"It's all like this. It's time to know. But they asked me to tell you that no matter who you are, you can't bully Lin's daughter."

At this moment, Lin Xi Nuo was relieved. She was not afraid of others. Even if she offended the family, she would leave by herself. But now she is not the same as before. She has a family.

"In that case, let me ask her out? In accordance with her cunning and unconventional character, if you ask her out, she may not agree

After listening to Lin Xi Nuo's words, Lin Shumo said with a smile, "but I have made an appointment with her. I'll meet her at the midsummer club at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"Did she say yes? There won't be any personal relationship between the two of you? "

Lin Shumo shook his head and denied, "it's just that recently, he helped you with Yang Yang for a few days, so he has a little more experience in coaxing children."

It's funny to hear him describe her as a child. But on second thought, isn't Helia a a big friend?

Although in some ways she was very clever, in some ways she was simply amazing, otherwise she would not have been taken advantage of by Jean white.

Now, perhaps, Angie's purpose was to conceal the truth.

Knowing that she had made an appointment to meet with her, Lin Xinuo did not say anything more. The only thing that made her curious was who disclosed this matter to those people in the family?

Lin Xi Nuo thought about it in his mind and quickly selected a candidate. I'm afraid that other people will not do this again.

First of all, Jean white could not tell the story himself; otherwise, he would be the first person to blame, and caesarean's cold nature, who was not concerned about these matters, was afraid of causing trouble.

Selin Weina, Lin Xi Nuo can not guess, but see her character is not like will put a cold arrow behind, so exclude to row is only the Yang family that a few people.

In other words, she didn't rule them out at all. She thought of them at the first time, but she didn't know what kind of ideas the Yangs were making. This time, it didn't hurt the Lin family and the gian white family. On the contrary, she provoked some people's disgust.

Lin Xi Nuo raised his hand and rubbed his temple. He didn't want to think about it. Before that, she had enough headache when she was staying at Huo's house. However, she did not expect to run out of such a big family.

At 3 p.m. the next day, Lin Xinuo and Lin Shumo arrived at the midsummer club on time. They were a few minutes ahead of schedule.

After all, this time they took the initiative to ask for someone, and it was not the ordinary people who arrived in advance to show their respect and politeness.

After entering the private room, the two people only needed a pot of tea and then began to wait. Seeing this situation, Lin Xinuo said, "I didn't think that this club would be a Chinese element before. Is this the place you decided or the place appointed by Helia?"

"This time, we asked her to meet. Naturally, the place was decided by her. If I did, I would not respect her."

Lin Xi Nuo slightly frowned, but in the heart there is some doubt, "this little princess should not be preparing what moth?"

"I don't know. When the time comes, soldiers will come to cover up the water and cover the earth." Lin Shumo shook his head, compared with Lin Xi Nuo, he seemed more calm.

Maybe he has seen the big waves for so many years. This small scene is nothing to him. What's more, Lin Shumo still has some confidence in his ability.

He didn't believe in the internal struggle of their family. Those people at the top didn't know it. They just didn't care about it, because they knew that there was a fight in the family, but no one could be separated.

Because their HK family is the most powerful only when they gather together. If they separate, it doesn't mean they can't succeed, but at least they are not as powerful as they are now.

And the reason why they fight is that they still have something in their hearts that they don't want to climb up. Otherwise, people who are only content with the status quo will not fight.

Always know that those people in the top of the mind think far, than they want to think more, also more far.

They waited here for more than ten minutes. The appointed time had already passed, but there was no sign of anyone coming.

After a few cups of tea, Lin Xi Nuo also felt a bit bored. "Is she putting on airs, or is she testing our patience and sincerity?"

"I don't think it's really like what you said. Maybe you're thinking about something!" The voice of the door handle just turned.

The next second the door was opened, but it wasn't helioa who came in, but a woman with golden hair and blue eyes and a wonderful figure.

After she stepped in, a group of people came in after her. They all had a plate in their hands, covered with red cloth, and did not know what was hidden inside."Hello, ladies and gentlemen, since you are here, you should also know that it's tea tasting. Miss Helia said that if you want to see her, you have to pass some tests ahead of time."

Lin Xi Nuo frowned slightly. She said that how could Helia have agreed with Lin Shumo so easily that she was waiting for them here!

"But we have made an appointment with Miss Helia in advance. If she doesn't have time, she can refuse."

Lin Xinuo was already a bit unhappy. Although she knew that the gazier family had a big business, she would not bully them in this way.

After listening to Lin Xinuo's words, Lin Shumo stepped forward to hold her, and then laughed at the woman across the street. "She's been waiting for a long time just now, so she's not very happy. I know miss Helia is not so easy to see.

If there is any test, let's talk about it first! Maybe we can make it through and meet Miss Helia

Originally, the blonde was ready to leave after hearing Lin Xinuo's words, but after hearing what Lin Shumo said, she stopped again.

Then he turned and lifted the red cloth on the top of the first plate and said, "could you please tell me what kind of tea this is and where is its origin?"

Lin Xinuo took a deep breath to suppress his frustration and anger. They didn't come here today to play a knowledge contest.

Then, seeing that the two of them did not speak, the blonde went on: "miss Helia said that tea culture seems to be something that your country has been promoting. I think you should know this well."