Chapter 2760

Qingwan wanted to get back home before Er Donghao came back, but God liked to oppose her, and there was a traffic jam on the way, which was so serious that she was motionless.

"What's the matter? When we came back, it was not time to get off work, and the traffic jam was so serious."

The car couldn't move forward, Qing Wan sat in the back seat of the car, extremely anxious.

When there is a traffic jam, no matter who you are or what car you are in, you can only wait silently.

The driver replied: "There was a serious traffic accident ahead, which caused a serious traffic jam."

"How long will it take to clear it?" Qing Wan asked anxiously.

The driver looked at the time displayed on the navigation, and replied: "The estimated passing time shown on the navigation will take one and a half hours."

Qingwan suddenly had a headache, "It's still an hour and a half!"

She asked Bai Kai again: "How long does it take to get back to the headquarters from the airport?"

"It's more than an hour. After we pass, the Patriarch should be home." Bai Kai replied, and comforted Qing Wan: "Madam, don't worry, even if we go back late, the Patriarch will not blame us."

The Patriarch didn't ask his wife to pick him up from the airport, and his wife was so anxious to go home, Bai Kai thought that Madam missed the Patriarch. "It's so fast, I don't know if he will pass by here when he comes back from the airport? If Dong Hao is also stuck in traffic on the road, maybe we can get home before him." Qing Wan muttered, she had promised Er Donghao , wait at home for him to come back


Now that she was blocked on the road, if he got home first, and when she went back, how dark would that cheapskate's face be.

"I'll give Donghao a call."

Qingwan thought about calling Er Donghao first, and telling Er Donghao that she was shopping outside and encountered a traffic jam on the way home. Maybe she would not be able to get home after he got home, lest she would have to face it when she got home. His black face.

Er Donghao was very tired, and he couldn't get out of that formation in the end.

In the end, it was the old man who saw that he persisted hungry for several days and nights, was in a state of embarrassment, and was bitten by mosquitoes, and his heart softened. He asked his grandson to show Er Donghao the way, and Er Donghao walked out of that formation.

Afterwards, the old man just gave him a bottle of mineral water, but still didn't give him food. Er Donghao had lived for more than 30 years, and he had never been as embarrassed as he was these days, and it was also the first time he tasted the taste of hunger.

Fortunately, the old man asked his grandson to throw him a bottle of mineral water every day, so that he would not die of thirst.

Although he was not thirsty, it was uncomfortable to be hungry, not to mention that he had been hungry for several days and nights. When he could see the old god stick, even if he drank another bottle of water, his physical strength could not be recovered, and he appeared weak.

He wanted to ask the old man a lot of questions, but he was weak, and his speech was weak, not much louder than a mosquito.

The old man said that he was old and hard of hearing, so he couldn't understand what Er Donghao was saying, so no matter what Er Donghao asked, the old man didn't answer him.

If it weren't for being so hungry that he was limp and weak, Er Donghao really wanted to beat the old man hard.

Looking around the world, the one who dares to treat Er Donghao like this is that old man. The old man could see the anger in his heart from his expression, and the old man said with a smile: "Er Patriarch, you don't have to hate me, isn't it all you asked for? For so many days, I asked my grandson to ask you every day Once again, do you want to give up? Just

If you say give up, I will immediately ask my grandson to send you out. It was Patriarch Er who insisted on not giving up. That is your own choice, Patriarch Er. Who can you blame? "

Er Donghao was speechless by the old man's words.

Yes, he asked for it all.

For so many days, the boy who quacked like a duck would indeed ask him every day if he wanted to give up or not. Every time he asked, he chose to ask at noon, when it was the hottest time. Even if it was not so hot in the fruit forest, Er Donghao would still be irritable. endlessly.

The boy asked him at that time if he wanted to give up. As long as his will was not firm, he would be easily fooled into saying give up.

Once he said to give up, if Qingwan really had something to do in the future, he begged this old god to save Qingwan, fearing that there would be no chance.

Er Donghao was able to endure hunger for several days, and keeping Qing Wan alive was his spiritual support. The old man took off the bracelet that he was going to give to Qing Wan from his wrist, and solemnly handed it to Er Donghao, and said to Er Donghao: "Your wife's fate is beyond recognition. , what will happen in the future, no one knows

can not say it clearly. For the sake of my fate with you, that's all, it should be my catastrophe. If there is a day when life and death really happen, you can come to me. "

After that, the old man asked the boy to send Er Donghao and his party out.

Mo Yao and the others were also very hungry. The group did not leave in a hurry. They first asked a nearby family for a meal. After filling their stomachs and charging their mobile phones, they left the mountain village.

Er Donghao was in a hurry to go home, so he didn't bother to mobilize his private jet, so he went straight to the airport and took a plane back at the airport.

After boarding the plane, the group of people dared to relax their nerves, and then they all slept on the plane.

Er Donghao, who hadn't had a good rest for several days and nights, was still sleeping on the way back to the headquarters from the airport.

When Qing Wan called him, he was sleeping soundly, and he didn't hear the phone ring at all.

When Qingwan called for the second time, Er Donghao only answered.

"Donghao." Hearing his wife's voice, Er Donghao's drowsiness went away a little, he sat upright, yawned, and said in a soft voice as much as possible, "Qingwan, I'm back. On the way home, I will be there in a while, you wait for me at home

OK. "

"Your voice is still hoarse. Are you uncomfortable? Your phone was turned off two days ago, what's the matter?" Qing Wan heard that Er Donghao's voice was hoarse than before, and couldn't help asking him again Is it uncomfortable.

Er Donghao cleared his throat. Since he hadn't had a good rest for a few days, even after catching up on sleep on the plane, his mental state was still very poor, and his voice became hoarse. Even if he cleared his throat, it was still the same.

"My phone turned off automatically when it ran out of battery. I didn't notice. Qing Wan, I'm fine. Really, if you don't believe me, touch my forehead when you get home, and my body temperature is normal."

Er Donghao is glad that he is in good health, otherwise, he might not be able to survive these few days.

If it wasn't for Qing Wan, he might have killed the grandpa and grandson. Qing Wan didn't believe what he said, considering that he would be home soon, if he was sick, she would know when she got home. Remembering the purpose of her phone call, Qing Wan hurriedly said: "Dong Hao, I'm outside right now, there's a traffic jam on the road, when you get home

, I may not be back yet, I promised you that I would wait for you at home, but I can't predict things like traffic jams. Er Donghao didn't think too much, and hummed.