To tell you the truth, in their two identities, some ordinary gifts are naturally not appreciated.

If this thing was sent by his grandson, it would be different. Even if it was an ordinary piece of paper, it would be rendered with special meaning in their eyes.

But even Lin Xi Nuo can see that the box is different from the package. Lin Jinglan and Lin Yunxiao can see it more clearly.

However, in order to let Yang Yang not be disappointed, they opened the box. They didn't realize that the things on the head here were beyond their imagination.

There is a cuff link in Lin Yunxiao's box. Although it is small, it is better than exquisite. Moreover, Lin Yunxiao can see at a glance that it was written by a designer from Italy.

What this designer has made is not very popular nowadays. The only few items left can be regarded as out of print. The most coincidental thing is that Lin Yunxiao has always been in the habit of collecting cuff links.

This thing was regarded as his favorite. Lin Yunxiao knew it in a moment. He slightly hooked his mouth and didn't say more. He just took a look at Lin Xi Nuo.

Then he turned his eyes and looked at Lin Jinglan, "I'll see what fun you have here!"

Since you can guess your own mind, you should also know what Lin Jinglan likes. Lin Yunxiao can't help looking forward to seeing how smart this person is.

After opening the box, he and Lin Jinglan looked at each other with one eye, and both of them turned pale.

If we say that the cuff before his favorite, can be regarded as understanding of Lin Yunxiao's personal hobbies, then the brooch in the box of Lin Jinglan is opportunistic.

Lin Jinglan just saw it at an exhibition some time ago. She was asking for information, but she didn't get any news. Now it was packaged into a gift box and sent to her.

This can't be regarded as the other party's personal understanding of them. It seems that they have paid close attention to them recently and have made some inquiries.

Anyway, Lin Xi Nuo and Yang Yang were still standing here. They didn't say anything, but nodded with a smile on their faces. "Yes, the people who choose gifts are very attentive and have a good eye."

After hearing their praise, Yang Yang was very happy, but Lin Xi Nuo looked thoughtful. Just now, she was also observing the expressions on the two faces because of her nervousness.

It is obvious that their expression is a little subtle after seeing the gift. It is difficult for Lin Xi Nuo to determine whether the expression is good or not, but they must have known that it is not given by Yang Yang.

"Go first! Go in and have a bowl of hot soup and warm yourself up

Lin Yunxiao took the initiative to speak and looked at her, Lin Xi Nuo also did not hesitate to follow two people into the room.

Although her words have been lingering in her heart, she still does not know what to say and how to open her mouth. Although she is facing her parents, Lin Xinuo is the same.

"Well, what happened this time?"

Lin Jinglan took the initiative to ask, Lin Xi Nuo thought maybe they were trying to test themselves and give themselves a chance to speak the truth.

"Mom and Dad, there's something I want to tell you alone." It's still hard for Linxi north to say that he wants to go. What's more, it's not a small matter, and it's not convenient to speak in public.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yunxiao and Lin Jinglan did not delay. They immediately got up and said, "then go to the study and say it."

They can see Lin Xi Nuo's hesitation. After they arrived in the study, Lin Xinuo did not cover up, but directly told the whole story, including the last one.

Originally, she wanted to hide, but this is not her style, so she thought it over and over and told them the truth. She could not stop hiding it.

Lin and his wife were surprised by her confession. Lin Yunxiao said, "in fact, we already know what you said, but I didn't expect that you would choose to be with him again."

Compared with Lin Xinuo's imagination, their attitude was obviously more moderate. She was a little surprised: "parents, you Don't you mind about it? "

"Of course I do, so we won't let it go easily. You'd better tell him to prepare him for being embarrassed." Lin Jinglan is also very direct.

Lin Xi Nuo hesitated, "what you said is true?"

"Why, don't you want us to leave you alone and give him a lesson? Then he will bully you, and we will not even have a chance to speak. "

Lin Jinglan's expression is serious, what's more, what's more, there's some truth in what he said,! Lin Xi Nuo nodded. "In a word, I feel much more comfortable after I say it."

She thought, in any case, the couple still love their daughter, so there must be room for her, as long as they recognize the person, they will eventually agree.

From the study, Lin Xi Nuo couldn't help but send a message to Huo Chengyu. Huo Chengyu is taking a bath and can't help smiling at the information.

In the past six years, Xi Nuo Lin has been fighting side by side with him, who has not felt happy to fight with him in the past six years.This is the scene Huo Chengyu had expected six years ago. Although it is a little late now, it is not too late.

Lin Xinuo confessed some things, but also concealed some things. At least for the life experience of Yang Yang, she did not know how to open her mouth.

However, these things are not very important to them. The most important thing is to explain this matter with Yangyang as soon as possible.

My father suddenly changed a person, although he has always liked the people, but more or less will feel a bit awkward.

Lin Shumo came back from work at night. After receiving the gift, he heard about the events of the day. He only felt that Huo Chengyu was not good at stubbornness as before.

I thought he was sociable at work, but I didn't think that he was very good at doing these things in his personal life.

The most important thing is that he didn't expect Huo Chengyu to be so fond of him. He was so straightforward but he didn't cover it up. He didn't know whether he should like it or not.

The next day, Huo Chengyu planned to visit Lin and his wife. Instead, Lin Xi Nuo became the most nervous person. He could not even speak.

Fortunately, they didn't say much to Lin and his wife, so they nodded in response. It can be seen that they also want to see Huo Chengyu.

No matter where they change their parents should be worried, especially those who have not been accompanied for a long time.

Near the appointed time, Lin Shumo all saw Lin Xi Nuo's nervousness, this is the first time, at least she always looks calm no matter what she does.

"It doesn't matter. My parents won't eat him." Lin Shumo took the initiative to comfort him. Lin Xi Nuo looked at him.

"I'm worried, in case my parents don't agree..."

"It's time to test him." Lin Shumo smiles and never opens his mouth again.