“Please, money is not a problem.” Although Bakshi’s heart is cold, he is still fighting for his own life: “If you can protect me, see At Mr. Bloom, you will not only get money that you can’t spend your whole life, but you can also establish a solid relationship with the true leader of Hydra-I will definitely give you money, I swear!”

Under the gun, Bakshi had already given the best conditions that himself could offer. Hunter was thinking about awhile later, but was finally moved by the “money”, and finally nodded and said, “Okay, that’s it, get in the car !”

Seeing Hunter let go, Bakshi’s sighed in relief, the fighting within Hydra is quite fierce. If you don’t take action, it will be a life and death situation. Bakshi looked towards Hunter From the back, his eyes narrowed tightly.

A few hours later, under the guidance of Bakshi, Hunter drove the car all the way to Southwest, until it drove into a vineyard in Southwest Delaware. Bakshi gestured to Hunter and said, “You Park the car on the road outside the gate.”

Hunter carefully looked at the periphery of the vineyard, and said vigilantly: “It is not too big to have such a high fence to protect the vineyard. Is it?”

“Mr. Bloom doesn’t want to see guests who turn up without being invited.” Bakshi’s face turned cold without knowing when he said to Hunter expressionlessly: ” After I get in, I will send someone to call you.”

After that, Bakshi directly opened the door of the car, walked out, and greeted the doorman under Hunter’s direct eyes, and entered the manor. Among.

After Bakshi left, Hunter can’t help sneering, and I don’t know who put who into the hole.

At this time, the car door was opened again, Barbara got in very quickly, and said in a low voice, “I have thoroughly inspected this area, and the’Bus’ has been hidden. Now, we are safe here.”

Barbara took a small team on the Quinjet, and has been closely following Hunter and Bakshi, which is why Bakshi has not been tracked. Because the person being followed is not behind, but in the sky.

“Then we just have to wait now.” Hunter saw Barbara sighed slightly in relief, and then continued: “In the awkward family dispute at the base before, you don’t at all indicates the own position.”

After the underground ancient city incident, New SHIELD also had a lot of people inside. This time New SHIELD was not without casualties. Raina encountered it when she escaped from the underground ancient city. For the two New SHIELD people, the extra spikes on her body will also turn into sharp weapons at critical moments.

also Alphonso Mackenzie, he is the reason for all these contradictions. Before in the underground ancient city, he was controlled by the mysterious formation of the underground ancient city. He clearly had own awareness, but his own body did not. Being under own control makes him very irritable.

In addition, Coulson solved the Hydra Whitehall Branch this time, and the prestige was greatly increased. For Alphonso Mackenzie and Barbara Morse who had other conspiracies, this was definitely not a good thing, which made him more and more proficient. Unable to control oneself, so in front of everyone, Coulson kept chasing the alien ancient city, which resulted in several casualties of the agents, and was fiercely criticized, which also caused an internal quarrel.

In this quarrel, Barbara did not stand with Mackenzie at all, but tried to calm the quarrel, so for Hunter’s question, she lightly saying: “Everyone said nothing I just express my own feelings. The dead and injured agents are all familiar friends.”

“And between you and Mack, there must be your own secrets.” Hunter glanced at Barbara. In the whole incident, he was neutral, and sometimes he saw more things.

“Would you like to discuss this again?” Barbara began to say impatiently: “Now you are also involved in Mack, you are so ruthless.”

“Now I’m absolutely sure he has a problem.” Hunter couldn’t help but laughed, and whispered: “You and Mack have been doing certain things secretly. During the quarrel, you deliberately did not support him, afraid that things would be exposed. If I was wrong. You usually refute it right away, but you haven’t spoken yet.”

“Okay.” Barbara’s face was extremely ugly, and she finally nodded and admitted: “We There are some secrets.”

“I knew it.” When everything was confirmed, Hunter clenched a fist tightly. He stared at Barbara, wanting to know more details.

Awhile later, Barbara sighed heavily and said, “We are participating in a mutual aid group, okay.”

“hahaha!” Hunter couldn’t help laughing after listening. When he got up, he was really unimaginable. It was so funny that a tough woman like Barbara would go to some mutual aid group.

“I knew it would happen, you bastard, that’s why I didn’t tell you.” After Barbara fiercely scolded Hunter, she slowly fell silent, while later, she was faint Said: “We are wholeheartedly loyal to a ruined organization. Our friends point their guns at us. We need to help each other to deal with this matter, Hunter.”

The best lie is true. There are some lie in the words, nine true and one false, half true half false.

The remark mentioned by Barbara has a lot of real thoughts in her heart, but she has cut off the most important and critical piece. Hunter completely believes it, said in deadly earnest “I really support you. I was afraid that you would be more closed to yourself. This is actually very healthy and a healthy emotion. I never thought that oneself would use this word to describe you. I am very happy to hear you say that. Bobbi.”

“That’s good!” Barbara is calm and nodded, but her heart is let out a long relaxed breath. If Hunter insists on asking Real SHIELD about it, she doesn’t know what oneself should say What, or, don’t know what to do.

Hunter turned his head, looked towards the vineyards, and said something that almost caused Barbara’s heart to stop: “So, you are not at all in contact with each other in private, do something against With Coulson, this is really good.”

“What nonsense.” Barbara scolded Hunter with a smile, but narrowed his eyes in the dark.

Hunter is also the Top Agent of SHIELD. His feeling is extremely keen. In the previous conversation, although Hunter had been gagging, he was actually watching everything coldly. If it weren’t for Barbara, he’s changed. I am afraid that she might have been exposed.

Hunter is already suspicious. What about Coulson and Melinda? Can their original plan succeed?

I have to admit that she did underestimate Coulson before. Take this time as an example. Coulson’s understanding of Hydra’s internal situation far exceeds what they can do with the information they have now. Judging, where did all this come from, then there is only one explanation, Fury, Nick Fury.

If it hadn’t been for Ling Xiao to tell her, Barbara would never have imagined that Nick Fury was still alive, and he was still making more plans secretly.

Not to mention Fury, the identity of Director of SHIELD is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He passed the position of Director to Coulson, and Coulson had the legality in name. Moreover, it was also recognized by Avengers. As long as Fury or Avengers stand up to support Coulson, it will be difficult for them to succeed.

In terms of the way of doing things, Barbara is now more inclined to Coulson. Compared to Coulson who is always dealing with Hydra, the people in Real SHIELD are like rats hidden underground. , Always refused to stand up and face the Battle of Hydra.

Perhaps the battle on the Helicarrier cost them too much effort, and now it is difficult for them to raise their spirits to take the initiative to deal with Hydra. Perhaps in their hearts, the Helicarrier battle killed them. There are enough Hydra Agents, and now there is no need to work so hard.

In this way, even if they do win New SHIELD in the future, it is difficult to get the recognition of Avengers.

And think about it, when Ling Xiao appeared in New SHIELD, the hearts of the people immediately calmed down. Even if they really took the base, can Real SHIELD control these hearts?