Chapter 1932

Although Ning Zhiyuan was very reluctant, under the watchful eyes of his wife, he still reluctantly went to work in the company.

After Lu Yongchun waited for her son to finish his breakfast, she still had to go to her press conference, told her son a few words, and then left.

With no one to support him and no need to worry about company affairs, Ning Chengxuan slept recklessly all morning. If it wasn't for the knocking on the door, he could still sleep until his parents came back from get off work in the evening.

"Little Lord."

It was the bodyguard knocking on the door.

Ning Chengxuan didn't respond, but he got out of bed, went to open the door and didn't speak when he saw the bodyguard, waiting for him to speak.

"Young master, Miss Yun is here again."

The bodyguard said respectfully.

Ning Chengxuan frowned again, and said coldly: "Let her go."

Troublesome guy, roll as far as you can, don't bother him.

"Young master, Ms. Yun said thank you for sending her to the hospital last night. She has already been discharged from the hospital. She even cooked a few delicious dishes. She said she wanted to treat the young master to dinner. Thank you for saving her life." After finishing speaking, pay attention to Ning Chengxuan's expression.

Seeing that Ning Chengxuan was still expressionless, the bodyguards knew that their young master would not appreciate face.

"Go and tell her, if you really want to thank me, take care of her cats and dogs, don't let them disturb me again, and if she stays away from me, she is thanking me. Trouble!" Ning Cheng After Xuan finished speaking, he closed the door.

He didn't go back to bed to catch up on sleep, it was already noon, it was time to eat.

His parents won't come back, so he can go to his aunt's house to grab some food. Lan Sinong is pregnant and has a bad appetite. My aunt makes delicious food for Lan Sinong all day long. Ning Chengxuan thinks that Lan Sinong I am so lucky to have such a good mother-in-law.

The bodyguard went out to answer.

After hearing the bodyguard's reply, Yunzheng said softly and apologetically to the bodyguard: "Sir, please tell Master Ning that I will take good care of my pets. I have an appointment with Aunt Lin in the afternoon to go to the housekeeping company Ask for a nanny, I won't dare to trouble Master Ning easily in the future."

But in her heart she was slandering that Young Master Ning was really difficult to get close to. She tried several times, but still failed.

A beautiful woman like her is easily fascinated by ordinary men, but Ning Chengxuan is not. He always looks at her with cold eyes, and sometimes he doesn't even want to look at her. His bodyguard is just like him, calm and stern , it seems that they are not lustful people.

The bodyguard nodded, and made a gesture of invitation to Yunzheng, signaling Yunzheng to go back.

Yunzheng raised her eyes to look at the gorgeous main house, turned her gaze back and walked back. After walking a few steps, she heard familiar footsteps coming from inside, which belonged to Ning Chengxuan.

Yunzheng is gentle on the surface, which always makes people think that she is very weak. In fact, she has been trained with her sister and has excellent hearing. She can also hear the difference between Ning Chengxuan's footsteps and the bodyguards.

She thought that Ning Chengxuan had changed her mind, so she stopped in surprise and turned to look at the door of Ning's house, but saw the bodyguard quickly opened the gate of the villa, and soon saw Ning Chengxuan's car driving out of it.

Yunzheng opened her mouth to call Ning Chengxuan, but Ning Chengxuan didn't seem to see her, the car turned around and drove away to the other side, Yunzheng's slightly opened mouth closed with disappointment.

Mu family.

"Auntie, what dish did you cook today? It smells so good. I want to eat at your place." Ning Chengxuan turned into the kitchen as soon as he entered the door, and asked Zhang Xiao who had just finished frying the last dish.

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "Your parents are not at home. They didn't cook anything, the home-cooked dish that your uncle likes to eat. If you want to eat here, you just accompany the two of us. Neither Mu Zhang nor Si Nong will go home For dinner, it's just me and your uncle at home."

While talking, Zhang Xiao handed a dish to Ning Chengxuan and asked him to take it out.

Ning Chengxuan took out the dishes, and then came in to help, "Didn't Mu Zhang go on vacation for half a month?"

"Si Nong is still at work, and he takes Si Yi to and from get off work every day. After work, the couple go to the hotel for dinner, and only go home to eat at night." Zhang Xiao was a person who was very good at educating children when he was young. When she grows up and becomes a grandma, her mind is still very open-minded.

The son and daughter-in-law don't want to eat at home, so they can do whatever they want, as long as they are happy.

"Cheng Xuan, why are you free to come over today?" Zhang Xiao brought out the last two dishes by himself, and Ning Chengxuan went to get the bowls and chopsticks.

The Mu family's servants are often redundant at this time, and they are used to it. The master likes to do it himself when eating, so they can save trouble.

"My dad found out that he went to work today, so I rested at home. I don't know how to cook, and I don't want to go out to eat, so I came to my aunt's house to have a meal. I hope my uncle will see me later and don't be dark One face." Ning Chengxuan and Zhang Xiao could talk, the aunt and nephew were like friends.

Zhang Xiao smiled and helped Ning Chengxuan serve the soup, "He doesn't dare to keep a dark face. If he dares to show you face, Auntie won't give him food."

"Honey, I didn't do anything."

Mu Chen entered after smelling the aroma of the rice.


Ning Chengxuan greeted Mu Chen, then sat down on his own, Zhang Xiao handed him the soup, he took it, thanked him, and drank the soup unceremoniously, it was made by his aunt The soup is delicious, and the home-cooked dishes cooked by my aunt are also good.

"Cheng Xuan, are you alone?"

Mu Chen actually doesn't like having a third person disturb him and Zhang Xiao. They are older and prefer to stick together, no matter where they go, the husband and wife like to be together.

Isn't there a saying called "young couples come to accompany each other when they grow old".

"Don't tell me uncle wants more people to come and grab food from you." Ning Chengxuan was rarely joking.

Mu Chen smiled, "That's right, you're better off, you don't talk much, you only know how to eat."

Ning Chengxuan: ... Is this a compliment or a derogation?

Ning Chengxuan really didn't speak any more, just focused on eating.

Zhang Xiao also picked up food for him, "Cheng Xuan, you've lost weight recently, you're very busy, don't keep working overtime, you're still young, don't burn yourself out."

Mu Chen pushed the bowl in front of her, and said cheekily: "Honey, I've lost weight too, pick some food for me so I can make up."

"If you make up again, you will become a big fat man."

Zhang Xiao gave him a funny look, "As you get older, you should pay attention to your diet to avoid high blood pressure."

Mu Chen: "...I'm not very old, I'm only in my sixties."

Zhang Xiao said to Cheng Xuan: "Cheng Xuan, don't argue with your uncle, he is becoming more like a child the more he lives."

Ning Chengxuan said: "Old child, old child, the older you get, the more you look like a child."

Mu Chen: ...

Well, both aunt and nephew are calling him old in disguise.

If he continues to be so narrow-minded and act like a child, in Ning Chengxuan's eyes, he might become a centenarian, the older he is, the more he looks like a child.

"Auntie, is my sister in the shop?" Ning Chengxuan asked Zhang Xiao again after he had finished eating and drinking.

"Should be there in the afternoon."

"I'll go to Suiyue later to sit quietly." It's been a long time since I've been there, and it's rare to have a free day, so he goes to his sister's coffee shop to drink coffee and read a book leisurely.