
Name:Daddy, Here Is Mommy Author:
The feeling of youth is the purest.

They've been going on for six years.

No doubt, this relationship must be precious, but also the most unforgettable.

Yuwen Qingge heart can not help but be angry, heart secretly scolded that boy a.

"Scum man."

She wants to say to the girl, "such a man has nothing to miss. He can see clearly and stop loss early." Words to the mouth, but become another sentence.

"How was he to you before?"

"Well, it's good..."

The girl picked up a paper towel to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, sobbing and nodding.

"He used to buy me breakfast every day I will take good care of me when I am ill In addition, in order to buy me a birthday present, he secretly worked outside for a month... "

Yuwen Qingge listen to her nagging memories, the more not taste.

It seems that the boy did little things for the girl. But for girls, it has become a habit.

When in love, he can do anything for her.

No love, these things have become a hidden thorn in the girl's heart. It's hard to pull them out one by one.

"None of these can make up for the harm he betrayed you

Yu Wen Qingge side body, whispered.

She is only 18 years old, and she is not rich in life experience. As for feelings, she has little experience.

"I know Qingge Xuemei, I really want to hate him But my heart is more painful... "

The girl raised a pair of hazy tears and looked at Yu Wen Qingge. Under her nose, her face was as white as snow.

"Do you know my name?"

Yuwen Qingge can't help but be surprised.


The girl pursed her lips and gently answered, without explaining how she knew her name.

"I don't know your name yet..."

Yu Wen Qingge bent the corner of his mouth and asked in a shallow voice.

"My name is Liu Mengyu..."

"Can I call you sister Xiaoyu?"

Yuwen Qingge thinks that since she calls herself "Xuemei", she should be older than herself.


Liu Mengyu's waxy wet eyelashes blinked and pulled the corners of his mouth.

"Sister Xiaoyu, which building do you live in

Yuwen Qingge digs off the topic, trying to divert Liu Mengyu's attention, so that she does not feel so sad.

"Huayi building. And you? "

"F building."

"That's the best apartment in Santiago..."

Liu Mengyu's hoarse voice shows a trace of inferiority.

Yuwen Qingge realized that she had hurt her unintentionally.

"No matter how good it is."

"There are still some differences..."

Liu Mengyu has a bitter smile in his mouth.

"If I had the conditions to live in F building, he might not break up with me..."

Yuwen Qingge:???

Liu Mengyu bit the straw and took two mouthfuls. The hot cocoa was already a little warm and cool.

"The conditions of his cheating target are better than mine, promising him a better future..."

"I think he's even worse when you say that."

Yu Wen Qingge frowned and became more and more indignant. Finish saying, see Liu Mengyu's face a little embarrassed, quickly explain.

"Sister Xiaoyu, I mean

"Nothing. I know what you mean

Liu Mengyu's eyebrows are frozen with sadness, the corners of his mouth rise, and his smile becomes more bitter and astringent.

"Sister Xiaoyu, in fact, I have no experience in love, so..."

"Qingge Xuemei, your boyfriend must be very kind to you."

Liu Mengyu turned his head and looked at Yuwen Qingge. The scar on his eyes was obvious.


Yuwen Qingge eyes light a stagnation, a trace of pain from the heart.

"I don't have a boyfriend yet..."

I can't help but feel a little lost.

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