If Werner’s abilities are controlled to a small level, it is similar to the function of a microwave oven. It can heat food without damaging its own structure. It’s most suitable for outdoor dinners.

“I just have a glass of milk.” Ling Xiao laughed slightly and said, “I don’t dare to eat too much today, lest I spit it out under intense exercise.”

“Yeah, now it’s up to who can’t help it.” Even Wolverine, who had experienced World War II, began to feel a little nervous at this time.