"What does that mean? How can it be related to Huo Chengyu? "

Although Lin Yunxiao and Lin Jinglan are shopping malls, they don't understand the reason for these things at the moment.

Lin Xinuo took a breath and said: "a while ago, you should all know that Jean white took me away privately. Huo Chengyu does have feelings for me.

That's why, because of this, he has been targeting gian white, who once came to see me. His attitude was not very good. I didn't speak to him politely. We had a bad time.

Perhaps because of this, he went to find a person who could suppress me and Huo Chengyu at the same time, miss Helia of the gazier family.

That day, I went to see her with my brother. I thought my brother and I thought they were the same. They wanted to solve the family problems together. But I didn't expect that he wanted to let me tell Huo Chengyu that this matter was left to him by me.

Yes, it was his business, and he was a drag on us, but I hope Columbia can make it clear that there is no need to use this metaphor. "

The most important thing is that Lin Xi Nuo didn't think of this at that time, so he asked Huo Chengyu straightforwardly, but he couldn't think that every step of her actions was calculated by Lin Shumo.

This feeling of being calculated by others is certainly not good, not to mention that the person who calculated himself is still his brother. Lin Xinuo sighed after saying that.

Lin Shumo said, "I'm not taking advantage of you. If you throw this matter back to him directly, it's up to you. There will be discord between the two of you.

But if you take advantage of your name and you tell him something and he solves it, you will not be held responsible for it.

I swear that I am out of the idea of good intentions, not to use you or other means, if this hurt you, I sincerely apologize to you

This time, Lin Jinglan and Lin Yunxiao finally understood what had happened. They sighed slightly, and Lin Yunxiao said, "you are confused!

Even if you do good deeds again, you should also consider the feelings of the parties. If the other party doesn't feel happy and you don't think you are helping the other party, it's even if it's not doing a good job. "

"Yes, Shumo, this time you are impulsive. You shouldn't have done this, and you should discuss with your parents anyway before something happens."

Hearing that they were all criticizing Lin Shumo, Lin Xinuo sighed and said, "forget it, I don't want my parents to fight against injustice for me.

I just want to let my brother tell me his real purpose. Since he has already said it, I'm relieved. It was originally me who got into the bull's horn. "

It is true that some words will be relieved after confessing. If you keep holding it, you will become a prick in your heart. If you don't pull it out, you'll end up with pus and will never recover.

But after pulling out the thorn, the wound will heal slowly. It's just that there is some pain at the moment when you pull it out. But in the end, you will understand that this is a kind act.

Yang Yang was confused from the beginning to the end. He didn't understand what they were talking about. He just looked down at Lin Xinuo and said, "grandparents and uncles love their mothers.

After returning to this home, my mother was very happy and had a lot of smiles, which had never been seen before. If it wasn't for the real family, it would not show.

My mother told me a story before. Living together is like a bowl of chopsticks. There will always be bumps and bumps. It is because they are real family members that they dare to make conflicts. "

After he said that, Lin Xi Nuo turned his head to look at Yang Yang, but saw that he was smiling at himself, showing a mouthful of big white teeth. Lin Xi Nuo raised his hand and patted him on the head.

"You are young, and you don't know where you learned these principles. This is a story I told you personally, but I can't even remember it myself."

"Nono, just like Yang Yang said, it's OK for the family to make some troubles. As long as we dare to face up to the contradictions and finally solve them clearly."

Hearing Lin Jinglan's words, she nodded, "don't worry, I'm really OK. If I've been struggling with this matter, it's stingy.

Our Lin family's children can't be like that, so don't worry about it. Today and after school, I will follow him to yifeige.

At the weekend, I may have something to do back home. If I can't get back in time, I'll trouble you to get Yangyang back. "

Seeing that she was willing to talk to himself and to ask for his own affairs, Lin Shumo remembered that he lit his head and gave her a smile.

Depressed for several days at home is now finally a trace of the usual atmosphere, Lin Xi Nuo said frankly or no self-confidence.

So she didn't dare to ask Lin Jinglan and Lin Yunxiao if they really knew about it. She didn't dare to accept the final answer.

If these two people also knew that she was the only one who was hoodwinked, then Lin Xi Nuo would be very uncomfortable. Fortunately, what she really wanted now was the answer she really wanted.After such a long time, Chen Yifei still didn't wake up. Even Chen Anlan couldn't wake him up. The Dean had not returned to the orphanage for such a long time. He must be worried.

Nevertheless, after seeing the two of them coming, Chen Anlan and the Dean were very happy, "if you are busy with your work, you should be busy with your work first."

"It doesn't matter. I think about it for a while. If brother Yifei can't wake up all the time, we'd better send him back to China. There's no need to stay here all the time.

Anyway, his condition is stable now. The doctor also said that he would wake up, but I don't know when. I think the reason why yifeige can't wake up now is that he can't get through the difficulties in his heart.

In fact, some time ago, after he checked out his illness, something happened. Because brother Yifei didn't want to be known by others, I didn't even tell you. What's more, even if he told you, he was worried. "

Then Lin Xi Nuo told the Dean what Chen Yifei had told him about his life experience. The Dean did not know about these things.

After hearing this, she frowned and was full of heartache, "why didn't you tell me this in advance! Yifei must have had a hard time at that time!

People say that mood has a great influence on his illness. His illness is so serious that it may be related to these things in his heart.

From childhood to adulthood, he likes to keep things in his heart. Now such a big thing has happened again. No one knows how painful the child is. The Dean listens to you. You two are also my children. Today I will make the decision. "