“One more thing.” Nick Fury turned his chair, and everyone in the room stared at him with one eye, and then mood grave said: “Tony Stark suggested we change Ling Xiao was included in Avengers, what do you think?”

Everyone at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay. The news was not even known to Coulson before, so I was surprised at once.

The first person who spoke was Coulson. He was the person who witnessed this incident. Of course, he was the first to express his opinion: “Ling Xiao has a bad impression of SHIELD. We investigated him three times in a row. Let him know everything, so I don’t think he will agree to join Avengers so easily.”

“Three times, what does three times mean, I only sent Natasha to conduct an in-depth investigation of him. “Nick Fury suddenly turned around looked towards Coulson, frowning and asking: “Plus the first time you went to investigate in person, it would only add up to two times. What happened three times?”

” It’s not Director that you sent Garrett to investigate Ling Xiao?” Coulson was shocked. He quickly took out the portrait Ling Xiao handed him and handed it to Nick Fury’s hands. At the same time, he whispered, “This is Ling Xiao oneself. Looking for the image drawn by someone, he suspected that our SHIELD investigated him again.”

“John Garrett!” Nick Fury has always been very suspicious, even if Garrett is the outstanding Level 8 Agent. , Still inevitably made Fury’s heart a suspicion.

“Perhaps Garrett just saw something similar accidentally. If you are curious, check it out.” Hill suddenly looked up at Nick Fury, blinked, and slightly sent a meaningful glance.

“Perhaps.” Nick Fury said to Coulson, the nodded of the expression, “I will personally talk to Garrett about this, Coulson, so don’t ask more.”

“Yes, Director.” After saying this, Coulson couldn’t help being slightly relaxed.

To tell the truth, Ling Xiao still doesn’t know enough about Coulson. He originally thought that Coulson would keep investigating secretly, and would not bring up this matter to others until he found conclusive evidence, but in fact he I still underestimated Coulson’s loyalty to SHIELD.

Indeed, as Ling Xiao expected, Coulson did not go to his friend John Garrett to confront him, but he did not conceal the matter oneself, but reported it to the owner’s boss, Director. of SHIELD Nick Fury.

Although he doesn’t know why Fury made such a decision, he also noticed something strange, but as a qualified agent, he would never interfere with things that shouldn’t be asked, and John Garrett It obviously violated such unwritten rules.

“Stark hopes that Ling Xiao can join the Avengers, on the one hand because Ling Xiao is not weak, on the other hand because of his very good treatment skills, there are several seriously injured agents in the game. After he took action, he quickly stabilized his injury. And among the Avengers, there should indeed be a candidate who is proficient in medicine and has considerable ability to protect himself or fight.”

Nick Fury glanced at everyone, and then continued: “This is Stark’s opinion, I want to hear your opinion, Natasha?”

“In this regard, I I don’t think it’s a problem.” Black Widow frowned said with some worry: “I’m worried about his character. Although he seems to be no different from ordinary people, I always feel that he is indifferent in the bones, as if we have any No one is in his eyes.”

Natasha remembered that when Ling Xiao was doing skin care for her, under her naked temptation, her eyes were full of coldness. There is no fluctuation that a man should have, such a person must have a very hard heart.

Hearing Natasha say this, Mei glanced at her with some doubts. Hearing what Natasha said, it seems that the Ling Xiao she knows is not alone with the Ling Xiao she knows. . However, May not at all retorted. She was not at all involved in Avengers, and she had no right to speak.

Among these people here, Hawkeye Barton and Black Widow Natasha are both Avengers designated by Fury, and Coulson is the Level 8 Agent responsible for the implementation of this plan, and Hill is Fury’s most trusted assistant , Level 9 Agent, but Melinda’s agent level is only Level 7.

In fact, Melinda does not even have the right to know about many things today. If she and Ling Xiao are both Chinese, there are many things that need to be consulted with her, and she does not even have the qualifications to participate in this meeting.

But Melinda didn’t speak, it didn’t mean that no one questioned Natasha. He just listened to Coulson turning around and looking at Natasha, and asked in confusion: “Indifference, why have I never felt , Ling may be a bit extreme, I don’t deny that, after all, being born as an orphan, extreme is inevitable. Perhaps there is also apathy. Isn’t it normal for a person who doesn’t trust to be apathetic, maybe too enthusiastic is the problem Come on!”

“What do you mean, Coulson?” Natasha always felt that Coulson was sarcastic in and out of her words, she face changed, coldly Coulson.

“I don’t mean anything.” Coulson hurriedly waved his hand. What happened to him just now, how did he say those words smoothly, he quickly changed his words and said: “As a powerhouse with B+ Rank strength It’s understandable that Ling Xiao is somewhat certain. And isn’t it just right. If it’s an unsure Saint, I don’t think it should be included in revenge.”

See everyone looking thoughtful nodded , Coulson then continued: “Ling, he knows Dr. Banner, it is Mr. Stark’s personal Doctor, Thor has fought side by side, and there have been results with Natasha, Barton also knows him, if he is included Among Avengers, is it possible to play a role as a lubricant, Director, this is likely to play a positive role for Avengers.”

“I still don’t think he is suitable to join Avengers “Natasha shook the head, expressionless said: “I can’t trust this person.”

“Hehe!” Watching Coulson and Natasha whether Ling Xiao joined SHIELD or not. After arguing there, Barton couldn’t help but chuckle: “You, always think that everything is under own control. Whoever you say must join Avengers? Maybe they simply don’t intend to join in revenge.”

For Barton’s words, Coulson and Natasha disagree. Stark was not unwilling to join Avengers before, or was it drawn in. But Ling Xiao is different from Stark after all. Tony Stark’s father Howard was originally one of the founders of SHIELD. Even if he did not join SHIELD, a series of SHIELD executives regarded him as an own people.

As for Ling Xiao, really, it’s not SHIELD boasting. If they really make up their minds to make Ling Xiao a member of SHIELD, or join SHIELD directly, there are countless ways, unless Ling Xiao has the intention to cast aside all considerations for face with SHIELD, otherwise he has to be forced to accept it.

The power of SHIELD is not only its network of agents all over the world, but also its powerful military force. Such military force is not reflected in the individual. You must know that SHIELD can call the weapon system of the United States Army. of.

For example, Destroyer, although its strength is terrifying, it may not be impossible to deal with it. If one missile is not good, then ten, if ten is not good, then 100. When facing special threats, SHIELD can even Use nuclear bombs to attack.

As powerful as Destroyer and Magneto, they may not be able to withstand nuclear bomb attacks.

Nick Fury took a deep breath, glanced at everyone, and said, “Since everyone’s opinions are quite different on this matter, let’s put it aside. Everything will be discussed after the communication with Asgard is over. Everyone, everything discussed at today’s meeting is top secret. You can’t divulge a sentence to anyone, you understand?”