McGonagall received Cynthia's first draft a week later.

When he got the thick manuscript, McGonagall also praised Cynthia's efficiency and diligence. Compared with the original script, this obviously added more than a billion details.

But when McGonagall made a pot of black tea for himself, sat leisurely in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, opened the heavy "Phantom of **", and read it carefully.

Cynthia sat opposite him, holding hot tea in both hands, carefully observing McGonagall's expression.

This was the first time that she had handed in a paper to the boss face to face. She was a little nervous, a little ashamed, and a little bit hopeful.

This is the work of her heart for a week, not only because of love, but mainly because McGonagall has given too much.

After a while, McGonagall slowly closed the book, staring at Cynthia with a weird expression for a while, took a sip of tea, put the cup down gently, and said helplessly: "You know if you change the place, write this How many years will it be sentenced for things?"

"Huh?" Cynthia looked puzzled.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, I said let you enrich the details, how can you just enrich it in that respect?" Others said: "When the lamp is off, the bed is swaying, the spring is full" is a plot that has been brought out in one stroke, and you have opened two things. 4D?" McGonagall held his forehead with his hand, feeling that he was about to split.

"Didn't you tell me to write something I'm good at..." Cynthia lowered her head, her cheeks flushed, but she still felt a little wronged.

"I'm talking about the details! The details!"

"Isn't it detailed enough?"

"Um..." McGonagall looked at Cynthia, speechless for a moment.

The two were relatively silent for a while, and McGonagall picked up the book silently, skipping the plots that are full of details and not suitable for children. The overall degree of completion is still very good. It has changed from an obscure script to a smooth reading. Popular fiction.

This girl is indeed a talent, but unfortunately it is not used in the right way.

"It must be changed." McGonagall put down the book again and looked at Cynthia.

Cynthia pursed her lips. When she writes a novel, what she fears most is that the editor says that she will revise it. Changing the text is more painful than writing.

"Where can I change it?"

Lord Golden Lord can't afford to offend, Cynthia can only ask.

"Modify the parts that are not suitable for children to a level that children can see." McGonagall said.

Cynthia blinked and said, "What about the specific criteria?"

McGonagall thought about it for a while and said, "Nothing is allowed to be described below the neck."

"A world with only a head?" Cynthia said in surprise.

McGonagall rolled his eyes: "It's not just the head, but don't describe it in detail."

"How can it be! The most important thing in the novel is the details. Without the details, it loses the sense of reality. I can't accept this kind of revision." Cynthia retorted.

McGonagall was surprised by Cynthia’s retort and pondered: "But we are a book aimed at a wider audience."

"Then let the children not look down on it. In this world, children are not only reading novels, and I am not writing children's books. Why should I go to them?

Is there something I don’t write in my book, can’t they see the pretty lady in short skirt and tube top when they walk on the street? The things they can't see uprightly, they will also hide in the bed and look at them secretly. Cynthia said with a serious expression, her tone firm.

McGonagall couldn’t help but smile when he looked at Cynthia, and nodded: “Okay, then don’t follow this standard, but you still have to cut out those plots. This is a serious novel that focuses on portraying men and women. The emotional development between the Lord and the plot of facing the enemy together is enough to support this story.

I hope that if this novel can be widely circulated, it is because the story itself is exciting enough, not because it is suitable for hiding under the covers. "


"If you insist on joining this story, unless you sign'Cynthia' at the back of this book." McGonagall said calmly.

Cynthia opened her mouth, and finally nodded obediently: "Okay."

She would never dare to sign the real name so ashamed.

And as McGonagall said, this is a very good story, even without those plots, it will not affect the excitement of this story in the slightest, and it will have a wider audience of readers.

"Take it back and modify it. You can keep that part of the content first. If this book becomes popular, it can be published as an adult version with Humanities." McGonagall pushed the book in front of Cynthia.

"Is this okay?" Cynthia's eyes lit up. She was still a pity that what she had written so hard was deleted, and McGonagall gave her another way out.

"The premise is that the original work can become popular first." McGonagall said with a smile, "So, after you go back, you can think about it and revise it."

"Okay, then I'll go back first." Cynthia put down the cup, picked up the book on the table and got up and left.

"Such a diligent author is really rare." McGonagall watched Cynthia's back disappear outside the door, and said to himself with a smile.

After drinking two cups of tea, McGonagall also got up and pushed his bicycle out.

In addition to going to Hope Academy to teach the children these days, McGonagall has also built a movie theater outside of the Warcraft Mountains outside the city.

To shoot a movie, the venue is naturally very important.

McGonagall went around the city of chaos, but did not find a suitable venue, and finally decided to spend money to build a venue.

The story of a Chinese Ghost Story was changed by him. The story no longer takes place in Lanruo Temple, but a cave in the mountains.

The protagonist is not a book collector who has nowhere to stay, but a chef who strayed into the cave in search of ingredients...

The cave was built on a cliff on the periphery of the Warcraft Mountains. It was transformed from a natural cave. It is probably: the mountain has a small mouth, as if there is light, it enters from the mouth. At the beginning, he was extremely narrow, talented and able to walk back dozens of steps, and he suddenly became clear.

McGonagall chose this place because the interior is a huge natural cave. A little modification, it is a beautiful scenic spot.

Moreover, the internal caves extend in all directions, enough to meet most of the fighting needs, and the need to build scenes is greatly reduced.

When McGonagall arrived at the scene, a group of elves were building a bamboo building. An underground river was slowly flowing around the house, and fish could be seen swimming happily in the clear water.

Above the cave are inlaid with many night pearls for lighting. Of course, this is not a real night pearl, but a lamp bead that imitates the night pearl. The lighting effect is much stronger than that of the night pearl. The key is that it is cheaper.

"Mr. McGonagall." The elves greeted McGonagall well.

"Thank you." McGonagall nodded with a smile. During this time, his works were contracted by the night elf construction team, and there were many acquaintances on the scene.

The elves work meticulously and earnestly, work efficiently, and have a very advanced aesthetic. Apart from being a bit more expensive, they are much easier to use than the dwarf construction team.