Chapter 842: What kind of fairy is Peggy?

Medical center.

MRI room.

Darren took the MRI film here.


Under the diligent guidance of the nurse, Peggy and Lisa came over, and Lisa greeted her first.

"You are here."

Adam was overjoyed, stepped forward and pulled Peggy, walked to the display screen, and pointed to Peggy: "This piece is a tumor..."

Tumors are not regular.

Such a complicated structure and the calculations involved are obviously beyond the reach of Adam.

We still have to rely on Peggy, the beautiful mathematician from the first day!

Peggy looked at the scanned images taken from various angles of view on the screen, and easily built a model of the tumor in the brain.

Then Adam began to explain the other organizational structures of the human brain on the spot, helping Peggy continue to enrich the model structure.

After the virus is injected into the tumor, how to spread in the tumor and destroy the tumor.

What extent will the surrounding tissues be affected by the virus?

How does the body's immune system work.

All the variables that may have an impact, Adam explained in detail, and synchronously modeled them in his brain.

He and Peggy have cooperated many times, and there is no need to sketch on the whiteboard. The cosmic and starry backgrounds in their minds automatically merge and synchronize.

The model built is also almost viewing the same object from the same perspective or different perspectives.

If it is to make a movie with special effects, it may be able to demonstrate this state to a certain extent.

A starry sky.

Adam and Peggy stood in the air, and an irregular ash mass formed in the middle.

That is a tumor!

Then in Adam's dictation, layers of colorful light clusters flashed, enveloping the ash clusters from various spatial angles, and gradually formed a complete brain.

Blood circulation, neural response, virus killing tumor cells, immune cell generation, hunting down viruses, tumor shrinkage, and damage to surrounding tissues are all clearly and vividly demonstrated.

Adam and Peggy paced around this luminous brain, observing from all angles, and sometimes bumped into each other, passing through each other without lag.

Outsiders can't see it, only see Adam and Peggy sitting there, except Adam is talking, Peggy sometimes asks a few words, and the two are motionless.

"She is the top mathematician?"

Mr. Covington Sr. looked puzzled and inconceivable.


Lexi looked at the backs of the two sticking together with a complicated expression.

"how old is she?"

Mr. Covington Sr. couldn't understand: "Is there 18 years old?"

"Mathematics is the science of true genius. If you can, you can, you can’t!"

The little man explained: "It has nothing to do with age. Many genius mathematicians, at a very young age, show mathematics talents far surpassing others.

The problems they see through at a glance may not be understood by other top mathematicians for a lifetime.

For example, there is a mathematician named Ramanuqiang in the three countries.

He was born in poverty and had never received formal mathematics education.

However, he just bought a book with five thousand mathematical theorems and formulas, and then used his own way to prove them one by one.

Finally, some theorems and formulas were written by hand, which conquered mathematicians all over the world.

The formula left is enough for generations of algebraic mathematicians to study for a lifetime and cannot conquer it.

Dr. Adler, even if not as strong as Ramanu, is a super genius in this category. "


Old Mr. Covington was stunned.

He is just a soldier, playing muscle guns, where do you know these legends.

Even if he can't understand how awesome it is.

But that kind of unclear shock is still very strong.

"You should feel very lucky."

When assistant Lisa saw that Mr. Covington dared to doubt Peggy, she was immediately unhappy and squinted, "You are a soldier, do you know how many organizations have come to Peggy in recent years?"

NSA, CIA, FBI... They all hope that she can work for them, with the help of her super genius brain, to study superstring theory, chaos mathematics, advanced algorithms...

To put it in a simpler way, they hope Peggy can help them crack a password that no one else or computer can crack.

For example, a secret base abroad is located.

I believe you don’t know the value of this confidential information, do you?

Do you still doubt Peggy's ability to keep these people inviting?

Let Peggy help with your son's affairs.

You have done what your boss, boss, boss...can't do! "

"... She didn't agree? Why?"

Old Mr. Covington was stunned again.

With that said, he thoroughly understood what kind of fairy Peggy was.

But then he wondered why Peggy rejected them all.

In the eyes of his soldier, these are all patriots.


Lisa complained: "Peggy's wisdom serves the progress of all mankind, not for you to crack the code, so that you can bomb those secret bases and cause countless innocent lives!"

"Those are the rebels and terrorists!"

Mr. Covington retorted, "Killing them is for world peace!"

"Do you really believe it?"

Lisa curled her lips and said: "When the bombing is over, you are sent to maintain the so-called local order. In the process, you will die many comrades in arms.

And when you survivors return home with countless scars and battlefield syndromes, you find that the jobs you need have been moved to the previous battlefield with the relocation of the factory.

Those locals who fought with you, finally robbed you of your jobs.

Because these formerly wealthy locals became extremely poor because of the war, they had to accept beggars' wages of less than one yuan a day.

And you will find that your initial dream was just for cheap local crude oil, so that oil companies could use war panic to raise domestic oil prices and make a lot of money.

Even if the price of oil is cheaper then, what good is it?

Unemployed, you simply can't afford it!

In the end, many of you can only endure endless trauma and pain and live on the streets.

Those who tell you that you are patriots ~ ~ will ignore you at this time.

You may be patriots to them, but only patriots that can be consumed and manufactured in batches.

You are insignificant, will not bring world peace, nothing! "


Old Mr. Covington couldn't accept such heresy, but he didn't know where to refute it.

His family is a family of soldiers, so he has a good life.

But he knew that many comrades in arms, indeed, as Lisa said, suffered from various mental and physical tortures, and there were also a lot of homeless people.

"Okay, Lisa!"

Adam saw that Lisa was becoming more and more explicit, so he had to interrupt Peggy’s in-depth modeling and interrupted Lisa: "What we have to deal with is Darren’s tumor and save Darren’s life. Nothing else is the same as us. relationship."


Lisa quickly agreed.