Peter Parker watched this somewhat weird man leave with his girlfriend, slightly frowned.

Recently, his life has been a bit difficult. First, his friend Harry Osborn didn’t know when he got the Green Goblin equipment left by his father and pursued him. During the battle, Harry hit his head. He lost his memory, but it was fine, at least he had forgotten the painful memories.

But after another rescue incident, Peter met a bastard who wanted to grab oneself to work at The Daily Bugle. Under the instigation of the editor-in-chief, he wanted to find Spider-Man, which is himself Evidence of crime and evil.

After that, his marriage proposal with his girlfriend Mary Jane broke up because of a misunderstanding, and now there is no contact for several days.

A bigger blow finally came yesterday. At NYPD 32nd Precinct, he learned that the murderer of oneself Uncle Ben has been at large, and the New York Police Department has been concealing this news.

So many blows all rushed to him at once, even Peter Parker, as a superhero, his mental capacity is not much better than that of a normal 20-year-old youth.

I wanted to take advantage of Stark Expo to change my mood, but as soon as I found a camera material, my boyfriend came over and almost beat him up.

Looking at the The Daily Bugle reporter’s status token hanging on his chest, Parker helpedlessly shook his head, sighed, and left the Expo and went home.

“What’s the matter, Ling Xiao, have you been staring at the young reporter just now?” Zhou Qian put his arm around Ling Xiao and asked some curiously.

“Did you say Parker, that is a very interesting person.” Ling Xiao patted Zhou Qian’s hand, said with a smile: “Let’s go, let’s go back, the harvest tonight is enough “Okay.” Zhou Qian nodded lightly, followed Ling Xiao’s gaze and glanced at Peter Parker who had left, and then left him behind and followed Ling Xiao. Back to the apartment not far away, enjoy the romantic couple’s world.

For the Stark Expo, Ling Xiao’s concern is no more. This time he came to New York and planned to go to Mutant School.

So the next morning got up and sent Zhou Qian away, Ling Xiao drove to the Xavier talented youngster school in Westchester.

This large manor, the Bar Locke-style buildings are surrounded by green grass and trees, and an artificial river runs from north to south.

Traditional stone carving crafts and waterscape buildings are scattered on the neatly manicured lawn. Traditional and simple, there is an inheritance of the ancient noble aura. The bright sun shines, white The main body of the manor reflects the graceful faint rainbow lights, assaults the senses of the long history.

This was originally the family property of Professor Charles, but it was later transformed into Xavier talented youngster school, which absorbed outstanding Mutants students from all over the world.

Ling Xiao had already called Jenny before he came, so just outside the school, I saw Jenny and Rogue waiting by the road.

“Why are you waiting here!” Ling Xiao walked two steps quickly to Jenny’s body, held her hand, looked at her pityingly, and gently hugged her in his arms , Asked softly: “Is this time going well? I haven’t come to see you for almost a month, don’t think I am?”

Ling Xiao came here last time, it was before Christmas After ten days of staying here, I went back to Los Angeles.

“It’s okay.” Jenny blushed and broke away from Ling Xiao’s arms, subconsciously looking at Rogue aside.

“Ling, it’s been a long time seeing you.” Rogue’s expression was a little cold, and after a glance at Ling Xiao, he turned and walked towards the inside of the school.

“What’s wrong with her?” Ling Xiao looked at Rogue’s back with a little surprise. This girl was not like this before.

“Don’t blame her, she has been in a bad mood recently.” Jenny explained to Ling Xiao with some anxiety. For so long, the relationship between Rogue and the patient hasn’t been embarrassing to me.

Because of Rogue’s special ability, once she touched her own boyfriend, she couldn’t bear it. A kiss could cost half her life. What else could she do? Shadowcat walked a little closer, no wonder Rogue looked unpleasant to everyone.

Go down the main road and quickly walked to the gate of the school. The gate of the school is not at all, but there is an inconspicuous wooden token on the wall on the side that says: “Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters”.

Entering the inside of the manor, a dozen children are playing there, and seeing Ling Xiao coming, they all took a curious look and then started playing. Some children are able to space travel like Nightcrawler, and some are extremely fast, like a pair of scuds. They are all able to apply their own ability skillfully.

A black woman with an exquisite figure wearing a black shoulder-length leather jacket and short white hair is watching these children to prevent them from accidents. It is indeed Storm.

Since the last incident subsided, most of the school’s students have been recovered. Of course, there are some children who don’t want to come back again. Just like Pyro, he followed Magneto. Some stayed at oneself’s house, and some children were completely missing.

Ling Xiao said hello to Storm nodded, and then walked into the building. The internal structure of the building is very traditional. The entrance is a spacious hall with two curved steep and narrow stairs. Along the sides to the second floor, the woody manor is filled with the faint scent of the tranquil old redwood.

“I’ll go to say hello to the professor first, Jenny, you give everyone a point for the gift I brought.” Ling Xiao handed it to Jenny with the small bag in his hand, whispering “I’ll be looking for you in a while.”

“Okay.” Jenny took the packet, blinked, and said, “I’ll wait for you in the room.”

Jenny finished. He ran away, Ling Xiao smiled lightly, turned and walked towards Professor Charles’s room.

At this time, Professor Charles was giving lessons to the students. Ling Xiao opened the door very carefully without making a sound, standing there listening to the lecture.

“Our abilities are used to do good, or for oneself for personal gain, or to destroy and destroy, we should all ask ourselves.” Charles glanced at Ling Xiao, slightly nodded, and then Then he said to the children: “Why, because we are Mutants. Psychologically speaking, this is a very delicate question. When can we use superpower, and when we will lose control and become superior to our peers. A tyrant?”

“But Einstein said that ethics and thought are humanistic care that does not involve superpower.” It was Shadowcat Kitty Pryde who questioned it.

Charles smiled slightly and said with a hint of relief: “At least as far as we know, Einstein, he is not Mutants.”

After one sentence, all the children present After laughing, Ling Xiao stood aside, with an involuntarily smile on his face. In his view, Professor Charles is still immersed in the influence of Jean’s death, he is inputting the concept of good and evil to the children of right and wrong.

After class, Charles said to Ling Xiao with some relief: “Ling, you see, the children are growing up. Are you really not considering joining the school?”

“Forget it, professor, we don’t agree with our ideas.” Ling Xiao slightly shook the head, and said frankly: “You value the shining parts of the Mutants body more, and I pay more attention to order. The power of Mutants is better than ordinary Human beings are powerful, forcing Mutants to integrate into the ordinary human society, which is bound to cause many contradictions and even fights. Only order and establishing a reasonable order are the best ways for humans and Mutants to live in peace.”

In Ling Xiao’s view, Professor Charles is a bit weak, while Magneto is too aggressive. Only by finding a point of fit between the two can we maintain world peace as much as possible.

At this point, Ling Xiao, Scott, and Wolverine have similar ideas, and even Storm is slowly leaning towards this idea.