Although they are all in the prosperous area of the city, the location of this private hospital is relatively private and hidden in the prosperous city.

There is a special passage to the outside. When Huo Chengyu drives the handlebar, who has changed his clothes and is ready for everything, to take Lin Xinuo out and drive along the private passage to the prosperous city avenue.

Lin Xinuo looked at the almost unchanged streets and all kinds of shops outside the window. She still felt a little familiar.

Found that Lin Xinuo was just thinking about everything outside, but did not speak, Huo Chengyu could not help but ask her: "what are you thinking, can you share with me?"

Lin Xinuo thought for a while and then said to him, "you can slow down the car. I find that I am very impressed with the city, especially the shops on the street."

So Huo Chengyu slowed down a lot of speed, the car slowly looking at the shop next to you can have a panoramic view.

He was also slowly explaining to Lin Xinuo: "in the past, you would often come to all kinds of shops here to go shopping. Then you could learn some knowledge about other people's discount sales promotion or doing business."

Lin Xinuo listened to him. With a smile, I could imagine what I looked like: "I never had any impression about what Lu Yun told me about the past. I never thought that I would always have some impressions about the things you told me. You can tell me more

Huo Chengyu also has this intention, and then slowly and she said. He even told her about Yang Yang.

"I told you before that you have a son named Yangyang. He is very intelligent. Although he is precocious, he is also mature. But he is still a child. You like to take him to the store on the street to buy her clothes or buy all kinds of small gifts for him

Before Huo Chengyu just told her that she had a son. Although Lin Xinuo was surprised, her acceptance was particularly high.

I don't know why. In the dark, I feel that I should have some family members who are not their own parents. They should be someone else. Moreover, they must take the initiative to love and protect each other.

Later, I heard Huo Chengyu say that she had a son. Although she was very surprised, she later heard a series of details mentioned by Huo Chengyu. Lin Xinuo found that she was actually impressed.

Huo Chengyu said slowly all the way, and took her to the hotel where she was in the opposite direction. Because neither of them was in a hurry, she arrived at the hotel very late, and soon arrived at the hotel.

Unconsciously, Huo Chengyu actually drove the car all afternoon. Lin Xinuo felt a bit sad. When the car was parked in the hotel parking lot, he could not help saying, "I'm really sorry. Every time I want to ask you about my past, I can't help asking a lot of questions about my past, which has delayed your time a lot."

Huo Chengyu slightly shook his head: "it doesn't matter, I'm very happy to be able to get along with you like this."

Compared with Lin Xinuo before amnesia, Lin Xinuo is really much better now. He never escapes from Huo Chengyu, nor does he deliberately want to refuse his good intentions.

Lin Xinuo should have been concerned about too many things before she lost her memory, so she often escaped from Huo Chengyu. Fortunately, perhaps it is because of her amnesia this time that Huo Chengyu has more opportunities to make up for it and explain his intention to her.

Huo Chengyu found that after Lin Xinuo got off the bus, he was able to take the initiative to go to the direction of the elevator. He seemed to be familiar with the neighborhood, so he quickly explained to her, "this hotel is where I used to bring you. Maybe you won't be impressed. But they are also very private. I'm sure they won't reveal much about you this time. "

Huo Chengyu caught up with Lin Xinuo, followed by her side and entered the elevator with her. Lin Xinuo even pressed the place on the sixth floor very familiar, and then said with a smile: "although I try to think about the past a lot, I always have a headache. He was treated by doctors and nurses before. Take the medicine they give, so sometimes I want to think about the past. It's relieved a lot. I won't have a headache. I'm really impressed here. Don't show me the way. Let me do it myself. "

In the process of going up to the sixth floor, Huo Chengyu and Lin Xinuo said: "in the past, every time you like to go to the sixth floor, because it is a VIP area. Apart from a few main customers, no one else will disturb you. Moreover, this hotel also has some investment from you. You like the environment and service here. Sometimes, when it comes to various activities, you will take the initiative to put forward your ideas with them. Give them specific plans. "

Albert listened carefully to everything he said and suddenly laughed. "Do I love to come to the children's food often and children's day, and I made a series of children's Day plans for them. Let those busy adults have a companion for their children. It's a great opportunity to eat and play together. "

Huo Chengyu immediately nodded, but then his tone was a little sad: "I didn't expect that, you remember her things so clearly, about other is also about me, you can't remember more."Lin Xinuo accurately caught the jealousy in his eyes, and then laughed: "it doesn't matter. Anyway, the days in the future are still very long. I will work hard and actively. I will definitely remember you with the help of treatment. You don't have to be too disappointed. I have to thank you for taking the time to be with me

In Lin Xinuo's cognition and vague impression, she knows that Huo Chengyu has always been a busy person for the sake of Emperor Yao, but now maybe she has made some plans, maybe she cares too much about herself. So I was able to spend so much time with myself.

Lin Xinuo still feels warm in her heart.

Originally, she lost the memory of the past, always felt that maybe she really knew herself. There were very few people in the past. Even if there were others, they would be busy with their own affairs. There won't be too much time for her.

At this time, she is always special lonely, but also feel that maybe she is out of touch with the world.

But I didn't think Huo Chengyu could take care of her and accompany her. This kind of thing made her feel warm in her heart.

Although sometimes stars may be a little disappointed, why does Huo Chengyu like her and keep a distance from her.