Cheng Qianye, together with Yu dunsu, he Lanzhen and Xiao Jin, talked about military affairs, and walked towards the assembly hall.

On the road outside the door, a red and a black figure knelt down to salute. Cheng Chiba catches up with the first two steps and gives them a hand.

"Cheng Feng." Cheng Chiba chewed the word to say the name clearly, and went into the room with a smile, "Why are you here, are you all well?"

She called everyone in and ordered Biyun to serve tea.

Cheng Feng saluted and volunteered to participate in the expedition.

"You want to go with the army?" Cheng Chiba turns around, sits down on the chair and looks at Cheng Feng kneeling in front of her.

It's like a clear bridge in front of you in summer, with your own passion.

Cheng Feng, however, is the red wine poured out in autumn, which is always full of bitterness and sadness.

At the moment, kneeling on one knee in front of him, he has no emotion on his face.

But Cheng Chiba clearly saw that he was immersed in a strong sadness, and even the little ink behind him was deeply affected by him.

Cheng Qianye frowned: "are you volunteering to go to war, or do you want to die for your country?"

Cheng Feng Leng for a moment, raised his head.

"You and general Yu, not only can't lead troops to battle in the near future, but also don't even think about going to school to practice. I'll take good care of the wounded until the doctor in the army agrees. " Cheng Qianye took the tea from Biyun and took a sip.

"But I do want to entrust you with one thing." She put the cup on the table, looked at Cheng Feng and said, "I want you to be the commander of the law enforcement and the guard around me."

Cheng Feng raised her head in surprise and opened her mouth slightly. She could hardly speak.

"In the near future, perhaps it is because we have repulsed dog Rong alone, and many envoys from other countries have come to see us. The personnel in bianzhou became more complicated. "

"Lv Yao is stepping up the temporary renovation of the former city Lord's residence as my palace. Xiao sikota had many tasks and other important tasks. So I need a person as Sikou Zuoshi to take charge of the garrison of the palace and my close guard. "

"Are you willing to shoulder this heavy responsibility?"

Cheng Feng stares at Cheng Chiba for a long time, puts aside her sight, controls her mood, and says softly: "I, how can I take this important position."

Cheng Chiba straightened out his clothes, stood up and raised him with both hands: "this position needs not a distinguished life experience, but absolute loyalty to me."

She patted Cheng Feng on the shoulder: "Cheng Feng, I need you and I trust you. I will trust you for my safety in the future."

Cheng Feng bowed his head. For a long time, he made a silent and firm military salute.

Once upon a time, Chu Yezhi often said to him: Chu Feng, you believe me. I treat you as my brother. In the future, I will protect you and never let you be hurt again.

But at that time, his heart was always uneasy, and he was always in fear.

Now, what Cheng Chiba says is: I need you, trust you, you stand up and follow me, we will overthrow this system together, I will let you see a better world.

At this moment, his heart is very stable. No more fear.

As an independent man, he will straighten his back and keep up with the master.

To be trusted, to be expected.

For the Lord and for himself.

For a common want to see the world, and work hard, and make every effort, no matter what.

"All of you, including Zhang Fu from Jiangcheng, are the most reliable and capable team I can trust." Cheng Chiba gave everyone a seat.

"The encirclement of bianzhou this time shows me a big drawback of our army. Please help me to see it."

All of you are excited and full of passion because of the recognition of Cheng Chiba.

We are the Lord's confidants.

Everyone sat up and listened.

"We are likely to fight a lot in the near future."

Cheng Qianye stepped in front of the map hanging on the wall and held out her hand,

"now we have bianzhou and the surrounding Gaoyang and yongqiu."

Her white palm expanded outwards: "in the future, our land will become larger and larger, and the battle we are facing will gradually expand from thousands of people to 10000 or 20000 people. We may have to face a group battle of tens of thousands of people, such as guarding bianzhou, or even a large-scale Legion battle of more than 100000 people or hundreds of thousands of people. "

"We can't recruit temporarily and train in a hurry like this. Rely on the courage of the moment to win in danger. "

"I always think about how to have a better control over the army and the people of our country. I want all adult men in military households to have basic military qualities. Once the country has war, they can be recruited at any time. "

Xiao Jin got up and hugged: "I have a plan. I have been thinking about it for many days. Please give me some advice. We can add the post of county captain under the prefectures and counties in Shanxi Province, and order them to take charge of the military affairs of the whole county. All military households within the jurisdiction, if there are adult men in their families, are soldiers. Every year, they have to go to the prefectures and counties to perform military service for one month, half a month, and half a month for the county. It's a change. ""In this way, whenever there is a war, the recruits are no longer inexperienced recruits. At the same time, there are water conservancy and city defense. One month of the year will not affect farming too much. "

Cheng Chiba clapped his hands: "wonderful, this is what I want, but I can't think of such details. Shosco is really a genius. I'm going to doze off. I'll be able to give you my pillow right away. Let's do it this way. We'll carry out the change service. You can draw up a detailed statement as soon as possible and show it to me. "

Xiao Jin bowed her head and said modestly, "I happen to be thinking of a place with my Lord. I've been thinking about this matter for a long time, but it's not perfect. Now I'm glad to hear from you, and I hasten to report back. Fortunately, my Lord is not surprised."

Cheng Chiba looks around the crowd and turns around between he Lanzhen and Yu dunsu.

"General Helan, after general Yu recovers, you entrust bianzhou city defense to him. You are responsible for the implementation of this policy. You, the Helan family, have a good way of training. In this battle, the Helan people's personal soldiers have made remarkable achievements. I'm counting on you to train our whole army into such sharp men. "

Excited, he Lanzhen got up and saluted: "I will live up to my Lord's trust. I personally supervise the matter. He wrote a letter back to Jiangzhou, asking my uncle doctor to order Helan Yanzhi to learn more about my Helan family's military performance, and to hand out a brief and easy to understand military strategy to the prefectures and counties. Vow to be the Lord and train an invincible Jin elite for me. "

After the crowd dispersed,

moqiao Sheng followed Cheng Chiba along the long corridor to the bedroom hall.

The moon is flying in the sky, and the railings are mottled on the road.

After walking silently for a while, Cheng Chiba said, "what happened to Cheng Feng today?"

Mo Qiao Sheng is used to his master's insight and acuteness. He tells us what he saw and heard today.

"Envoys of the state of song?" Cheng Chiba snorted, "I remember."

She hooked her finger, and mohashi got closer.

"Who's coming to see me tomorrow? You first find a few soldiers and wait for him in the street. As soon as he comes out, he will be covered with a bag and beaten

Mo Qiao Sheng opens his mouth in surprise. The Lord has always been gentle and gentle in his mind. Unexpectedly, he has such a side.

Cheng Chiba patted him on the chest with the back of his hand: "what are you doing? There's nothing to be afraid of. Now we are in our own territory. We can do whatever we want, except we can't kill him. That's what I hate most. It's old and ugly and abnormal. "

Mo Qiao Sheng laughs. For the first time, he feels that the Lord is no longer so high and unattainable. He makes himself feel close.

"And you?" Cheng Chiba put away a smile, "these two days will go out."

She turned and sat down on the fence with her back against the clear breeze of the moon.

"Do you know what I'm trying to say?"

"My Lord wants me to love myself, not to be brave for a while, to win and come back safely." Mo Qiao Sheng looked at Cheng Chiba sitting on the railing, knelt down in front of her and looked up at her, "I remember, I will do it."

"Qiao Sheng, a good fighter is not famous. Do you know the meaning of this sentence?"

Mo Qiao Sheng is puzzled.

"The real generals who always win are the ones who always fight steadily, attack the city and pull out the fortress in no hurry, strive for progress in stability, and occasionally change opportunities. In fact, those battles that rely on military risk and intrigue to win are helpless moves. "

Mohashi listened carefully.

"They may not have enough troops, they may not have enough backup, or they may have to take risks just because they are urged by the domestic monarch. Although we have won and spread the reputation of immortality, many of them are not far away. As long as you are careless once, you will lose your life. No matter how much merit you have, it's just a legend. It's useless. "

Mo Qiao Sheng raised his head and looked at the man sitting under the bright moon. All of a sudden, he understood everything. The Lord worked hard day and night, and worked hard to increase grain production and improve the military system.

It was all for me. For me who will go to the front line.

He repressed the tears in his eyes and heard the voice of the Lord,

"my general, you don't have to think about unnecessary things like they do. I will be your solid backing. I will try my best to provide you with food, grass and military resources. You just need to move steadily forward, you know? "

Mo Qiao Sheng reaches into his arms and takes out what he has been dragging in his arms.

He clenched his fist and rubbed it, without opening his hand.

"What is it?" Cheng Chiba smiles.

After pondering for a long time, moqiao finally spread out his hand slowly.

In the palm of his broad hand lay a small black ring.

"This is for me?" Cheng Chiba's eyes are bright.

It's a coincidence that he knows how to send this.

Mo Qiao Sheng blushed, "this is mo Fei. I looked for it for a long time, and when I saw that it had an ink character, I just Like me... "

It's like I'm with my Lord.

"You put it on me." Cheng Chiba reaches out his hand.Mo Qiao Sheng looked at the hand that stretched out in front of his eyes. Under the moonlight, his white skin was shining like jade.

His arm, which can lift heavy things, suddenly couldn't hold the small ring. He shook his hands and put the dark blue ring into his white and tender fingers.

Cheng Chiba raised his hand and looked at the dark blue ring on his finger through the moonlight.

Under the moonlight, the black jade shows a faint blue light.

"It's beautiful. I like it very much. Thank you, Qiao Sheng."

"Well, I haven't cried yet. Why are you crying?"

Cheng Qianye breaks off Mo Qiao Sheng's face and gently kisses him on the forehead.

"Be sure to come back safely, my general."