There is an agreement between Christian Ward and SHIELD that SHIELD must hand over his younger brother Grant Ward to the authorities.

Coulson not at all think deeply about it. The reasons given by Christian Ward made it difficult for him to refuse, because he would let his younger brother be tried by the authorities in public. Christian Ward also adopted this action. It shows that he has no plan to help his younger brother privately.

Of course, these are just excuses Christian Ward used to serve externally. Coulson knew in his mind that his real purpose was to focus on the midterm elections. He wanted to tell the public through the public trial of his younger brother. own impartiality, thus winning a large number of votes.

Christian Ward also has own political ambitions. He hopes that oneself will be able to run for president someday in the future, and this premise requires himself to occupy a more important position in the party, and this is the most basic , Is the vote.

For a standard politician, Coulson naturally knew how to deal with it. After agreeing to hand over Grant Ward to the government, Christian Ward also agreed to withdraw the anti-SHIELD proposal.

Although SHIELD’s survival problem has been temporarily resolved, if another crisis breaks out, New SHIELD will also face a very serious situation, and this crisis is the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Beckers. Once he is The people of Hydra faked SHIELD to kill, so no matter how hard Christian Ward tried, United Nations will not let SHIELD’s.

Now, Ling Xiao has arrived in Belgium to join Coulson’s Agent Walters, and May, Hunter, and Barbara will soon arrive in Belgium. The power of SHIELD seems not small, but the trouble is that they Up to now, Beckers has not been found, he seems to have disappeared suddenly.

In a manor on the outskirts of Bruges, Belgium, two agents who went out looking for Beckers’ traces returned without success. They discussed the next steps while preparing to drink some coffee and take a break. And at this time, outside the manor, two black armed off-road vehicles stopped silently, and a dozen Hydra Agents wearing SHIELD uniforms scattered towards the stealth inside the manor.

However, when they entered the villa, they found that the living room was empty, and the coffee on the table was still hot.

At this time, “peng peng peng…” The door was kicked open and the glass was kicked to pieces. A total of six people jumped in from the outside and surrounded this line of Hydra people in the center. Headed by Melinda is impressive.

Melinda’s gaze fell on the person surrounded by Hydra Agent, and said with a sneer: “Minister Beckers, really didn’t expect you to be from Hydra. Your layout is It’s so insidious.”

Yeah, who would have thought that the Beckers who gave SHIELD to Kristian Ward giving tit for tat in the media turned out to be Hydra’s.

“How did you find out who I am?” Beckers held down Marcus Scarlotti who wanted to do it, and stared at Melinda.

Melinda didn’t answer Baines’s question, her gaze was fixed on Scarlotti who was aside, this group of Hydra Agents, he was the most dangerous.

“Vincent Beckers, this name should be familiar to you.” At this time, Hunter suddenly said with a sneer: “We found out that you have The source of that weapon, it was invented by a Hydra scientist in the 1940s, and this Hydra scientist, whose name is Vincent Beckers, is your grandfather.”

Finding this point, it’s not difficult to find out the rest. Coulson and the others checked the travel records of Beckers and Whitehall. In the past five years, at least 12 of them are consistent. This shows that Hydra and Beckers Family have always been connected, Beckers Family has never been separated from Hydra, and occupies a very important position in Hydra.

And all this is just Whitehall’s conspiracy. Not only does he want the whole world to be an enemy of New SHIELD, he also uses Beckers as a bait to make SHIELD think that Belgium can provide shelter for SHIELD, but this It’s just a trap. The purpose of Whitehall is to catch a turtle in a jar.

Fortunately, Coulson discovered all this in time, and more importantly, there is an Avengers in Belgium now.

Beckers swept the six people who surrounded them, sneaked, said: “Only you guys, are you here to die!”

His tone barely fell At the same time, more than a dozen Hydra Agents raised their guns and sprayed violent bullets at May, Hunter, Barbara, Agent Walters, and her two subordinates. However, what made them dumbfounded was that these bullets hit all six people. On his body, these six people dissipated into bubbles at the same time, leaving only a mass of water stains on the ground.

Although they don’t know what’s going on, just by looking at the situation in front of them, they know that a superhuman is intervening. Beckers immediately said to Marcus Scarlotti: “Go, let’s leave.”


“Want to leave, how easy is it!” Before the words fell, six people had jumped directly from the stairs on the second floor and jumped into the crowd.

Before landing, they solved a Hydra Agent alone. In the melee, May directly approached Marcus Scarlotti, while Barbara took out two one-foot-long metal short sticks and turned towards He swung up the other Hydra Agent directly.

Whether it is May, Hunter, Barbara, or Agent Walters, their skills are extremely good, let alone one-on-one, even a pair is not a problem, and the remaining two The special agents are back to back and join hands to deal with the remaining Hydra Agent.

During the melee, no one dares to use bullets easily, because it accidentally hurts the own people, but as more and more Hydra Agents fall down, the rest of them can’t take care of it. That’s a lot, “bang bang bang” shot at SHIELD with several consecutive gunshots.

However, as soon as these bullets were fired, a silver light flashed by, and all the bullets had fallen into two halves on the ground.

Although I don’t know what’s going on, Hydra has no intention of obediently surrender. A slap-big, continuously spinning round weapon was thrown towards Barbara. This is Hydra. A new type of weapon developed based on obelisk.

At this time, Barbara was turning around to deal with another agent. Simply did not notice the attack of this thing. At this time, an invisible suction came, and the round weapon turned out to be weird. It flew upwards and landed in the hands of a man wearing a black gray windbreaker beside the bottom of the second floor.

“Is this the thing?” Ling Xiao took a closer look. This thing seems to be some strange patterns engraved on a special metal. The others are just peripheral drivers. These special metals and patterns are the main reason for him to disintegrate the human body in the shot.

next moment, Ling Xiao waved his hand slightly. Almost instantly, all the weapons carried by Hydra Agent below fell into Ling Xiao’s hands. He didn’t want these things to escape. If this thing is not good, it can also have a great effect on superhero. Once it is used by the military in Superhero Civil War, the consequences will be immeasurable.

Marcus Scarlotti is indeed the assassin who almost killed Hawkeye Barton. Melinda’s full strength is only to be able to entangle him. In the fight, she has gradually fallen into a disadvantage.

Okay at this time, Barbara has already solved the other Hydra Agents and came to help, and the two of them worked together to subdue Marcus.

A total of 13 Hydra Agents, plus a Marcus Scarlotti, and also a Beckers who almost escaped quietly.

For these Hydra people, Coulson asked May and Hunter to stay in charge of the handover to General Talbot, while Agent Walters took her team away quietly again, and no one knew what mission they were also performing.

And Ling Xiao and Barbara, they both left Belgium by plane and returned to New York. Coulson didn’t want Ling Xiao to appear in front of Talbot like this. There are some things that everyone knows well, and there is no need to pierce them directly. In that case, everyone will have to take actions that neither side wants to see!