Six Infinity Stones. Ling Xiao doesn’t know where Soul Stone is now. He just knows that it seems to be related to Adam Warlock, but in the vast universe, he wants to find the planet where Adam Warlock is. , Easier said than done.

The Time Stone should now be in the hands of Ancient One Sorcerer, but I don’t know if he gave it to Doctor Strange. Ling Xiao has no idea about this gem, whether it is the current Ancient One Sorcerer or The Doctor Strange in the future will have strong strength and extremely shrewd mind. They are the most suitable for keeping the Time Stone.

Space Stone is in Asgard now, as long as Odin is not dead, no one dares to covet a Space Stone.

As for the future, when the Odin lifespan is exhausted and Ragnarök comes, Ling Xiao will definitely participate in the battle against Goddess of Death Hela.

The best situation is that he can persuade Hela to join forces with them to deal with Thanos. If not, he must not cause Hela to cause too much damage to Asgard’s battle strength.

Ragnarök can be caused by Hela, it can be caused by Fire Giant Surtur, or it can be destroyed by Thanos.

Space Stone stays in Asgard, the gods of Asgard can rely on Space Stone to fight against Thanos.

Regardless of the final victory, Ling Xiao will take Space Stone to leave and prevent it from falling into Thanos’ hands.

Where is the Power Stone now, deep in the vast universe, even if Ling Xiao has some thoughts, he still has no alternative. All he can wait is when Space Stone falls into Collector’s hands, he will find a way to Power Stone and Reality Stone are all taken back.

Collector is also a wild ambition guy, otherwise he won’t be offering rewards around the universe for the remaining Infinity Stones.

Odin gave the Reality Stone to Collector for safekeeping. Ling Xiao not at all is too big an opinion. Compared to Star-Lord, who doesn’t know where he is, Collector is much easier to find. When the time comes, wait until When Ling Xiao was strong enough, it happened to find Reality Stone and Power Stone together.

The most troublesome thing is Mind Stone, Mind Scepter is now in the hands of Baron Strucker, Ling Xiao in no hurry to get it back.

Baron Strucker’s position cannot be concealed from Ling Xiao. According to the message sent back by Mina Tander, Baron Strucker is ready to give up his influence in United States and transfer his foundation to Europe, avoiding the US Government and Avengers After hunting down, use Mind Stone to develop own strength.

Ling Xiao does not intend to intervene in advance. He has deep concerns about Mind Stone. Ling Xiao always believes that Thanos must be involved in Mind Stone. After thinking about the birth of Ultron, Ling Xiao He didn’t dare to attack the Mind Stone easily. He would sit and watch until the birth of Ultron, confirm that the life consciousness in the Mind Stone was completely derived, and then he would try the Mind Stone to start.

Ling Xiao did this as a last resort. According to his Reality Stone research, any Infinity Stones fell into his hands and wanted to completely refine them. Even if his cultivation base breakthrough reaches Golden Core Realm, it will take several decades, and now the most lacking is time.

Thanos is very strong, even if it is not all Infinity Stones, his strength is one of the very best in the entire universe, even more how his subordinates also Black Order are such strong players, If Ling Xiao has only one Infinity Stones in his hand, it’s all that’s all. If he has more Infinity Stones in his hand, maybe the next day, Black Order will attack directly. When the time comes, Ling Xiao will only have to escape. child.

So for now, what he can hold now is the Mind Stone, which will remove all hidden dangers later.

The aftermath of SHIELDs fall is undecided. Natasha, Hill, and Rogers, who are deeply involved with SHIELD, are questioning the joint investigation team. In the joint investigation team, there is not only the General of US Military , Member of Parliament, also member of the World Security Council.

Compared with Rogers, who was highly regarded by the World Security Council, Natasha, who was born with a flawed background, suffered the most difficulties. However, Natasha has rich experience after all, and she controls the whole situation in her own hands.

Especially Natasha also had a killing move in her hand, that was when the Security Council crossed Nick Fury and forcibly bombed Manhattan with a nuclear bomb.

Although they were able to put all the responsibility for the matter on Pierce, the order to launch the nuclear bomb was indeed approved by the US President and the Department of Defense. Otherwise, even the Security Council would be impossible. In the case of yes, it would directly bomb Manhattan with a nuclear bomb.

Moreover, the existence of Hydra also makes the US Government very afraid. Judging from the information collected now, SHIELD controlled by Alexander Pierce is only part of the huge Hydra organization. In the future, it wants to completely eradicate Hydra. , Inevitably have to use the power of Avengers, and Black Widow Natasha Romanoff, is one of the members of Avengers, which makes them unwilling, but there is no way.

Maybe it was from this time that the US Government had the idea of ​​wanting to hold all superhero in its hands, and it was this idea that triggered the monstrous wave in the future, which directly led to The disintegration of Avengers.

Avengers don’t look at the strength of individuals, but if they really contend with the governments of other countries, they are really not enough.

Take Tony Stark as an example. His biggest superpower is money, and as long as the US Government closes all his accounts, Tony Stark’s power will be abolished by half, and similarly, other people Each has its own weaknesses, coupled with the contradictions between each other, the disintegration of Avengers is not unexpected.

Because of the ongoing investigation, Ling Xiao was forbidden to leave the east coast for a short time and could not return to Los Angeles, so he took Xu Liang and Zhou Qian to the east coast of Long Island Beach. During the game, Xu Liang happened to have just resigned from his last job, and he also needs to relax.

After coming to United States for so many years, Zhou Qian got her own green card not long ago, while Xu Liang got it earlier. She has relatives living in United States and has already naturalized America, so she got The green card is much earlier, and in one year, she will be able to get American nationality.

Looking at two beautiful women with curvaceous bodies and tall buttocks playing in front of them, Ling Xiao smiled and lay on the beach, putting on sunglasses, and basking in the sun.

They are now located at Hampton on the easternmost coastline of Long Island. Hampton faces the water on three sides. The coastline surrounds from the south to the east. It is world-famous as a holiday resort, whether it’s a holiday or a weekend. The coastal area always gathers the richest from the top of New York.

Ling Xiao spent 100,000 USD to rent a luxurious holiday villa for a month. The villa faces the white beach.

In the villa, it also belongs to its own swimming pool, the extensive garden, and the secluded natural environment. The villa is only priced at 10 million USD.

Although Nick Fury entrusted the search for Mind Scepter to his hands, because of the US Government’s ban, Ling Xiao could not leave the east coast for the time being. These are all things that cannot be helped.

In the middle of the night, the sea breeze blows directly into the bedroom along the balcony. On the spacious mattress, there are three naked bodies lying. Ling Xiao lightly tapped the black sweet point of the two women, and the two women fell asleep completely.

Compared between the two, Zhou Qian looks more beautiful. Although the appearance is worse, Xu Liang’s figure is indeed much better than Zhou Qian.

Ling Xiao glanced outside the window. Two black shadows were lying on the beach outside, closely monitoring him. These people were from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Because SHIELD’s matter is still under investigation, Ling Xiao is also forbidden to leave the east coast, so it is normal for him to have people from the Federal Bureau of Investigation watching him.

Unfortunately, compared with SHIELD Agent, the people of the Federal Bureau of Investigation are not only inferior in tracking and monitoring technology, but also in the equipment they use. Ling Xiao had left the villa, and they knew nothing about it.

In the dark sky, a golden rays of light pierced the sky directly and flew towards the high seas in the east.

In just less than 20 minutes, the golden light has already flown over the high seas hundreds of nautical miles, and then somersaults, directly planted.