Coulson was arrested by Malick. At this time, he knew that Talbot would become Malick’s planted agent because Malick had captured his son. However, in the end, Malick was Regrettably, not only did he not return Talbot’s son to him, but instead arrested him together.

But Talbot itself is not a good character to deal with. Malick ordered his men to kill them both, and after oneself left first, Talbot’s men arranged in advance rushed to rescue them in time.

And this Talbot’s subordinate is Absorbing Man Creel who was arrested before.

This time to participate in the inhuman Symposium, Coulson brought own Melinda, Hunter and Barbara, and Talbot brought Creel.

Creel was handed over to US Military by Coulson a long time ago and fell into the hands of Talbot. Compared with Coulson, US Military has too many resources to recruit Creel. Coulson has no knowledge of the situation. Next, Creel has already served US Military.

The reason why Creel worked for Hydra before was because Whitehall used hypnotism to control him. Although the hypnotism was later solved, the memory of the previous period is still there. Creel hates Hydra very much, which is why Talbot I believe the reason for Creel.

Talbot and Coulson teamed up and quickly reversed the situation and rescued Talbot’s son. However, at this time, they found that Hunter and Barbara had disappeared. After a long time of contact, Coulson received the news. It turned out to be followed by Malick.

After a brief meeting with Malick this time, Efficient Coulson noticed something unusual. Malick should be one of the only remaining veterans of Hydra, but Coulson discovered that Malick was reporting the situation to others. At this time, he Faintly felt something.

After Hunter and Barbara landed, they discovered that they had followed Malick to Siberia. The investigation found that Malick had reached an agreement with some people in the Russian Government to form an Inhumans within Russia. Refuge, a large gathering point.

But here comes the question. If Malick really wants to build a gathering point belonging to Inhumans, he can choose a sunny and beautiful place. Why choose Russia, or even the extremely cold Siberia, there should be Deeper secrets.

According to Coulson’s instructions, Hunter and Barbara, the old pair of partners, successfully locked Malick’s convoy, snatched the car and followed it to their secret base, and then sneaked in. Suddenly they The two were discovered by the guards inexplicably.

Just after the two of them knocked down the guards, news came from the guards’ communicator that the cabinet ministers of the Russian Government had arrived, and the two were shocked.

After receiving the news, Collison immediately dispatched Alphonso Mackenzie, Melinda and Skye to come to support. They must find out Malick’s conspiracy.

They first discovered a stranger who was imprisoned, and then they found a corpse. After investigation, they discovered that the deceased was the personal secretary of the Prime Minister of Russia. This fact To everyone’s surprise, Coulson at the rear felt that things were beyond his control.

Barbara, who is proficient in Russian and looks exactly like Russian, sneaked in first, while others were responsible for supporting her later.

Incorporating the meeting place between Malick and several cabinet ministers, Barbara eavesdropped for a while before finally figuring out what was going on.

It turns out that there is no uniform opinion within the Russian government regarding the establishment of the Inhumans gathering point in Siberia. It is the Prime Minister of the Russian Government who opposes this, because the prime minister’s opposition supports it This matter, and they all appeared on the scene today, they are all in a group with Malick.

So Prime Minister of Russia sent his personal secretary to come here to demand that all construction plans be stopped and all personnel should be completely separated.

But unfortunately, his order was opposed by the Secretary of Defense, the former KGB killer Androvich General, who was in charge of construction. In his words, some words of the Secretary of the Prime Minister angered Androvich, and he was furious and gave it directly to him. Killed, and the reason for this is because the General himself is an alien.

SHIELD also intercepted this news, which means that this Androvich General has become the world’s first inhuman politician, and he is still a politician with a large number of troops and nuclear codes, which makes them even more frightened. Yes, Prime Minister of Russia will arrive here soon.

At this time, these people have no other choice. Under Malick’s instigation, they let go of the previously imprisoned Androvich General and are preparing to initiate a coup here to kill the country The Prime Minister then elected the Androvich General to the top.

Once things really develop like this, it will be really serious. There will be a foreign country leader in the world, and he will be the largest country leader in the world only after America. All the strangers from, will undoubtedly rush into this country madly, so…

Such a consequence, Coulson hardly dared to imagine, especially the person hiding behind Malick in his heart. , The person who is likely to come back from Alien Planet with them, although Coulson doesn’t know how he came back.

At this time, Coulson decisively issued the order. He ordered Skye, Barbara and Alphonso Mackenzie to join forces to subdue the Androvich General, while Hunter and May are responsible for the rescue of the Prime Minister of Russia who has arrived.

After a fierce battle, Androvich General was killed, Malick fled, and the other cabinet ministers were all killed. The only one who survived was the Prime Minister of Russia, but at this time, there was no one. Thinking that the prime minister turned his face on them.

Fortunately, SHIELD responded quickly. Melinda, Skye, and also Alphonso Mackenzie all escaped smoothly, while Barbara and Hunter were caught!

The Prime Minister of Russia is a politician after all. So many cabinet members died all at once. Both internally and externally, he needs an explanation. The former SHIELD Agent Barbara and Hunter belong to the archives. The best victim, if ideal, they will also involve SHIELD, which is now hidden in the dark, that is the best.

SHIELD now owns two Helicarriers, which are not inferior to a small country in terms of strength, and their relationship with the US Government is very close. When other countries do not know the news , The US Government has already reached a lot of cooperation with SHIELD.

Because of this, at this time, the US Government has also stepped up and asked Russia to extradite Hunter and Barbara back to the United States. However, the Russian Government strongly rejected it. Under strong pressure from the Government, they were forced to hand over this matter to Interpol.

Compared with those of the Russian Government, at least Barbara and Hunter do not need to be tortured to extract confessions in Interpol, but even so, the Interpol Russia branch still has to take care of Russia’s interests, intimidation, and threats. , Deception, all kinds of means took turns, even Barbara and Hunter were somewhat unable to support under the prolonged confession, but at this time, US President and Coulson rushed to Moscow.

Coulson entered the prison on the grounds of persuading the two of them. After turning on the signal interference monitoring, he confessed that Barbara and Hunter had absconded, but Barbara and Hunter did not want to leave like this, because they knew that since they had escaped , It will inevitably affect Coulson, SHIELD, and even the US President. The last two decided to stay, risking being killed.

Fortunately, at the last moment, the Russian Prime Minister saw that the matter could not involve SHIELD nor the US Government. The big concept was the fact that the two saved his life, and finally released the two acquitted. But since then they can no longer be SHIELD Agent.

In the following days, Barbara and Hunter always followed the KGB Agent by their side. If they found out that they were in contact with SHIELD, the Russian Government would immediately launch a full-scale crackdown on SHIELD. In this case, Barbara and Hunter are also separated.

Hunter returned to his hometown and started a new life alone, while Barbara disappeared from people’s sight after wandering for a while. People from KGB can’t find her, and people from SHIELD and US Government can’t find her, because she has already reached the North Pole.

In the North Pole, Barbara saw Victoria Hand and the starship that was being transformed.