The next morning Lin Xi Nuo had already woken up, but Yang Yang was still asleep. You should know that Yang Yang seldom sleeps in.

Even if he went to bed late during the holidays or the day before, he would wake up at about 7 o'clock on time the next day, which had never happened before.

After Lin Xi Nuo got up, he went straight to Yang Yang's room. After knocking on the door, he heard that no one answered. He also had some doubts and called Yang Yang's name.

Before the door opened, she heard Du Meiling open the door. "Early in the morning, are you standing at the door calling your soul?"

Du Meiling was still a little angry, especially when she was dissatisfied with Lin Xi Nuo. Now that she has money in her hands, she doesn't care about other people. People who despise her in the past still look down on them.

"Where did you take Yang Yang yesterday? I don't think he was very happy when he came back. On the contrary, he was very worried."

When Du Meiling heard this, she quickly removed her eyes and said, "he is a child. Maybe he is too excited and tired to play. I know that we two have made some things unhappy before, but you don't need to wronged me because of this."

Now this matter has become his own injustice to her. Lin Xi Nuo shook his head and was too lazy to say anything more to her, so he stepped into Yang Yang's room.

After going in, he saw that Yang Yang was still asleep. Lin Xi Nuo stepped over and was about to make fun of him. However, Yang Yang's face was flushed, his head was sweating, and his mouth was still murmuring.

Lin Xi Nuo reached forward and touched his forehead. Of course, Yang Yang really had a fever. Lin Xi Nuo made an emergency call and ran to the bathroom. He washed a cold towel and wiped Yang Yang's face.

Outside the door, Du Meiling looked at her and did not know what she was doing. A moment later, she heard the sound of an ambulance outside. She thought it was the sound of a police siren, so she ran into the room in a hurry.

A moment later, I heard that someone seemed to be coming upstairs. Then an ambulance sped by. When Du Meiling ran out again, Yang Yang and Lin Xinuo were gone.

She had a little bit of a bad feeling in her heart. The situation was a little bit bad. Now Yang Yang is also sick. If Lin Xi Nuo really asked himself, he could not answer where he had gone with Yang yesterday.

After a while, Du Meiling called Fang Guohui. After a while, she went out to Fang Guohui's house, while Lin Xinuo took Yang Yang to the hospital.

After the examination, he said that Yang Yang had a high fever. Fortunately, the hospital came in time. Otherwise, he would not be able to figure out what kind of things would happen later. Lin Xi Nuo felt frightened for a while.

"He was fine yesterday, and he hasn't caught cold recently. How could he suddenly have such a serious illness?"

You should know that when he was in huaiyangyang, his life was pretty good, and Huo Chengze never let her have a little bump, so Yang Yang grew very well, and he didn't get sick very much since he was born.

The doctor shook his head. "The child's mood is a little unstable. Maybe it's because of some fright that he suddenly gets sick. It's good just to have a fever. If there's any sequelae of stress and trauma, it's not good."

"Stress trauma sequelae?"

"Don't worry, he hasn't had such symptoms yet, but I suggest that your parents should pay more attention to him recently and send him to the hospital immediately if he has anything wrong."

Lin Xi Nuo nodded to thank the doctor and then went into the ward to see Yang Yang. At the moment, Yang Yang was still asleep and did not wake up. His small face was full of pale, which made people feel some heartache.

Thinking of what the doctor said just now, Lin Xi Nuo quickly took out his mobile phone and called Du Meiling. He didn't realize that there was no one to answer.

It seems that this matter has something to do with Du Meiling. Otherwise, her phone call could not be delayed. I don't know where she took Yang Yang yesterday and what happened.

Lin Xi Nuo sighed for a long time. He leaned on the back of his chair and focused on Yang Yang. In a word, Yang Yang is his life, and nothing can happen.

After they came back yesterday, Du Meiling acted suspiciously. As the saying goes, tiger poison does not eat children. Lin Xi Nuo saw that Du Meiling had always been concerned about Yang Yang and did not think she would do anything to Yang Yang.

But I didn't think it was difficult to know people and faces. Just as she was here, she was thinking intently. The phone rang. Lin Xi Nuo handed in the phone and picked it up. The caller ID was Huo Chengyu.

After a moment, Huo Chengyu hesitated to answer the phone? What about Yang Yang? "

Lin Xi Nuo couldn't even hear what he said. Now he was a little suspicious. "Are you hiding something from me?"

"What's the matter?"

Of course, Chengyu didn't know what he thought, but he didn't know what he wanted to say on the phone.

"It's OK. It's my nerves that are a little too sensitive. Yang Yang is suddenly ill today. Now I'm with him in the hospital.""Sick? Why are you sick? What's the disease? " Huo Chengyu hastily opened his mouth to inquire, and at the same time, he felt a little remorse in his heart.

"Don't worry. It's not so serious. It's just a fever." Lin Xi Nuo finally chose to hide the matter and didn't tell him.

After all, Huo Chengyu's own things have been enough, Yang Yang is his son, there is no need to let others also worry about it.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xinuo thought about it carefully and thought it must have something to do with Du Meiling. He didn't know where Du Meiling had taken Yang Yang yesterday, which scared him into this state. Today, he will be ill.

If Yang Yang didn't wake up now, Lin Xi Nuo would surely go back to Huo's house and ask Du Meiling what she had done to her son.

Lin Xi Nuo has been waiting here for a long time, and even the drip is almost finished. Yang Yang opens his eyes and wakes up. He turns to look at Lin Xi Nuo and has a trace of consternation.

Then he got up and threw himself into her arms. Lin Xi Nuo, who looked at Yang Yang's picture, only felt a little distressed. "What happened yesterday? You didn't tell your mother

Yang Yang bit his lips, and his expression was a little pathetic, but he still said nothing. Lin Xi Nuo could not help feeling worried.

"Didn't I tell you? I'm your closest person in the world, so you don't have to worry about what you say, just tell me

I didn't expect that there are some secrets left between Yang Yang and her now, even if they don't speak very frankly.