After yesterday's dinner, I didn't feel as distant as before when I saw Katherine today. Even after entering the door, linshino even took the initiative to say hello to him.

Katherine just looked up at her. "We don't know each other that well. We don't have to be polite. Your office is set up. It's next door to me."

He had a business like manner, and the friendliness shown at the dinner party last night seemed to be Lin Xi Nuo's illusion. Today, he has returned to his cold appearance.

After saying that, katharan looked up and saw that linshino was still standing there. He said, "didn't you understand what I just said? Your office is next door to me

"So you mean I can go to my office now, and there's nothing to tell me?"

"Not at the moment. If there is, I'll find you through the inside line." Katherine bowed her head and motioned for a phone call not far away, and then she was busy with the work at hand.

I didn't expect that just one day later, she was left out of the cold. Lin Xi Nuo didn't say anything. She walked quickly to her office as Katharine said.

It seems to be arranged temporarily, but it is also in good order. Lin Xi Nuo steps over and sits on the office chair.

She looked around for a while, which was boring. After all, she had just entered the job and had nothing to do. Lin Xinuo took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Lin Shumo.

She didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of this caesarean. Yesterday, she gave herself a bluff on the first day, which made her busy all day, but today she was idle again.

After he sent a message to Lin Shumo, he didn't reply. Lin Xinuo put down his mobile phone and was bored. He stood up and went to the window to do some chest expansion exercises.

Just then, she heard a knock on the door behind her. She turned her head and saw that it was Lin Shumo. She quickly stepped forward to bring Lin Shumo in.

"I'm bored to death. Today, Katherine suddenly didn't tell me anything. If brother, do you have anything to do, do you want to give it to me first?"

Lin Shumo smiles. "He may want to sharpen your patience."

Lin Xi Nuo bitter face, "that also does not have him such practice, do not know what idea he is actually making."

"Even if you don't have patience, you can't do it for me

"Well, I see. I saw him at the party yesterday and offered to help me out. I thought he was a good man. Now I don't know what his idea is."

Lin Xi Nuo is still a little aggrieved when he talks about this. Lin Shumo says, "if you are really bored, I will bring you some news materials related to the company in the past years. You can have a look."

As he said, he put his things on his desk. "Look at these first. I have some things to do."

Lin Xi Nuo quickly nodded, "if you have anything to be busy, go back to be busy! I can do it by myself. I have nothing to do anyway. "

"Hard work, come on." Lin Shumo patted her on the shoulder, smiling at her, and then turned away.

After he left, Lin had nothing to do but read the materials. However, Lin Shumo knew her well and knew that she was interested in these things.

Lin Xinuo knows that she is not a genius, but she always adheres to the idea of being a monk and hitting the clock every day. As long as she is in this position, she will try her best to achieve the best of the current things.

Now that I have come to caesaren's side, it is really necessary to understand the company's accounts and financial situation in the past years, so as to help her integrate into the company as soon as possible.

Looking at these things that Lin Shumo brought over, Lin Xinuo unconsciously became fascinated. She didn't have any interesting or boring feelings about these things.

I just think it's something I should know at present, so I went to see it carefully and remember it. It was near noon that Lin Xinuo received the inside information from Katherine.

He thought that he was going to inform himself of the time for dinner at noon, but he never thought that he would go to have a meeting in the afternoon.

Katherine's voice came across the phone coldly. "I'll send you the details of the meeting later. It'll be held at 3 p.m

Listen to him this meaning, seem to want to let Lin Xi Nuo plan this meeting alone, he is really used to find things to do for himself.

After Linxi Nuo hung up the phone, he immediately turned on the computer without any further delay. He saw that Katherine had indeed sent her a file, which was very small.

After opening, there were only a few lines, including the specific content of the meeting. The rest seemed to be to let her play freely.

For a moment, Lin Xi Nuo didn't know whether to say that he had a big heart or that he believed in himself. However, the content of his meeting was quite different from what Lin had just read.For a moment, she had some doubts in her heart, whether these two people had conspired to test her.

However, Lin Xi Nuo thought that they should not be so boring. If they want to train themselves, they are not as quick and simple as straightforward. Where do they need to go around these twists and turns?

Having said that, she didn't waste much time. She carefully made a meeting and sent the plan to Katherine before leaving work.

A moment later, Linxi Nuo was in front of the computer to see if there was any omission in his plan. She was shocked to see a man standing in front of the desk.

"Please, the next time you come into my office, you may as well knock on the door more or less."

"Now that you've made the meeting plan and sent it back to me for what, didn't I tell you that you're fully responsible for this matter?" she said

"But this is my first time to do these things, and I don't know if there is anything missing. As a boss, you should check it first, or you will make a fool of yourself at the meeting then?"

"Making a fool of yourself is also me. Making a fool of yourself is not you. You don't need to worry so much. Just do what I tell you. There's no need to look forward and look back."

For Lin Xi Nuo's words, caesaren is not grateful at all. Lin Xi Nuo's heart is vaguely dissatisfied, "in this case, you can leave."

"I have one more thing to say. Although you are here to help me for the time being, we are not a superior subordinate relationship, but we are equal. You just come to my side to learn."

After hearing this, Lin Xi Nuo nodded slightly, "I know."

She didn't know what to say, but Katherine was not a nuisance. At least, he was very successful in his life.