Despite Fang Guohui's assurance in front of her, Lin Xinuo is still hesitant.

After some thinking, she decided to call Huo Chengyu first. There are too many things involved in this matter. If something really happens, she can't say it.

"Uncle Fang, don't worry. Let me call Cheng Yu first. "

Fang Guohui was nervous, and his throat was slightly astringent: "it's not necessary. Have you decided not to come for such a small matter

Lin Xi Nuo's reason is just, "how to say is to move the things in his room, he must know first." Said, picked up the phone to dial Huo Chengyu's phone. Since he got off the plane yesterday, they had a dialogue in a hurry. After a few simple words, Huo Chengyu hung up because of his busy business.

At this time, the phone repeatedly echoes the busy tone, there is no one connected.

"No one answered."

Several calls are the same, Lin Xi Nuo a little embarrassed to hang up.

"Well, it's up to you to decide." Seeing this, Fang Guohui urged the voice more tightly. "It's just some data, and it will be solved soon."


Helpless, Lin Xi Nuo agreed to Fang Guohui's request. He followed his steps all the way to Huo Chengyu's office.

It's urgent. They trot all the way.

When you open the door with the key, you can smell some dust when you walk in. Fine particles float in the air.

Fang Guohui still urged her.

"Sinor, you turn on the computer, and we'll find the files quickly."

Lin Xi Nuo nodded and pressed the host.

After a buzz, the computer screen lights up.

While waiting, the screen is locked in the password interface.

Lin Xi Nuo eyebrows raised, a face at a loss: "Uncle Fang, this code you know?"

"Don't you know?" Fang Guohui asked, chest breath tightness pain.

Lin Xinuo shakes her head. She seldom used Huo Chengyu's computer in the office before, and she doesn't remember the password in her memory.

"It can't be opened without a password. Let's wait a moment. When Chengyu calls me back, I'll ask her. "

"Don't -" Fang Guohui yelled, looking at the opportunity in front of him, he refused to give up easily: "you try it." He encouraged Lin Xi Nuo to try password, "you have followed Cheng Yu for a long time, you should know him very well." Bet the rest of the possible hope on Lin Xi Nuo.

"Just try it. If not, we'll wait." Fang Guohui grinned and tried to cover up his panic: "we all come here. It's a pity to leave this time."

Lin Xi Nuo nodded and thought of his words. Sit down at the computer.

Fang Guohui: "you think about it. What should Chengyu's password be. It's like this to lose. "

Lin Xi Nuo nodded and his fingers stopped on the keyboard.

In a few seconds, almost all the air around Fang Guohui's mouth was drawn out. He stares expectantly at Linxi Nuo's rapid tapping on the keyboard. On the screen, circles turn, and finally "Ding Ling -" sounds, successfully logging into the interface.

Fang Guohui covered his mouth and almost cried out in surprise.

Lin Xi Nuo was also very happy and exclaimed, "I didn't think it could be." She tentatively typed in the password, September 18th. It is also the anniversary of her first meeting with Huo Chengyu.

"Of course, you and Chengyu are a pair. It's normal for you to communicate with each other."

Uncle Xi, let's find your position quickly


Fang Guohui grinning to sit forward, a little mouse, quickly found the file he wanted. The screen is full of precious confidential documents. If one of them is thrown into the market, it will cause a big stir.

Lin Xi Nuo is still in a state of ignorance.

After getting what he wanted, Fang Guohui said to Lin Xi Nuo falsely: "Xi Nuo, today is really thanks to you."

"It's OK. It's all I should do."

He's got confidential data, and all he has to do is send it to Richard as soon as possible. The remaining 300000 seemed to have entered his pocket.

They walked out of the office quietly with the door locked.

Everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened before.

Before parting, Fang Guohui stopped Lin Xi Nuo again.

"Shino, there's one thing I want to trouble you about."

"You say so."

After hesitating for a while, Fang Guohui opened his mouth and said, "you also know that losing company documents is a big taboo. This thing I want you to keep it a secret. Especially when Cheng Yu asked. " In this way, all he has done has become unknown, and what will happen in the future will not doubt him.

Lin Xi Nuo nodded to show understanding.

"Yes. In the future, uncle Fang should pay more attention to it. Some confidential documents will be stored in file bags, with more electronic backup. So you won't be afraid to lose it. ""Well, I see." Finally, Fang Guohui or solemnly said thanks to Lin Xi Nuo.

The smile on his face changed after seeing the figure go far away.

"Oh, you will come to me in a few days."

Soon, Fang Guohui returned to his office and sent the sorted confidential data to Richard.

After the data was successfully transmitted, his cell phone rang.

There was Richard's voice over the phone: "Mr. Fang, I have received the data. You're still very quick! "

"Where's my money? Did you fight? Wang Yong, you should help me deal with it Fang Guohui focuses on this.

A deep laugh passed, and Richard assured him on the phone, "don't worry, it's all solved. You can get the money later. We continue to cooperate happily

After the phone hung up, Fang Guohui collapsed in the soft chair.

A moment later, a message came from the mobile phone. It was the amount of money left.

Fang Guohui stares at the number of money on the text message, with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Lin Xi Nuo, it's up to you to blame yourself."

He had to go this way for his grand plan.


except that Fang Guohui specially instructed her to go to Huo Chengyu's office to turn on the computer, the rest of the time was spent peacefully. After signing the documents on the desk, Lin Xinuo and Jenny went home from work.

On the road, the two people are naturally laughing.

Jenny hinted to her: "it's rare that Huo Chengyu is not here. You can go out with me and have a good time. You haven't been out with me for a long time From a long time ago, Jenny has maintained the habit of being a city beauty in the daytime and a nightclub girl at night.

Now in the gap in the car, quickly changed a new outfit. It's different from what you see in the daytime.

"No Lin Xi Nuo said with a smile, "I still have Yangyang waiting in my house. Have a good time yourself."

Jenny didn't try to persuade her, so she waved goodbye to her.

Lin Xi Nuo drove home and was about to approach Huo's house when his cell phone in his arms made a crisp sound.

A closer look, it is Huo Chengyu calling.