Rogers put his own shield in front of his chest, with his right shoulder close to the shield, ready to receive the energy attack from the Chitauri soldiers on the opposite side. However, the attack he was waiting for was not at all coming. In an instant, As if by some inexplicable blow, the Chitauri soldier in front of Rogers collapsed to the ground as if his soul had been taken away.

No, not just the Chitauri soldiers in front of Rogers, but on the entire battlefield, the entire Earth, all Chitauri soldiers are like machines that have been powered off suddenly, without any movement.

The flying airship in midair, the odd-shaped warship in this brief moment, all fell from the high sky, raising a large cloud of dust.

He did it, Stark, he did it, and everyone understood what was happening in an instant.

Standing at the top of Stark Tower, Natasha raised her head and stared at the blue portal in the sky. She faintly saw the terrifying scene of the crimson mushroom cloud rising in the deep universe.

“Hurry up, Tony!” Natasha kept muttering. She knew that there was not much time left. She had to close Tesseract before the nuclear storm hit the portal. Close the portal. Otherwise, even if Manhattan survives the alien invasion, it will be difficult to avoid the pollution of nuclear radiation. In this way, Manhattan is afraid that it will be abandoned, and they will have to put such hard work.

“Turn it off, Natasha.” Rogers certainly knows the horror of nuclear power. Although he has not seen a nuclear bomb explode with his own eyes, the United States has developed a nuclear bomb before it was frozen. It was this news that accelerated the collapse of Drittes Reich.

Since he regained his consciousness, he has learned a lot about this ultimate weapon to end World War II, and the super bomb that is still a dominant terrorist deterrent after half a century. The terrifying power caused is very lingering.

So, even if Chitauri’s threat has been lifted, he still must close the portal as soon as possible to prevent Manhattan from being affected by nuclear radiation.

Natasha, who also came from World War II, also knew this in her heart, so after Rogers gave the order, Natasha immediately retracted her own gaze, firmly held Mind Scepter, and fiercely pushed forward. The Mind Stone at the top of the Mind Scepter finally collided with Tesseract.

In that instant, the huge energy tornado emitted by Tesseract suddenly dissipated, and the blue portal hanging horizontally in the sky closed at a speed visible to naked eye.

The a light sound of “wave” seems to be a blister being squeezed. The portal that brought Infinity disaster to Earth was finally closed.

Rogers lowered his head in grief, but at the next moment, the cheers of “Oh” sounded, he lifts the head violently, and saw a silhouette falling rapidly from the sky, just betting on oneself Iron Man Tony Stark of life.

Cheers were heard everywhere, Rogers shook his head in awe, and said in disbelief: “Good fellow!”

“No!” Standing beside Rogers Thor immediately noticed something was wrong, and his face solemnly said, “He is not slowing down.”

Although I don’t know what happened, Thor knows that Stark’s situation is very wrong. When he fell, he had to fall into sludge, not even think, Thor had already turned Mjölnir quickly, ready to fly up to catch Stark.

However, some people are faster than Thor. A fiery line of fire skyrocketed from the west, and in the south, another Iron Man Armor flew towards Stark, but the fastest They weren’t the ones who saw a green silhouette jump up sharply, before everyone else, and hugged Stark.

Hulk hugged Stark fiercely and crashed into the opposite tall building. After breaking through a large wall, he slammed into a scrapped truck on the ground.

It’s just that Hulk turned Stark over before landing, and his back touched the ground first, blocking the violent impact for Stark. After that, he was like a okay person. Putting Stark flat aside, stood up, and roared at the flying Human Torch and War Machine James Colonel Rhodes, proudly exhibiting one’s feelings in one’s speech, in midair’s Human Torch’s disdainful curl one’s lip.

“Also breathe?” Rogers and Thor ignored the little confrontation between Hulk and Human Torch. They ran over, picked up Stark, took off the mask on his face, and looked at him. Case.

Stark lying on the ground at the moment has no breath. Rogers wanted to listen to his heartbeat, but found that the thick armor blocked him, and Stark’s most important Arc Reactor had long been exhausted. Energy.

The atmosphere suddenly calmed down. Rogers’ face was full of sorrow. Although he didn’t say anything, others realized that Stark was probably dead. For a moment, everyone felt a little difficulty breathing. , Heart and mouth bursts of colic.

At this time, a one-foot-long and three-finger-wide silver dagger suddenly rose from Stark’s body, and everyone could not react. The dagger had turned into a flowing light and went straight to the north. , And at this moment, Stark, who was lying still on the ground, suddenly made a sound.

With a sound of “Ah”, Tony Stark opened his eyes suddenly, lifts the head, and stared blankly at all around, without the slightest focus in his eyes, as if he had returned to Earth from the depths of the universe in the blink of an eye, let him Very unaccustomed.

Seeing Stark waking up suddenly, everyone on the side showed surprised and happy smiles. Hulk even lifts the head, roaring loudly in the direction, patted his chest vigorously and vented With own emotions.

“What the hell is that?” Hulk’s roar finally awakened Stark. He glanced at everyone. He blinked and said in a little horror: “What happened just now, don’t tell me someone Give me artificial respiration!”

“haha!” The cheerful laughter rang out suddenly. After a while, Rogers’ voice gradually lowered. He looked at the people all around and clasped tightly. With a fist, said solemnly: “We won!”

One sentence made all around calm again, Thor, Hulk, Human Torch, Colonel James Rhodes, and also the newly arrived Invisible Woman, Storm, Spider-Man, Harry Osborn and the others, everyone could hardly hide the excitement on their faces. In the end, it was Peter Parker who raised his hands and shouted: “We won, we won, we won this damn war !”

“Oh!” Cheers seemed to be contagious, and from the wreckage of the battlefield, whether it was the superhero who participated in the war or the ordinary people who had survived, everyone walked out of the shelter and walked away. On the street, cheered loudly.

Dark Bright Sword cut through the sky, crossed the street, and finally shot into a tall building next to 46th Street. Before Jenny Pereira reacted, the sword light sank into Ling Xiao’s heavenly spirit, next At the moment, Ling Xiao, who kept his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes.

“Ling, are you okay?” Seeing Ling Xiao eyes opened, Jenny came to him anxiously and asked with concern.

“I’m fine.” Ling Xiao reached out and hugged Jenny in his arms, kissed her on the forehead, and whispered, “My dear, you listen to the outside, everything is over.”

“en!” Jenny said softly. Of course she knew what was happening outside. Through the large floor-to-ceiling window, she could clearly see the roof of the Stark Tower in the distance. The portal was closed before. She watched everything in her eyes, naturally knowing what happened.

“You’re fine.” Jenny vaguely felt Ling Xiao’s selfishness. Before, he asked oneself to follow him into the building to prevent accidents. The attack of the nuclear bomb showed that his concern was still It makes sense.

In response to this caring heart, Jenny didn’t say much, holding Ling Xiao’s back tightly, breathing each other, her heart felt extremely warm in this brief moment.