Speaking of this, Lin Xinuo's face showed a shy look, but finally saw that Lu Yun and Hu Zhenzhen were all looking at her in doubt, she quickly explained.

"In fact, I think it's very fast, but now my son has to start primary school. With his intelligence, he can start primary school when he is five or six years old. Many relevant documents need to be confirmed. It's really troublesome in the past. But if Huo Chengyu and I have a marriage certificate and registered permanent residence, it will be more convenient for children. That's why I and he are so The reason for getting married soon. "

Lin Xinuo had met Hu Zhenzhen in private before, and found that Hu Zhenzhen was a very reasonable girl. Moreover, many things were said directly without any problem.

Sure enough, now Hu Zhenzhen was very happy to hear that they were going to get married: "can I be your bridesmaid? As far as I know, there are not many female friends around you, especially those who are unmarried."

Lin Xinuo had expected that Hu Zhenzhen would say so, and she was very happy. She took her hand and said with a smile: "Zhenzhen, since these days, Anning brand drinks really thank you. There are also operations for me. Otherwise, I would have been too busy to die, or I would have left such things."

Hu Zhenzhen, however, showed some disapproval: "you should also know that there are special people to take care of those broken things in our company. My boss is very leisurely. It's just that you don't need help. I'll come to help. After all, I've had a good friendship with Mr. Huo for many years."

In the past, Hu Zhenzhen was Huo Chengyu's classmate, but the relationship between them was like a brother. Hu Zhenzhen was always careless.

Later, after Huo Chengyu established Diyao company, most of the cooperation was with Hu Zhenzhen and helped Hu Zhenzhen's family company a lot. Hu Zhenzhen now saw that Huo Chengyu needed help, so it was natural for him to come and help him.

She saw that Lin Xinuo is now back to her former appearance. Although she has not contacted Lin Xinuo before, she has heard from many people and seen many of her materials and photos. Now she is sincerely happy for her old classmate Huo Chengyu and the lovely girl in front of her.

"How are your wedding preparations going? Can I help you? By the way, where are you going to choose? "

This makes Lin Xinuo feel a little confused: "before, Huo Chengyu and I were only for the sake of Yangyang in our whole life. We hope that his Hukou can be settled down and our learning opportunities will be better in the future. I really haven't thought about how to hold a wedding. I haven't even got my marriage certificate. "

Hu Zhenzhen didn't think of such a big thing. They didn't think so much. They were disappointed: "you are such a silly girl. Marriage is a big event in life. Besides, with the opportunity you have with Mr. Huo now, you must have a good time. Because of the company's troubles, the shares of Diyao group have been falling. Now it's hard to get up Come on, if you add your weddings, it will start to rise again. "

As soon as we talk about the company, Hu Zhenzhen can talk about a lot of things, and Lin Xinuo really learned: "I heard Huo Chengyu say before that you know the company and business very well. I can't believe it is true."

Hu Zhenzhen is very arrogant smile: "that is necessary, after all, I am a learning bully."

Lu Yun nearby has been unable to insert a word there, just quietly to deal with Hu Zhenzhen before the broken wine.

When he heard Lin Xinuo and Hu Zhenzhen discussing the details of Lin Xinuo's marriage with Huo Chengyu, although he could not put down a little bit in his heart, he sincerely wished Lin Xinuo and Huo Chengyu.

He had just been released by Huo Chengyu before, and he stayed in his room all day, doing almost nothing. It was Lu Xiaoqing, the younger sister, who chattered and comforted her for a long time.

In the end, Lu Xiaoqing is right. If you really like a person, and the other party just regards himself as a relative, then you should put it down bravely. Maybe you will meet a better one in the future, and the other party has already met a better one. You should sincerely wish the other party, instead of holding on tightly.

In the end, it can only hurt others and yourself.

Lu Yun is very curious about where Lu Xiaoqing got so much truth, but Lu Xiaoqian secretly put a lot of romantic novels in front of him, and also mysteriously told him that he had read many such novels, and did not expect that such bloody things would happen around him. He also told him not to tell his father.

Lu Yun didn't bother to take care of her affairs. Instead, it was because of Lu Xiaoqing's words that she was really promoted and should be put down.

At this time, Lin Xinuo and Hu Zhenzhen were still sitting next to them, discussing the wedding venue and the contents of various arrangements.

Hu Zhenzhen, holding her fingers and counting, said to Lin Xinuo: "you see, some people are very popular nowadays. Do you want Chinese style or western style wedding? By the way, some stars like to go to foreign castles to hold weddings. Do you want to learn from them Or go to some ancient buildings to have a try, Chinese wedding is also very good

After that, she also specifically said a lot of details, as if Hu Zhenzhen was the boss of a company that specially organized weddings for others. She was so right that Lin Xinuo was dumbfounded."I haven't really thought about how the wedding will be held. Anyway, it's all good, and I won't be too picky."

This sentence, on the contrary, made Hu Zhenzhen a little silly: "what a silly girl, this is your big event. You see, the emperor is not in a hurry to die eunuch. I have been prepared for several sisters' weddings before, and their endings are very happy. I am thinking about your wedding ceremony, or give it to me. I am sure you will have a perfect wedding Field. "

Lin Xinuo thought, Hu Zhenzhen actually understood these, so she said with a smile: "I'll leave it to you. Anyway, you and Huo Chengyu are so familiar. I think you are really for our good."

Hu Zhenzhen couldn't help bumping into Lin Xinuo's elbow, reminding her: "then you have to determine a place, such as your home or Huo Chengyu's home, or some more meaningful place."

At this time, Lu Yun, who had been dealing with drinks, finally finished his work. Then he came back to them and said with a smile, "I see peace No, SINOSURE seems to like our fishing village very much. Why don't you put it in the fishing village... "